Mark of the destiny

Then continue the lullaby for our baby.

Then continue the lullaby for our baby.

No matter what efforts Wang Shi made, but he failed to stabilize Honey's condition. He didn't wanted to use heavy dose of medicines on his frail body, preferring to use light dose and natural ways of coaxing him to make him feel secure. Calm. Warm.     

He glanced at his watch, it's had been thirty minutes but Suyin was nowhere in sight.      

Dr. He Jeff pulled Wang Shi to the side, "Where's Suyin?"     

"She told me to come here in five minutes but it's been over thirty. Don't where she got stuck." he noticed his mother glancing at her phone frequently. A suspicion crossed his mind, and he whispered something to Miya.      

However, before Miya could leave the room, she saw Suyin strode in. Her appearance was disheveled- Wet and uncombed hair, mismatched clothes, dry skin, and chapped lips.      

She was everything but an elegant lady that should appear in front of the President of the nation and his wife.      

Who cares!     

Wang Shi crossed the distance and held her hand, "What took you so long?"     

Liu Jeilan frowned, "By barging in you breached the security. Do you know the consequences?"      


Keeping her gaze glued to Honey, Suyin squeezed Wang Shi's hand. "With due respect Madam president, I'm willing to accept whatever punishment. However, at this moment--" she strode to the bed, "--even the almighty can't make me leave the room."     

Before Liu Jeilan could retort, Wang Huang gestured her to hold back. They were in an unfavorable situation, and anything against Suyin would push Wang Shi further away from them. Not to forget, he gave a warning gaze to his mother.     

"Fairy," she rubbed Honey's chest, taking in the complex numbers running on the monitor. He was still burning with fever. Sweating. Twitching. "Wang Shi," she turned, but he was standing right behind her.      

"He's traumatized by something and was found by his cousin. Mei is looking at the CCTV footage to check what pushed him to this extent," he explained. Unexpectedly, she took off the stethoscope hung around his neck and used it to examine Honey.     

Liu Jeilan fumed at Suyin's audacity but kept her temper in control looking at his sick grandson and stubborn son.     

"What does his EKG says?"      

"Slightly elevated ST segments in the anterior and lateral leads."     

"His cardiac history?"     


"His cardiac history?" she repeated.     


Suyin undid the buttons of Honey's shirt, her hands freeze seeing something. Wang Shi walked to the other side and traced his fingers at the long scar running on Honey's chest. "Congenital Heart defect. He was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome."      

After a moment of silence, Suyin slightly nodded and continued to examine Honey. By now she had already guessed why Honey was this week, and what caused the death of Wang Shi's daughter.     

Don't know why, but for some reason she felt closer to Wang Shi. Maybe because they share the same pain of losing a child.     

He waited for her to ask more questions, but instead she remained calm and tried to analyze Honey's condition.      

As if she understood something and asked Feng Jianyu, "Where are Yuyu and Lan? Are they safe?" according to her understanding, the only people that affect Honey were his dear sisters and father.      

"They are."     

"Then it's about you Wang Shi!" she concluded. "Take off your shirt and embrace him. I'm sure it will help."     

Wang Shi had already tried coaxing him, but all in vain. Maybe this could really help. Kids love skin to skin touch, and it helps them in healing.      

He took off his shirt and then reached under the blanket. Gently he embraced Honey's feverish body and coaxed him. To his happiness, Suyin brought her hand under the blanket and placed it on Honey, singing the lullaby she sang last time.     

Come stop your crying, it will be alright.     

Just take my hand, hold it tight.     

I will protect you from all around you     

I will be here don't you cry...     

As if his embrace combined by her touch and voice had some magic as Honey hummed in content, hugging Wang Shi back, and grabbing Suyin's finger in his small fist.     

Suyin had a tear of happiness. She smiled.     

"What happened?" Wang Shi asked.     

"He held my finger!"     

Wang Shi lifted the blanket, a content smile came on his lips too. "Then continue the lullaby for our baby."     

Everyone saw Honey embracing his father, simultaneously clenching Suyin's finger. It left them speechless. Since when did Honey start hugging someone in sleep? What more, since when did he let another woman come close to Wang Shi and him? Why?     

All this while Suyin took care of Honey, dismissing every other doctor and nurse present in the room. There's no way she would let another doctor treat her baby and repeat the mistake. It would only be her or Wang Shi!     

In between, Wang Shi stood up, adjusted Honey in his arms, and stroll around the room while Suyin wrapped the father-son with a blanket.      

At first, she didn't understand the reason behind it, but later understood the man's intentions behind it.      

He did it for her!     

No one understands Suyin better than Wang Shi. If she were to choose between him and Honey, no need to guess what her choice would be.     

She would rush to Honey. Kiss him. Embrace him. Love him..... and do everything which she always does.     

..... and right now, she's craving to do the same.     

He let her hold Honey, saying his arms were hurting, and he needs to examine him.     

She mouthed, 'Thank you!'     

"Fairy, I'm here." what followed was kisses, hugs, and soft whispers. Honey curled up in Suyin's embrace, relaxing more than ever.      

Wang Shi was used to seeing them sleeping curled up against each other. But to everyone....     


Don't know how many times will they be shocked today!?     

On the other side, Jianyu took a seat beside his wife when she beckoned him to check the laptop. They shared a silent glance with Wang Shi.     

They were right!     

It's her!     

Feng Jianyu excused himself and returned after an hour. He nodded once at Wang Shi before calling at home to enquire about Yuyu and Lan. Thankfully they were sleeping, not aware of Honey's fever. Otherwise, there would have been three sick kids in the room.     

Though Suyin's arms started hurting, neither she wanted to put Honey down nor she was willing to give him to Wang Shi.     

"Give him to me." Liu Jeilan said in a stern voice, snatching sleeping Honey from Suyin. She does not believe everything was happening because of an invisible connection, love, warmth, or whatever.... It's just that a woman's body is different, comfortable to kids.      

Even she can do this for his grandson!     

As she hugged Honey, as if he sensed something, and stirred in his sleep. The health band tied around his wrist flashed a red light. The monitor beeped.     


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