Mark of the destiny

Twenty four hours and you will come begging me again

Twenty four hours and you will come begging me again

Unedited. (I don't know what happened but my pro writing software was not working. I'll fix the mistakes later.)     

"Where is she?"     

"I-In your office." the receptionist hung her head low at Suyin's glare. She knew visitors are not allowed to sit in the office. Especially in Suyin's absence and that too without her permission. The waiting lounge was made for this, but she helpless, "It was Minister Yuan." it was best to tell the truth and save your ass first.     

Ignoring her, Suyin stomped her way into the office followed by her best intern Yun Mixi who had been helping Daiyu in managing Suyin's schedule and workload.      

"Surprise surprise," The haughty smile on Zhao Feiyan's face irked Suyin more. Her eyes swept to the pen stand at her table, itching to use it as a weapon and kill her there and then. "Sweet niece, how are you?"     

"Well... I haven't had my morning coffee and over that I saw your face yet no one had gotten hurt, so I'd say it's a pretty good start." She signaled Yun Mixi to get her a coffee and went to slung her jacket before taking her seat.      


Suyin held her palm up, interrupting Feiyan, and pressed the intercom. The call was connected to Minister Yuan.     

"Minister Yuan, please go through clause 5.2 of my contract I signed upon joining the ministry."      

"Suyin, it was the Legislator--"     

"You let a stranger sit in my office in my absence. Are you sure she is not of low morals and won't steal confidential information from my personal space? Will you take the guarantee?" Suyin's words were a tight slap across Zhao Feiyan's face.     

"What? I asked her to sit in the waiting lounge considering the legislator asked me to let her meet you. Disgusting. It's basic manners, but some people are beyond shameless." Minister Yuan wasn't aware that the call was on speaker and didn't hold back from showing his disappointment. "But Suyin, isn't she your aunt?"     

"My aunt is dead. Please make sure no one dares to get past my schedule next time." Suyin hung up after getting an affirmative reply and concentrated on the red-faced woman gnashing her teeth. "So.... what brings you here?"     

"Insolent as always! Aren't you ashamed for cursing your aunt? Is this all Si Han has taught you?" just as always. Zhao Feiyan wouldn't let go of a chance to Question Suyin's upbringing. This was one of the reasons Suyin never answered back to her aunt's bitter words. She didn't want her parents to be questioned for it.     

"Talking the one whose son is under arrest for outraging a woman's modesty. Is that what you have taught your son? Or perhaps, you couldn't teach him anything because you yourself don't know a thing about it."      

"SUYIN!" Feiyan banged her fist at the table, "Don't cross your limits. I'm not here to listen to your nonsense."     

"Then where do you generally go?..... come in." At the door knock, Suyin let Yun Mixi come with a cup of coffee. Just one cup. "Thank you. Today's lecture is in the conference room after fifteen minutes." It was a reminder to Zhao Feiyan she had only fifteen minutes to talk.     

Disbelief flashed in Zhao Feiyan's eyes. It was not only Suyin's appearance that shocked her but everything. How can the docile and ugly girl could turn into this? Where did she purchase her changed look and confidence from? Or is this her facade?      

Suyin took a sip of coffee, appreciating Yun Mixi for making it just how she prefers. "Thirteen minutes remaining, Mrs. Song."     

"Last time you dared to slap my son, and now you got him arrested." Feiyan started, "I'll get straight to the point. Stop whatever revenge you are planning against us, and get my son released now."     

"Revenge? Have you done something wrong against me?" Suyin leaned forward, making Feiyan uncomfortable. "Something.... you shouldn't have."     

A shiver run down through Feiyan's spine, making her wonder did Suyin knew something about her dead baby as well. She tried to decipher something from Suyin's face, but the woman in front was expressionless as a rock.      

She shrugged the thought off her mind. It's been five years! When nothing happened to date what more can happen ahead. There's no way Suyin would know about it. Never ever. She must be here to show off her position and trying to get back to them. Petty.     

"Of course, aren't you here to get revenge on us for cutting ties with you and your family. Look, we've nothing to do with any of you. It won't be good for you to mess with the Song family. Live and let live." Feiyan's shamelessness surprised Suyin.      

