Mark of the destiny



Fei Hong shuffled to the corner of the room, giving them the satisfaction as if they have cornered a mouse. "So it's you who sent your men after me." though she already knew, she wanted the confirmation from their mouth to which they shamelessly affirmed.     

"Isn't it obvious, stupid woman?" The third man with brown noodle-like hair closed a step in, "Tell me, what's the need to fight in court for the crime we haven't done? Accompanying a man in the hotel, dressing up like this- Aren't a lowly woman like you approach rich for--" he licked his lips, darting his eyes at her white legs, itching to rip her shorts blocking his vision.     

"So my clothes, me being independent, agreeing to dine alone with a man in a hotel, be outspoken, frank, smile and ME being 'Me'- everything gives you the right to make assumptions and take me as your private property?"     

She crossed her arms but dropped when the man's vicious eyes darted at her plump bosoms. "So basically a woman has no right to do anything or even follow her natural human behavior because it will declare her as 'that type' of a woman in the eyes of scum bags like you!"     

"Shut up. These heavy words are only good enough to read in newspapers or on International Women's day. The reality remains the same that women like you only deserve to be there-" Tong Po pointed at the bed.     

Just as he took a step closer, Fei Hong yanked the table lamp out of the socket and hold it above the head, creating her own weapon. "This time you won't just end up with an ugly scar on the head but something worse. THREE OF YOU! BACK OFF!"     

Tong Po runs his hand at the scar, looking as evil as he was, "I will play with her first, and then you can go ahead with whatever left of her."      

"Of course! First you brother!" The noodle man fished the phone out of his pocket, positioning it up, "Don't worry cupcake, we will take beautiful close-ups to nullify your claim and show to the world what type of woman you are."     

Neo Huo, "You shouldn't have messed with me, Hong. Now bear with it."     

They moved closer....     

"Dare you." she snarled, angered how low their thinking was. She swung the lamp at Neo Huo, watching as Tong Po threw his coat somewhere in the room.      

A burst of cruel laughter echoed, surprising them. "This is your doom bastards. Remember my name forever, FEI HONG! FEI HONG!"     

In a flash she threw the lamp at Tong Po and brought her knee up to Neo Huo's groin, hitting him hard. With an ear-piercing shrill, eyes protruding out, he clutched the organ and collapsed onto the floor.      

"B-Bl..odd..yy...!" Neo Huo's world spun in front of his eyes. His precious jewel!     

"Wild thing! Just you wait." the noodle man charged at her.     



The sound of two back-to-back punches echoed, sending Fei Hong to crash into the wall behind. Something wet trickle down her lips, down to the throat.     

Feeling dizzy, she covered her bleeding nose and gasped for air as excruciating pain made her senses numb. The man had punched right at the nose and lips. Cruel!     

Assuming she won't be able to get up, he charged at her again. That proved to be his biggest mistake for he received an electric shock, falling hard on his back. His body convulsed with the aftereffects, shaking violently.     

"Fuck!" Tong Po saw the two men rolling on the ground, the woman displaying a device proudly. A Taser gun!      

"COME! COME, YOU BASTARDS! I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT FEI HONG IS." She snarled at the top of her voice, wiped the blood with her sleeves, and stomped her spiky shoes on the noodle man's groin lying near her feet.     

She did not stop there. She kneaded it!      

He screamed, calling for his mother as the blood flew out.      

"You shouldn't have messed with me, bastard. NO MEANS NO!"     

A momentary distraction gave Tong Po the chance to kick at her wrist, sending the device under the bed. "Bitch, just die."     

She squeezed her eyes shut, the next kick came directly for her stomach and she let out a cry of pain. Things didn't stop here. Curled on the floor, she braced herself for another hit and another.      

Clenching her broken skin, she tried to reach out for something in the pocket when the man grabbed her hair and forced her on her feet. He dragged her body forcefully towards the wall and let go. Once again she let out a cry of pain and fall down.      

Everything hurts!     

The burning pain was too much for her to endure but the more he was doing the more he was courting death.      

"Bitch, after ruining your body I will burn this beautiful of yours and sell you in the black market." he kicked her with his pointy leather shoes, chuckling at her pathetic sight. Before the next hit could land on her chest, she seized the chance and grabbed his ankle. Using the last ounce of energy, she yanked it and made him lose balance.     


She bit her tongue to handle the searing the pain, squeezed the open cut on her stomach to stop the bleeding, and sprayed something. Targeting his eyes. She pressed the nozzle hard, harder..... "If you want to something, do it. Don't stand there talking about it."     

Seeing the other two men moving, she didn't shy away from using it on them as well. The last incident had taught her some lessons, and she now carries these things. Pepper spray. Taser gun.     

By heaven's grace, she was able to teach them a lesson they will remember their lives.      

BAM! BAM! BAM!     

The momentary happiness flew out of the window when someone tried to break the door. She knew it must be their men.      

The entire nation had seen everything live, these men must be here to save their bosses.      

Her feet wobbled. The blood-loss and weakness took over her body.     

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