Mark of the destiny

The locket matched!

The locket matched!

"How on Earth Evan is involved in this?" with hopeful eyes of a child James squeezed Evan's shoulder, "Tell them, you didn't do this. You have nothing to do with this man's death. Even if no one believe, I will believe you."      

Seeing tears rolling down James' eyes, Evan's bottom lips quivered. He growled, wanting to reach out to wipe his tears, but the guards cuffed his hands.     

"WHERE ARE YOU TAKING HIM? STOP IT," James yanked the cuffs. "It's a misunderstanding. Don't do this, Susu. My Evan--"     

"He's not Evan!" James' grip on the cuffs loosened, everything inside him went still, "The real Evan Ricci died over a year back." At Wang Shi's order, Lu Xion's team in France got the Ricci family's properties and home checked. They stumbled into a bone-chilling scene. A horror show.     

At the ancestral home's basement were lying seven skeletons, scattered around in a most inhuman way. Butchered.      

Two women and five men.      

It was the entire Ricci family, including the real Evan Ricci.     

"They were all murdered, Jamie. Isn't it the same time when Evan came into your life?" Suyin helped Wang Shi to stand up and supported him on her shoulder. "Get me a wheelchair. Ge, call Dr. Colton ASAP, the number is in my phone."      

She paused in her steps and looked between Evan and James, "I don't know with what purpose he entered our lives, but whatever it is, he's up to no good. I'll explain to you everything later, but first Shishi needs to get this bullet out of his shoulder."     

Behind her, James took a shaky step away from Evan, looking as the guards take him away. For some reason, he couldn't avert his eyes from Evan's face, searching if he could really kill someone. It made him sick to think of Evan as someone who used him as a means to fulfill a personal goal.      

All sound lost to the faint voices, reminiscing of the time they had spent together-- and none of them say Evan can betray him.     


Frantic. Anxious. Worried. Helpless. James wanted the answers like NOW. Every passing second was a nightmare for him. He ran to where Suyin was waiting for Wang Shi's surgery to get over.      

"GET OUT, EVERYONE." He snarled, "I want to talk to you. Don't you dare brush me off with excuses. I don't care about your boyfriend when mine is airlifted just now. I want the answers, dammit."     

Zeng, "Can't you-"     

"Leave us alone," Suyin said. She just sat there in the waiting room, staring at the floor, her shoulders slumped as if something's bothering her. Zeng wanted to go up to her when he felt a press at his shoulder and looked up; Si Han shook her head.     

Si Han, "Don't interfere between them. Come out with me."     

Suyin looked up at a screeching sound of a pull of a chair and James seated himself facing her, ready to interrogate. She looked down at his shaking hands and reached out.     

"DON'T, I WANT ANSWERS." James crossed his hand on his chest, "Last time also you almost created a misunderstanding between us by saying you saw him in the street but it turned out Evan was here to surprise me."     

"He lied." she said, "He never left the country all this while." she phone dialed her mother and asked her to send her IPad in. It was with Zeng. In no time Si Han came in to give Suyin's IPad. "listen to this...."      

[Oh! So you are here?]     


[You better die]     

The audio ended up with painful grunts, and screams of Gilbert, followed by a gunshot.      

James recognized the owners of the voice. He looked up at Suyin in question. But instead of answering, she next opened a video of a masked man jumping off a wall, zooming on a locket.     

"Can you recognize it?" She asked, and James' expression was the answer to her question.     

It was because of the locket that Suyin doubted Evan at first. The familiarity of the locket was too striking for her to overlook it. She just couldn't stop herself from thinking about it; it was as if everything was in her brain, she just couldn't grab it.     

It was then when things clicked suddenly. She had seen it on Evan.      

Once she had bumped into James and Evan almost making out on the couch. That day when Evan bolted up and buttoned his shirt in haste, she noticed the locket. The locket's intricate design of a serpent wrapped around the letter A was too eye-catching for Suyin to ignore.     

To confirm, she instantly checked her photo gallery. Once James had sent his and Evan's picture sleeping on the bed while James was stealing a kiss from him in the morning.     

The locket matched!     

After that, it was easy for Suyin to collect further information on Evan as Wang Shi had Xion and Xiu Mei to help him.     

Xiu Mei checked Evan's passport; not so surprisingly, he never left the country for France.      

Despite this evidence, she gave a benefit of doubt to Evan for James' sake and planned to use Gilbert as a bait to lure the masked man out to see if he was Evan or someone else. But plans rarely go as planned.     

Because of the sudden accusation of Xeumo's death, they changed their plan and decided to use Xeumo to trap both Gilbert and his acquaintance.     

"Xeumo was already dead when Assistant Long found her, but we showed it as if she's alive." The chances of the plan's failure were high as being a doctor Gilbert must have had confirmed Xeumo's death before placing her in Assistant Long's car. However, when Wang Shi decided to step up, she was certain no one will ever doubt her claim.     

And that's what happened.     

"We didn't find any markings on Xeumo's arm or anything. It was a trap and Zeng helped us; remember he was the one coordinating with Shishi?" James looked at her shocked, understanding the reason behind Zeng's weird behavior. He was just nervous, that it. "My first hope in Evan crushed when he contacted me and asked me to let him in."     

For James's sake, Suyin held on to the last hope and gave Evan another chance. Yet, Evan lost that chance as well....     

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