Mark of the destiny



"Another sad day for Song Group. After two days of heavy search, Song Kun's charred and mutilated body found in a warehouse."     

"Family drama. Song Kun was kidnapped soon after they bailed him. Zhao Feiyan who had accused Zhao Suyin to be the mastermind now accused her of murdering her only son."     

"Zhao Suyin unreachable for comment. The molestation case against Song Kun filed by over fifteen women was under Secretary-General Zhao Suyin's care."     

"According to resources, Song Kun misbehaved with his own cousin in a club and was thus arrested."     

"Song Kun's seven months pregnant wife Ning Yue not in a condition to comment. Song Xianxi calls it a well-planned murder."     

"Murder mystery of Song Kun- Who killed him?"     

"Despite family accusations- netizens and ministry on Zhao Suyin's side."     


Three days passed by and the drama and mystery revolving around the Song family and Zhao Suyin become the talk of the town. Every news channel competed to cover the hot topic.      

However, away from all the media circus, a woman was cautiously following a black car. Taking the cover of the night, she was following the car for the last two hours. With her hawk-like eyes and unparalleled driving skills, the driver of the car ahead didn't even notice he was being followed.     

Beside her was sitting a man wearing khaki trousers, and white shirt neatly folded to the elbow. His sharp eyes squinted at the side mirror, locked on a heavy vehicle trying to catch up. They overloaded it with concrete blocks meant for building constructions. Every time the vehicle comes closer, the woman driver beside him speeds up a little and changed the lane.     

The charming smile hooked to the corner of her lips as she toyed with the vehicle, itched him to do something wicked.     

It was like a cat-and-mouse chase between the three vehicles where only the car in the middle was aware of everything while everyone was just blindly dancing on her tune.      

Suyin was carefully following a car with Song Kun in it. He was disguised as an old man, ready to leave the country as per Song Xianxi's plan. Dream on!     

No need to guess, the other vehicle following Suyin were people hired by Song Xianxi to kill her.     

"It's time. There's a tunnel ahead." Wang Shi said. Though he wanted to eliminate them personally, he restrained himself since Suyin had her own plans. Her deep planning marveled him. Even intrigued to do an in-depth study on her brain. Will she allow it? She should try hands in politics, surely she'd conquer it.      

The car they had been driving was a replica of Song Kun's. Including the number plate. So..... she had not only planned to expose the truth behind Song Kun's fake death but make him the scapegoat of Song Xianxi's plan.      


Since Song Xianxi loves planning accidents and dared dug a ditch for Suyin, let him have a taste of his own medicine.      

The day Song Kun was bailed out, Wang Shi's men followed him. It was Suyin's idea that in order to keep his son safe from the hungry predators aka creditors who'd anyway kill Song Kun even after getting the money as their names had been revealed, the best option for Song Xianxi was to feign Kun's death and then send him abroad under a new identity.     

"Buckle up, this car is going to fly...."      


The next second Wang Shi was literally forced to hold on to something for his dear life. Suyin's a monster in driving.     

In no time, her car flew past Song Kun's, vanishing into the tunnel. Taking advantage of the dimly lit tunnel, she changed lanes several times and drove all the way out away from the eyes of the assassin.      

Taking a right turn, she entered a shopping complex where Wang Shi's yellow car was parked for them.      

"Let's go," she disembarked, Wang Shi followed. But this time there's no way he'd let her drive.      

"I'll drive." his tone won't take no for an answer, and Suyin just let him be. It was showtime! She saw Wang Shi giving an order over Bluetooth tucked in his ear, "Be ready. I don't want any casualty," it confused her.     


"Fuck this bitch, she costs me so much time," the assassin cursed. For the last two days, his men had been strolling outside the luxurious society she lives at, monitoring every fuck*ing white car that passed through the gates. Who knew she had been communicating in a black car with tinted glasses all this while. They might have even missed her today had she not stopped at the gates and lowered the window to talk to the security.      

Least he knew it was all part of Suyin's plan. She had been waiting for Song Kun to come out of the shady hotel he had been staying at so she could start her plan in silence.     

What more, the worrywart Wang Shi was standing by her side all this while and they commuted by People group's helicopter. He even ensured Si Han, Zeng, and James's security.     

"There she is," The tires made a monotonous screech under the dimply lit tunnel and hit the black car from the back.      


Smoke emitted from the car ahead....     

The assassin gyrated the steering to the right, the heavy vehicle swerved out of control. The weight of the heavy construction material loaded on its back dis-balanced and it flipped over the black car.     




The noise of the metal crushing against the concrete floor was deafening.      

The accident happened at the end of the tunnel, blocking it completely. Wang Shi and Suyin saw everything from the camera and partially from the other side of the road.     

Wang Shi's fist curled on the steering wheel, knuckles turned white.... just the thought everything was planned for Suyin scared him. These people are horrible! A soft touch on his hand pulled him back to reality, he turned to see her once. She was there, sitting beside him. Unhurt.     

Unknowingly, he let out a breath and held her hand.     

"I'm fine."     

"You are." he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, looking around as his men did a tremendous job. A special team had been driving thirty SUV's around the assassin's vehicle and the black car to make sure no other car was pulled into the accident.      

She looked at the crushed black car, her eyes cold, "I'm not at fault. Had Song Xianxi not tried to kill me, none of this had happened. He himself killed his own son. He's the killer. I'm not. I just saved myself." more like she was trying to convince herself.      

Wang Shi's grip on her tightened, he rose her chin up to make her look into his eyes. "MY SUYIN IS NOT AT FAULT." It was on his face. In his voice. It was weighty, firm, and powerful that Suyin doesn't need any other affirmation. Her man still loves her despite witnessing this scheming side of hers. She rested her forehead on his arm, her frown softened feeling a soft touch on head.     


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