Mark of the destiny

Over confidence sinks the ship.

Over confidence sinks the ship.

"Can't believe it'd be so easy to fool you." He snatched Suyin's backpack and turned it upside down, "Let's see what you carry in there. I was always curious about it--Ahh," His eyes shone at the sight of her card, "--this! Now my entire army can get more weapons."     

"Traitor. You work for them," Suyin said. Her eyes scanning the number of people surrounding her. Twenty. One of them raised a recorder over head and winked at her. So the voices from earlier were coming from it.     

"Work?" Reis laughed, and the other joined him as if Suyin had cracked a joke. "You--you think I work for them? Hahaha.... Alex, she thinks I'm one of your underlings and you are the leader. WHICH I AM NOT," Suyin staggered back when Reis leaned to her face suddenly. His eyes protruding out. "I AM BLASKA. THEIR LEADER. THIS IS MY ARMY."     

Reis waved his hand. A man came and tied Suyin's hand behind her. "The attack on Revon's family and at me in the hotel--"     

"Yes, all planned by me. I did everything." Reis didn't let her complete, " Do you have any idea how many efforts I had put to lurk Marina and her son out of the safety of their camps? But before my men could get them, don't know from where you and that rascal Luo popped up. To worse, you even saved the child." he poked the pointed end of rifle at Suyin's shoulder knowing she had an old injury there.     

She grunted. Cold sweat trickled down her forehead.     

"I felt the same fear when Revon threatened me. Bastard." Reis spat, "It was the perfect plan to bring Revon to his knees, and get control of Sandrios Brigade and the capital city under him. A step closer to the master's dream--"     

"Master? You mean the one who is pulling the string from behind, and puppets like you are dancing at his beat. AHH--" her face whipped to the left, cheek stinging. She spat a mouthful of blood.      

"No one says anything about him."     

"Why not? You master is killing thousands of people for his selfish gain. What for? For power? Money? He might get everything in the end, but minions like you will be dead. And soon I will kill that bastard as well."     

Reis laughed, "You will kill master? Silly woman, have you ever seen him? Forgot about seen, do you even know his name--"     

"A.L.P.H.A." Suyin enunciated word by word, amused seeing shock register on Reis' face. She threw that name to him just to check, but his expression gave way.      

He grabbed her neck, squeezing, "How?"     

She choked, "I-- I know everything. More than you know."      

"Impossible. No one can ever get to him,"     

"But you can. And you will take me to him." it was just a momentary pause for Reis to understand the meaning behind her words, her smile, and the confidence she's emitting.      

He let out a loud snort of laughter that looks like a forced one. "Confidence, huh? Standing in front of death yet your attitude didn't change. Don't you want to know what I am about to do with you?"     

"You will not kill me. That I'm sure." she said, "And you have no idea what will become of you if your---master-- came to know of that. Anyhow, Other than my money you are only interested in the power and influence in my hands. Am I right, or am I right? You want to know how I am going to bring the international help, and use it negatively to achieve personal goals."     

With every word, Reis smug vanished.      

"Well, let me enlighten you than- money I don't have left anymore. And the power, I already exercised."     

Her words were more like a puzzle to Reis. He had been following her all this while, but it looks like she had done many things behind him. And she definitely knows Alpha more than him. A feeling to premonition started to grow within him.     

"But before that, why not worry about the danger already at your door--"     

"BOSS, BOSS," Someone yelled.     

"Bring her along," Reis ordered, and the men dragged her roughly. Suyin realised their was a surveillance room here, showing everything happening outside the cave.      

The tables have turned. A new army of over twenty thousand people have joined Revon's army, killing Reis's like ants. "If this was the trap for me, I set one for the traitor as well." She had discussed the possibility of a traitor with Revon, and he had the same thoughts.     

During the attack at Revon's wife and son, someone had lured them out of the safety of the camp in the name of Revon being in danger. Marina left in a haste with some men to the dockyard to save her husband who had left for some emergency work. Alone.     

Shockingly even his phone was tampered, and Marina couldn't contact him. Suyin was there when Marina tried in vain to contact her husband but failed.     

It was Revon who got to know about Marina leaving for the dockyard in search of him. He understood it was a trap.     

"I bought all the slaves from Captain Voodoo. Revon promised them freedom if they help us in our mission." She smiled, irking Reis, "Over confidence sinks the ship. We had kept them at bay to use only when the traitor plays his move. Which you did and revealed yourself." with her eyes she pointed at the small button on her collar, "Everyone saw you, Reis--"     


Something hit Suyin, and she fell down.     




Reis glanced at unconsciousness Suyin, teeth grounding in anger. His entire army was erased, and many surrendered to Sandrios Brigade. His years of hard work disappeared over night. Just like that.      

To worse, he can't even go to Alpha, for sure he'd be killed. Nor could he fall into Revon's hands. God knows how he'd be tortured by him.     

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