Mark of the destiny

What match you were for Zhao's?

What match you were for Zhao's?

"Disrespectful as always." Patriarch Zhao snorted, dismissing the tea house staff with a wave of a hand. His assistant thoughtfully stood behind him, his hand secretly resting on the dagger hidden inside sleeves.      

"Respect is earned, and you have done nothing worth to earn it." Si Han countered, noticing caretaker Li Sheng's subtle action of keeping his hand under the sleeve. As if she doesn't know! "I'm violent only when someone targets my kids. Remember it?" she hinted at something.     

Patriarch Zhao's mouth twitched. Of course he remembers.      

It was the day when Si Han broke her ties with the Zhao family. She left Suyin under the care of her parents and returned to the Zhao's home to fetch their passports. Not surprisingly, his useless youngest son, Zhao Shu, didn't stop his wife from taking the drastic step and just let her take whatever she wanted.     

Why would he? He was waiting for this day for don't know how long. Waiting to get his family free from the clutches of the old man ah!     

But if Si Han would have left, doesn't that mean Suyin would also leave with her? With Zeng already living away from the family, how would Patriarch Zhao be able to control his son and get his revenge?     

Not to forget, the money earned by Suyin and Zeng.     

With this thought in mind, he hid their passports and other documents. But who knew, Si Han would turn wild and threaten him using his own gun he kept hidden in the drawer. She even set the study on fire so that no one can stop her.     

That day, Patriarch Zhao saw the burning anger in Si Han's eyes that won't even hesitate from killing someone. It was as if she had vexed her soul to protect her daughter.      

Undoubtedly, had he dare to stop her that day, he wouldn't be sitting here alive.     

"Enough! I don't have time to waste on you. Ask your daughter to withdraw charges against Kun and not to target Feiyan." Patriarch bellowed out the order, Just by seeing Si Han his already horrible mood worsened.      

"As if you care about Kun or Feiyan." Si Han scoffed that further infuriated Patriarch, and he clenched his fists. "Do you think I don't know you are here to get back to us and show your non-existent authority over me and my daughter? Well..... dream on."      

Her voice became heavy, "The only person you ever cared about was your eldest son because according to you only he was the deserving one among your kids, capable to fulfill your mountain of ambitions while my husband was the most useless."     

"YES HE WAS, HE IS AND HE WILL FOREVER BE." Patriarch Zhao roared, swiping the tea set onto the floor, "Which idiot let go of the Oxford scholarship and go ahead to learn arts in France? And then his second mistake.... YOU. A measly middle-class woman who stitches clothes for others for a living? What match you were for Zhao's? Damn, even your kids inherited the same genes. None of them was as capable as my Hede who can shoulder my responsibilities."     

"Shoulder your responsibilities or get buried by your ambitions? The ambitions which you failed to achieve and passed onto your son."      

"SO WHAT? It was only right for him to fulfill my dreams. But before he could do that, you and your husband killed him. Killed him for the property and business."     

Si Han didn't blink or let her voice waver at the roaring of Patriarch Zhao. He had long lost all the respect in her eyes. "No one is as deaf as the man who doesn't want to listen or understand anything. You see, this is the reason my husband, my kids and I, despise you so much. Just for this one wrong belief, you ruined my family! You ruined my daughter's life! Maybe this is the God's whip that hit you, leaving you paralyzed waist down."      

Patriarch Zhao's face turned uglier than ever. Talking about his disability was the one thing he hated most. It was a stroke that left him paralyzed completely, but because of the advanced treatment over the years, he had regained movement in the upper half. Just the upper half! "You bloody bi--"     

"SHUT UP. I'm not here to listen to the nonsense of an old man who only sees what's on the surface. Tell Zhao Feiyan it's time for payback. Payback for everything. And.... if you don't want to attract my daughter's wrath, better keep out of it." Si Han turned to leave. But as if reminded something she looked over the shoulder, "Pardon me, I forgot to tell you that your treatment under the STImulation of Spine program will begin a week later in States."     

Patriarch Zhao's angry expression turned to shocking. It was the most promising program to improve recovery for paralyzed patients. They rejected his application thrice, but surprisingly two days before he received a call from the head doctor telling him he was successfully accepted under the program with all expenses paid.      

"What do you mean? Who told you about the program?" He asked. After multiple failed attempts, he had asked Song Xianxi and Zhao Feiyan to help him get into the program. But how did Si Han knew about it? What's with her tone?     

"Si Han, you cannot leave. Just answer me." He needed the answer. Desperately. "Sheng, stop her."     

Li Sheng had barely taken a step when the door was pushed open and there stood Suyin at the threshold. The way her grey eyes squinted, it reminded of a cobra's slit-like pupils. Dangerous. Her unmoving eyes were accompanied by clenched jaw, and veins protruding on neck, like she was fighting something back.     

"Trust me, you don't want to know what will happen if you take another step," Suyin growled in a voice that shocked the two men. She linked her fingers to Si Han's and turned away.     


Patriarch Zhao's words fell on deaf ears as Suyin and Si Han left, leaving him with unanswered questions.      


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