Mark of the destiny

Just how is she related to Alpha?

Just how is she related to Alpha?


A blood-curdling scream echoed in the air, going far beyond the metal walls of the shipping container. "STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!"     

Suyin remained seated on the wooden chair, embracing Honey in her arms as she lulled him to sleep by giving soft and gentle pats on back. Her expression remained soft as she marvelled Honey's fairy like features, occasionally kissing his soft cheeks.      

It was a scary scene to watch. On one side a man was being brutally tortured to death~ sound of bones crushing was heard, blood and watery liquid oozed out from the wounds rubbed with salt; while on the other the woman had not even flinched or raised her eyes up as if she had turned deaf to the heart-wrenching screams. All she did was keep her eyes on the little boy in arms.     

She was the living epitome of two different sides of a woman. Love and destruction. She can be both~ a mother, and a destroyer.      

It even made Wang Shi uncomfortable. He had seen Xion and Colton torture their victims, but for Suyin it was surely the first time. Yet she was numb to everything. It was the moment Wang Shi realised how much damaged Suyin's emotional state was.      

No doubt everyone in the camp maintained distance from her, and only speak to Luo or Revon to inquire about her. They all know what Suyin was doing for them and they were grateful for that, yet none of them dare to approach her.      

Her true self, her very part of the nature- her compassion was dead! And he was to blame for that. It was only because of Honey that her motherly love was still there.      

But her true healing would take time, patience and lots of love. There's no magic pill to heal her pain overnight. Wang Shi promised himself to not give up until his last breath. He won't let Suyin be in this state forever.     

"Please... please... stop it. Ask them to stop it, Zeke," Reis puked a mouthful of blood, his haughty expression a moment before no more existent.      

"I had told you before, but you didn't listen to me." Finally Suyin looked up, her grey eyes resembling of a devil's. "The conditions are same. I won't repeat."     

Revon looked at the man with a birds's nest hair bringing a strange looking weapon which was burning red hot.      

Colton noticed Revon's curious eyes, "Want to know what it is? It's a medieval item found in an excavation in Europe, called as lead sprinkler. As the name suggests, you can guess what the sprinkler is filled with."     

Revon looked at Reis, "Molten Lead?"     

"No. That would be boring. It's something deadlier. My own invention."     

Reis screamed at the top of his voice, struggled in chains, "Tamis.... Alpha is Tamis." Colton stopped.     

"Duh, HAAHH..... AHHHH..... Duh, duh, duh," Evan struggled in his cage as soon as Reis revealed Tamis' name. He shook the iron bars, making a futile attempt to break free from them. His blood-shot eyes glaring at Reis as if eager to rip him apart.      

"Ha, meet your fellow brother," Colton said, "Mr. Beta, I'm sure you must have heard about him before?"     

Reis brain stuttered, "B-Beta? Alpha's right hand and the most dangerous,"     

"Not anymore." Colton leaned against Evan's cage lazily, "He's just our petty prisoner living at our mercy." Reis eyes searched something on Evan, blinking several times as if trying to understand if this was the pain in his body playing tricks with him.     

Colton, "Naah, we didn't torture him much as none of this matters. He has a special condition that makes him immune to any pain. That's why he had chewed his tongue off so that we cannot ask him anything about Alpha. But why am I telling you all this? You were saying something about Tamis-- continue."     

Standing on the side, Luo's eyes suddenly widened when he heard about Evan's special condition. Suddenly he lost interest in everything, and just stared at the man behind bars. He cocked his head left-right, trying to imagine his face without long hair and beard. A futile attempt it was.     

His steps moved closer to the prison subconsciously, but stopped when Colton gave him a look.     

Wang Shi frowned, "Tamis died years back in the attack planned by Cheyna."     

Reis shook his head, "That's what everyone thinks."     

Suyin looked up to notice Wang Shi lost in thoughts. She had read about the history of Tamis and his conflict with Cheyna, the attack and his death. But her knowledge was limited to books. Since Wang Shi's father was the ruling president, he must know something more which others don't.     

"What do you know about Tamis?"     

Wang Shi shrugged out of his thoughts, and looked at Suyin, "I will tell you everything later. But before that--" He picked a stick and forced Reis's chin up, "--tell me his location."     

"It's of no use. He already knows about her--" Reis's eyes squinted at Suyin. "One of my babies must have passed the information by now. I told you, he's coming for you."     

As if something clicked in Wang Shi, the next moment he jammed the pen in his pocket in Reis shoulder with all his force, shocking everyone. "I don't like it when someone threatens my woman."     

The scream that comes from the lungs filled the air.      

"Continue the torture. I want to know everything." and with that Wang Shi moved away from Reis, leaving the pen in his shoulder. He looked at his palm stained with blood, and then at Suyin.     

Without a word he stood up and walked out.     


When Feng Jianyu came to know about it he went to look for Wang Shi. He knew he would find him in the bathroom. Jianyu waited outside the bathroom until Wang Shi was done bathing.      

Wang Shi caught Jianyu's eyes as soon as he came out. His mouth twitched. "Don't you lecture me now. You know I won't go near them with someone's blood on me."     

"I didn't say anything," Jianyu shrugged, "But you are a doctor. You always have someone's blood on you."     

"That's not same. They are my patients. And he was--" Wang Shi's jaw ticked, "--he was--" sighs, "-- why am I explaining to you? Just drop it already."     

"Okay okay." Jianyu dropped the topic. "I heard about Tamis. Things are making sense now. He's back to get revenge, that's why the entire Wang family is on his target."     

"As if I will let that happen." Jianyu saw Wang Shi's fist clenched in anger. "This time I will make sure he's send to the depths of hell,"      


"BASTARD. To get back to us, he tried to use Suyin." Wang Shi's growled like a tiger, "He took advantage of my situation, and tricked me to kill an innocent child just to get his revenge? These hands--" Wang Shi looked at his hands, hating them for committing an unforgivable sin. "You should have seen her when Reis was tortured. She's not the same. My-My Suyin is lost somewhere."     

"Hey," Jianyu hugged Wang Shi.     

"She's not the same anymore, Jianyu."     

Jianyu didn't have any words to console Wang Shi. Anything spoken would be meaningless, he knew how complicated things were between them.      

After a minute or so, Wang Shi composed himself. "Suyin is waiting for me in the room. I have to talk to her,"     


Just when Wang Shi was about to leave, he stopped, "I didn't see Mei since morning."      

"Um, she's sleeping. Do you have something to say to her?"     

Yes, he has. Once Reis reveals Alpha's location, Xiu Mei's help would be needed to try hacking into Alpha's den and prepare a map. "That's not important. Is she fine?" Wang Shi walked towards Jianyu's tent, but was stopped by him.     

"She's fine. Just exhaustion."      


"She's fine! I'm here with her. You just concentrate on Suyin." Jianyu assured with a smile, and it was a genuine one, letting Wang Shi be at rest.      

"Fine. Let me know if you need me."     


Meanwhile, Suyin had put Honey to sleep, and had been reading articles on Wang Shi's tab to refresh her memory of history between Cheyna and El Sandrios. By now she understood why Alpha once said 'She's just a pawn of my game' while talking to Wu Sean.      

She understood whatever this was happening was only because of a feud between Wang family and Alpha, and she has nothing to do with it. She's just like all those people who had suffered at the hands of Alpha. Someone like Amara.      

But what she failed to understand was why Alpha sounded as if he knows her? Why Alpha choose her as a pawn to fight against the Wang family? Just how is she related to Alpha?     

She took a deep breath and moved on to reading...     

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