"Hm, are you from the same Song family which is on the verge of bankruptcy? Looks like you can't even afford a good lawyer for your son, that's why have come here begging me." Suyin mocked. "Why don't you use the same contact you used to reach me and get him out?"     


"Even better... why not let your useless son rot in jail and let him reflect on his actions. Maybe he would learn a thing or two which you failed to teach him. I'll appoint someone who would TEACH him LESSONS thoroughly."     

Threat! Feiyan narrowed her eyes, realizing it was an indirect threat to harm his son, his biggest weakness. This was not a facade, but Zhao Suyin has indeed changed. However, who does she think Zhao Feiyan was? She had crushed this ant once, and she could crush her again. Though Suyin's blatant words scared her, Zhao Feiyan had handled many such people in the business world. One more wouldn't make any difference.     

"Don't dare touch my son, I'm not a good person to mess with. I know this is your handiwork that Kun is in jail." Before coming here, Feiyan had tried to bail out her son, but no matter who she approached, no one helped her. Apparently, Song Kun had many charges against us, and Zhao Suyin was overlooking the case personally. Her efforts to find and bribe the woman who had filed the case failed too, her identity was only known to Suyin.     

"Ah! Please don't look at me like this. Your eyes still scare me." Suyin pretended and then giggled. She dialed Daiyu's number from her mobile and put it on speaker, "Here's a little surprise for you."     





"AHH! DON'T HIT ME.... NO PLEASE... Stop... don't....I'm sorry. Let me go. I'll apologize.... Ahh! Mom!"     

"KUN!" Zhao Feiyan tried to snatch Suyin's phone but the latter dodged it and brought it near her mouth.     

"Harder. Break all the bones." Suyin ordered and hung up.      

"SUYIN... I WILL KILL YOU...."     

"You can't. You can't do anything. Forget about getting your son out of jail, I'll make sure you won't ever see him again. He's your weakness, right? Now I'll use the same weakness to make you kneel."     

"Bitch! I'm your aunt, he's your elder brother, yet you--"     

"Are you a fool Zhao Feiyan? Just a second ago you've said you've nothing to do with me and my family. And now all of a sudden establishing relations at your convenience. Hypocrite much!" Suyin scoffed, the expression on Feiyan's face turned uglier. "You came her acting haughty and superior to beg for your son, and expected me to follow you just like before? Who do you think you are?"     

Years back, Suyin was in dire need of money for her son's treatment, yet Zhao Feiyan turned a blind eye and didn't even let go of the money that Zhao Zeng used to send them to contribute for daily expenses. Suyin had seen him giving it to Song Kun whenever he had asked for it.     

To worse, she didn't even hesitate to join hands to kill Suyin's baby! For what? For a measly amount of five million?      

.... and here she's begging for her own son....     

"Just you wait, I'll get my son out of jail.... though Song family lost its glory, we still have connections. I'll make you regret everything."     

"I bet it will be YOU who would keep him inside the jail."     

"What did you say?"     

"You will willingly keep him inside the jail, IDIOT."     

Feiyan laughed, "Idiot me or you? I'm his mother, why would I do it? Twenty four hours..... and he will be out."     

"Twenty four hours and you will come begging me again..... and yes, you are an IDIOT." Suyin continued, an evil glint flashed in her eyes, "I'm not the old docile Suyin you can order around. Nothing is constant in this wicked world, not even time. And my time has changed.... It's time for payback. Payback with interest."     

Zhao Feiyan frowned, trying to understand the payback she was talking about. Is this just the old family feud or something else? What made Suyin target them after five years? What changed?     

"What payback you want?"     

"Everything." Suyin shrugged, "Return me everything you took from me with an added interest of thousand percent. E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G... Including life." not like Suyin doesn't wasn't to confront Feiyan directly, she has some other plans for it.     

"Rubbish!" Zhao Feiyan rose from her chair, and grabbed her bag, "This is not over Suyin! You shouldn't have targeted Kun!" she turned away with an ugly scowl plastered, striding to get out as quickly as possible. Just then she bumped into someone, letting out a curse as the contents of her handbag splattered.     

Two men joined hands to put the content back into the proud woman's bag who was standing impatiently, tapping her heels, cursing.     

After she left, Daiyu came into Suyin's office....     

"Is it done?" she asked and grinned when Daiyu dusted his collar proudly.      


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