Mark of the destiny

Do not disturb us till then.

Do not disturb us till then.

"I'm fine.... tsk.... I'm FINE! Suyin, stop it!" Suyin looked over Si Han's body for any visible injuries. She knew how ruthless the old man was. "Are you sure you are not hurt anywhere? We can go to the hospital."     

"Worrywart," Si Han flicked Suyin's forehead. "Tell me what are you doing here."     

"You forgot the design book in my car....." when Suyin came back to return the design book, the staff told her everything. Though Si Han rejected to follow Li Sheng, knowing they might go after Suyin she anyway went to warn the old man.     

Si Han reached to run a finger over the frown lines formed on Suyin's forehead. "Everything's under control. This old skunk won't come after you anymore." but Suyin yanked her hand earning a sigh in response.     

"I'm angry." It was only after her divorce, that she and Si Han came to know the actual reason behind the old man's unfairness towards them. They overheard the conversation between Li Sheng and him, accusing Zhao Shu and Si Han.      

Apparently, the Patriarch had no interest to let Zhao Shu have the business after Zhao Hede, but instead of taking a legal action, he chose to get revenge by tying him to the business where he would be subject to constant humiliation by Zhao Feiyan and others. While at home, Si Han and kids used to face his coldness.     

However, when Si Han discussed it with her husband, the laters attitude screamed, 'I know about it already.'     

The hell!     

If he already knew why didn't he do something and instead remained silent? Why did he let his kids and wife suffer in misery?     

Not to forget, Zhao Shu had been supporting the old man financially to date. Why? He never explained his actions, yet the care he had been showing for years was unparalleled. Nevertheless, other than confusing the two women, it's not doing anything.     

"Pfft," Suyin's lips twitched when Si Han broke the tension with her chuckle. "It's your plan to keep the old man busy in the program while you even out your scores with Zhao Feiyan?"     

"First, the program won't be helpful, his lower body is dead. Second, you spoiled my plan by giving him a hint it's me."     

"Chill sweetie, it's only beneficial for us. He won't come after you anymore, least you get him out of the program." What Suyin failed to see was Si Han's subtle smile. Through one of the servants in the Song mansion, she came to know that Zhao Feiyan had promised the old man to talk to the doctors of the program on the condition of asking Suyin to withdraw charges against Song Kun.     

According to the informer, the old man didn't say a word of refusal or even think over, instead, he instantly ordered Li Sheng to bring him here.      

Si Han was sure the old man was trying to kill two birds. On one side he was getting the opportunity to get back to his enemies, while on the other Song Family will owe him a favor and he could be benefitted from it.      

Now, none of this would happen nor would he come after Suyin again.      

He wants to walk again after all!     


Suyin's office,     

"What's got you frowning, Daiyu?" Suyin asked as she walked into her office and saw the assistant deep in thought. She shrugged out of her jacket and went over to check what interesting stuff he was staring at the laptop screen.     




He jolted up, mumbling, "Y-Yes... I've sent the information to the concerned departments and the information you asked is mailed to you already. The interns are waiting in room 12A for the performance feedback, the files of which are on your desk. Is there anything?"     


"Whoa," Suyin sat on to the chair across from him. The moment was casual but her gaze was vigilant and watchful. "Then why is your face all scrunched up like that?" she checked her phone as a message from Wang Shi popped up, [You okay? Have heard you had an encounter with the old man Zhao today.]     

[Nothing to worry. I can handle him. Tell me howz your hangover?]     

[It's fine but how did you know?]     

[Sixth sense.]     


[I called you in the morning regarding Yuyu and Lan, your brother answered the call and told me.]     

[I'm going to whip his :peach: for snitching on me.]     

[I'm glad he didn't lie to me. Will treat him for this. By the way, why did you drink so much? Is there something bothering you?]     

The three dots on the phone's screen danced for a good one minute. Don't know what he was typing, deleting and typing.      

[No. I've something important to tell you. Meet me in the hospital at lunch.]     

She replied, [Jam packed schedule. How about at night?]     

[Done. I'll pick you. Booking restaurant for dinner.]     


[First, say I love you :red_heart:]     

[I love :honey_pot: Muahhh! Got to go, your assistant is sulking over something.]     

[Such a tease you are. I love weirdo :duck: ]     

Suyin "..." [:pouting_face:]     


"Ahem....." Daiyu asked for attention, huffed when Suyin put the phone aside. The subtle smile was still glued to her lips 'Duh, this must be the effect of those cheesy chats lovers do.'     

"Well..." he started, "I thought I was the best hacker one can ever work with.... of course, after President Xiu Mei.... But, for the first time, I'm feeling useless! Please, tell me who gave you the information of Song Kun's creditors, and about Song Xianxi's new venture where he is trying to cash twice on poor farmers? Both the information is impossible to get in such a short time. Especially the information on creditors, such information is recorded in books, not on computers."     

So basically he wanted to know who had been helping Suyin. Naah! He wanted to know which better hacker she found.     

She almost laughed at his pitiful face. "I've someone from the Song family helping me in secret,"     

"Who? Why would they help you?"     

"Because that the best option left," She answered, sauntered to her desk, grabbed the files, and left. Daiyu instantly took out the Song family chart, switched on his detective sherlock holmes mode to analyze who could be the mole.     


In an upscale restaurant,     

Wang Shi did not know how much time passed, but judging by the five cups of coffee the woman sitting opposite him had drunk, it surely was long. The relentless drumming of her french polished nails on the table matched with his thudding heartbeat. It was as scary as her gaze glued to the tab playing a video in a loop.     

Throughout the day she was busy and they didn't talk anymore. It was only when she got off work, he picked her from the office and brought her here.     

"Suyin, you okay?"     

"Can't be any better," She put the tab down, gestured a waiter with her eyes, "A private room please." His curiosity rose to know why Suyin asked for a private room. Is she that upset? It must be. After all her parents were wrongly blamed for the crime they never did and suffered at the hands of the Patriarch.     

As they stood, he wrapped his hand around her shoulder, guiding her towards him so that she could lean against his shoulder. Her expression softened, she really wanted to melt in his embrace but the prying eyes following them were getting in the way.     

It was an exhausting day, she had finally made her final attack at Song's. In the beauty of the night, while she was with Wang Shi, Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan must be battling with the storm send by Suyin.     

"Serve us the food when we call for it. Do not disturb us till then." The waiter bowed, closed the door after him. Wang Shi instantly hugged her from behind, lifted her up, and brought her to the couch.     


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