Mark of the destiny

Unconditional Support

Unconditional Support


"You suspect Blaska Bolts are funded by the trafficker boss?"     

"I do. Until a few years back no one even knew them. Suddenly they gained hi-tech weapons, man power and other resources. Besides brokers are the most active in the areas occupied by them and they are continuously expanding."     

"What about your military?"     

"Disorganised. Tamis was a military officer who ended the reign of our last king Ilias and took over the country's power in his hand 40 years back. He feared army will do the same and might try to overthrow him. So he started depriving army of funds, resources and stopped training new officers, replacing it with committees , militias and his very famous shadow guards~ all commanded by his sons and members of family, Their main purpose- kill the revolts." Over time regular army withered away to the present state.      

"Tamis' reign got over fifteen years back." she stated.     

"But he left the country handicapped." Reis spoke up, "Amidst this chaos, it's difficult to maintain peace already. Not to forget we need a stable government and military both."     

"Aren't their two parties already ready to form a government?"     

Revon scoffed, "And they both are busy fighting against each other. Who cares about the nation? Unless powerful nations and international organisations interfere, we don't see a bright future. But that's just a pipe dream. No nation wants to interfere."     

"You are a leader. Why don't you stand for your people and form a government? I'm sure they will support you."      

Silence followed after Suyin's sharp comment. Don't know what the reason was, but she noticed Revon's fist clenched up, his body tensed. Reis on the side pursed his lips.     

Suyin didn't say anything after that. She plugged the pen-drive she had been carrying all this while. Everyone just watched as she looked for information about some individuals.      

Sigh. Her fear come true. Those people Wu Sean claim that disappeared from People's NGO were really from El Sandrios. Including the ones in the pendrive she got from Gilbert. If the news broke out it would become an international issue and Wangs would end up in a big trouble. And so as Honey wold be affected.     

The only solution she can see was to get an evidence and drag this trafficker out of its bill.     

"I can help you achieve this pipe dream. You need help, I know how to get that." Her eyes shone. She's smart, intelligent, and had contacts. Most importantly, she's a fighter. But every fighter needs an army to fight along. She will fight for them, but they have to become her sword.     

Silence followed. Reis and Revon started at the bald man wearing geeky glasses, claiming to get the impossible for their country. Even Luo was skeptical. He knew her real identity of Zhao Suyin, but getting international help was not a child's play.     

"What do you want in return?" To her surprise Revon spoke up. He was willing to change this chance as there was nothing to loose for him.      

"Support." She looked between Revon, Reis, and Luo, "Unconditional support." They stared at her, "But first, how about I get you resources, and weapons just like Blaska bolts?"     

Reis leaned forward, "At the east cost we have a trader who trades in hi-tech weapons from around the world. Anti guided missiles to destroy enemy vehicles, javelin ATGM's, night vision glasses, armoured vehicles-- you say it, and they will arrange it for you. We can invade in Blaska Bolts camps and get more information."     

Luo squeezed her elbow, "It comes at a price."     

Suyin smiled, "Don't worry about that." she had bring along all the money Zz has ever earned, combined with the wealth she got from her Zhao Feiyan, Song Xianxi, Qi Wren, Hui, and Tang family's business.     



Xiu Mei's computer sounded. It was the sound everyone were waiting to hear for only God knows centuries.      

Everyone dropped whatever they were doing and gathered around Xiu Mei working on her laptop. Since the last few days Wang Shi's office had become a primary home and office for everyone. None of them left Wang Shi's side and continued making efforts to get any information about Suyin.     

Wang Shi, "Where is she?"     

"Tracking. Tracking." Xiu Mei's fingers ran over the keyboard at a lightening speed. Everyone held their breath afraid it might break Xiu Mei's concentration. "She-- she is in El San--drios. El Sandrios?" almost robotically every head turned towards Wang Shi.     

Honey failed to notice the shocked expressions and already celebrated, "Let's go there and bring her back. Where is this El Sandrios? How many hours will it take?"      


Honey shook Wang Shi's hand, "Dad? Answer me. Can we leave now?"     

Wang Shi turned but too slow to be normal. When he spoke, his words unwilling to take flight, "We will leave soon. Can you see what Yuyu and Lan are doing. I have something important to talk to everyone."     

"Okay. But make arrangements for today itself. We will leave by tonight. I will call home and Butler to pack my clothes."     


Junjie immediately closed the door after Honey left. "Big brother, how can you go there? It's a war torn zone. And you are no ordinary person; it will not only require Uncle Huang's permission but of the officials of El Sandrios."     

Xiu Mei, "And there's no way they will let Honey come with you. Even I don't prefer that."     

Wang Shi shared a glance with Jianyu, "Make preparations. Ask X, we need him again. Permission, no permission, no one can stop me from going there." He picked his coat.     

"Where are you going?" Xiu Mei asked.     

"I know who can help us in this. But for that I have to make a deal with him."     


Junjie scratched his head, "Who? And what deal is Brother Shishi talking about?"      

Jianyu, "There's only one person in this world who even controls the President."     

"Y-you mean-- Patriarch Wang? This means Brother Shishi--"     

"Shishi is going to accept the old man's offer of taking over as the next head of the family in exchange."     

"OMG. Brother Shishi as the next Patriarch!"     


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