Mark of the destiny



The Little star International School     

"Like what you see, do you?" Though the broad smile on Suyin's face was the obvious answer, Wang Shi wanted to hear it from her.      

"Oh my, you really brought me here!" her gaze glued to the huge banner written in golden letters- '75th Annual Sports Day'. The thought of watching Honey participate in sports, and her cheering for him.... it was just too much to handle for her poor heart. "You know I do. I love it! You should have told me before, I would have brought healthy drinks, juice, snacks, chocolates, and a placard to cheer my fairy."     

Pressing his cheeks to the side of her temple, he chuckled, "Keeping in mind the security of kids, parents are not allowed to bring any food item. The authorities have prepared everything on the premises."     

"Oh! Then what are we waiting for, let's go."     

He pulled back, taking out two masks from his pocket, "First wear this."      

Without a question, Suyin accepted it. Their identity was not something that allows them to go anywhere without being recognized. Moreover, had some clicked them together, it will become the talk of the city.     

They are here just to cheer their kid, and create memories. But one thing she must say, the fact Wang Shi takes out time from his ever so busy schedule earned him a bonus point. He's the best!      

As expected from the country's best school, the arrangements were top-notch. They arranged energy bars, glucose, and water stations at every corner. Security personals were patrolling, and no parent was allowed to bring food items from outside as mentioned by Wang Shi earlier. There was a team of doctors with an ambulance on standby.     

Suyin took a closer look at the logo printed on the coats of the medical team, as expected it was from People's Hospital. So Wang Shi sponsored the medical expenses. Wait, she almost forgot. The school was now under People's group after the last incident with Honey.     

 Among the doctors, there was a known figure, the psychiatrist Dr. He Jeff. He was paying attention to every kid, often interacting with the parents who approached him with questions.     

That's thoughtful!     

"This is your seat, sir, mam. The march-past will begin shortly, enjoy." the volunteer helped Wang Shi to the seat according to the invite he had and left. It was a school where everyone was deemed equal, even the owner himself, so Wang Shi and Suyin's seat was nothing special but was arranged according to the grade in which their kid was studying.     

Honey was in grade two, so they were seated amongst the 'fellow' parents.      

However, the focal point of Suyin's attention was the name written on the white strip pasted on the chair. 'Mrs. Wang.'     

She was startled, feeling something stir within her. It was the first time she was attending an event like this, and that too as a..... as a.... parent? Wang Shi's wife? Little Fairy's mother? Don't know why, but she was really looking forward to cheering Honey as a parent. As a mother.     

"My love, take a seat," Wang Shi put a hand at the small of her back, steering her to take the seat. She complied, feeling shy. There was an edge to his voice that was new, a sense of seriousness.     

The parents sitting nearby heard him loud and clear, visibly sharing a glance.     

"So this year Mr. Wang is here with his wife. Hello, Mrs. Wang."     

"Yeah, finally got to meet Mrs. Wang. She must be a busy woman."     

"I'm very sorry for the old rumors, Mr and Mrs. Wang. I'm sure you won't take kids' words to heart, right?" a parent said. He referred to the time when Honey was slapped and called a wild child. In return, Wang Shi and Suyin turned the management upside down.      

Knowing Honey's personality, Suyin had inquired it from Yuyu and Lan once and according to them everyone had stopped calling Honey a wild child on the face but the whispers never stopped. Though honey had turned deaf to those hurtful words, she knew how hurt he feels from inside.     

It seems like the last incident was less impactful.      

"Yes," Suyin replied, putting her fierce attitude to action. "It was necessary for me to come before someone bully my baby again. Since kids represent their parents' words, what else could be better than a sports day to  shut some mouths? I had to show my face to the busybodies. Right?"     

Parents were rendered speechless. They understood the hidden meaning behind her words. Whatever kids speak or do- is the direct reflection of parents.     

"Mrs. Wang, you mistook my words--"     

"Please excuse me. My baby is the head boy of junior school and would be leading the four houses. I don't want to miss a single moment." saying she turned her attention to the outlined track. At the starting point, stood a little boy holding the school flag, ready to stamp across the baked earth with determination in his eyes.      

She looked for her phone, but Wang Shi was a step ahead, was already holding it up. He winked, whispering, 'That was awesome.'     

Soon the masses of kids in four different colors passed by, marching in sync with the beats of the drum. Leading them was the senior head boy and head girl with their team. Right after them was the junior group, lead by Honey in his pristine white uniform.     

The drum thumped....     

The senior head boy lowered his flag once when he came near the parent's arena and looked right. The team following him gave a salute.     

Honey lowered the flag and looked right, bringing his attention  where Wang Shi's seat was. It took just a second for him to recognize the woman sitting beside Wang Shi. She had her mask on, but he could tell she was smiling behind it. Her eyes were smiling too, after all.     

He stared at her in awe, feeling something stir inside him. She's here. Then his lips threatened to stretch wide. He dare not.     

"Shishi, did you see that?" Suyin squeezed Wang Shi's arm, disrupting the perfect video he was shooting. "I think he smiled looking at me. Let me check it," she snatched the phone and played the recording only to see it disrupted from the very scene she wanted to check. "What? How could you? Argh, thank God you are a doctor, and not any photographer."     

Wang Shi "...."     

"Whatever, tell me what race he's taking part in. I'll record it."     

Wang Shi pursed his lips, "None."     

Suyin's put the phone down, dejected, "Why? Is it because--"     

"Yeah, because of his underlying heart condition, he can't. I've asked the teachers to always put him out and just give him some tasks to keep him occupied. If you want to see him, you'll find him in the Eagle house's sitting area."     




In the Eagle house's sitting area, Suyin's steps grew wheels as soon as her gaze fell on the little human she was desperately looking for. It's been fourteen days she had kissed him, hugged him, bantered with him.      

Gosh, she was dying to do it.     

"Litt-- Opps.... Honey would kill me," She bit her tongue, "W-Wang Qiang," oh lord! The name sounds foreign to her tongue. Little fairy was so much better.     

Honey stopped a kid passing by, "Xiao, have you seen Andrea?"     

Xiao, "I saw her going towards the basketball court."      

Suyin paused, her brows arched, 'Ooooo.... Honey is asking about a girl. A girl! My ever so fierce fairy who hates woman and always maintains distance-- is asking about a girl? Why? Who is this Andrea?" with questions popping inside her brain, she followed Honey to the basketball court.     


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