Mark of the destiny

bad-ass in high heels

bad-ass in high heels

After many days Suyin wore a dress today. Her signature black dress and a white coat! With just a touch of lip balm and her badass confidence reflecting through her posture, she was good to address the entire flock of Cheyna media.      

Questions! Bring it on. She's ready.     

Satisfied by her work, Fei Hong stepped back, watching as Suyin smiled back from the mirror. "Press conference will start thirty minutes from now. Do you need something?"      

Suyin looked down at her black sneakers. "Stilettos. I'm missing them."     

Hong laughed, "It's an online conference. Even if you address wearing an undergarment, they won't be able to see it."     

"I'm more bad-ass in high heels."     

"Then I'd say it's a lucky day for the reporters. They'd be spared from your lethal sarcasm."      

Suyin narrowed her eyes in the mirror, a dangerous smirk coming after. "It comes naturally at the sight of assholes. Wu Sean, Wu Sangui, be prepared. Zhao Suyin is closing your chapter today."     


Fei Hong and Zeng took Suyin to the room from where she'd address the media. In the room Xiu Mei and Jianyu were already seated, ready to watch everything unfold and be Suyin's support.      

Dr. Colton gave a thumbs up, flashing his crooked grin. Suyin looked unimpressed. She had requested him to stay with Wang Shi, but the old man never listens to anyone. Thankfully, she made Honey sit with Wang Shi, promising to follow his orders for a day in return. Sighs.... a terrible deal, but was there other option?     

Her eyes roved around. "Where is Jamie?" that's the only one missing.      

Zeng picked Suyin from the wheelchair. "Busy. He said he might come after some time."      

That didn't go down well with Suyin. It's impossible for Jamie not to be with her. Not to forget he didn't even prepare bento for her. The last she saw him when she woke up from coma. Was this related to Evan?     

"Where's Evan?" She asked. Her suspicion grew when Zeng and Hong looked at each other. "Tell both of them to come to meet me." She huffed. It was time to address the media and she can't delay it.     



They made the arrangement for the press conference at Feng Jianyu's company. Invited reporters were made to sit facing a giant screen from where not only they'd be able to see Suyin live but can ask questions. The intention was crystal clear, to let the entire country know Feng brothers and Wang Shi were inseparable and still standing in support.     

"Hello, Cheyna." She deliberately addressed the entire nation as the conference was telecasted live.      

Shocked. Astonished. Dumbfounded. That's the expression Suyin saw on her screen as soon as she went live. Her mind-blowing makeover was enough to blow anyone's mind, so as them.      

Yeah. Her 'baldy' makeover!     

She ran a hand on her bald head. "Balding is sexy. If you love my hairstyle that much, go bald. Shave it off. Own it. Love it."     

One of the reporters couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked, "Miss. Zhao, how did this happen?" she looked like a malnourished woman who was kept in captivity for weeks, if not months.     

"I did it to myself." the answer was simple and straight.     


"I don't understand why ask when it's a known fact that I disguise myself while investigating cases. C'mon, it's just a shave. Stop it now."     

The reporter coughed. "So you did this for a case?"     


"Which case?"     

"The infamous organ trafficking case for which everyone accused the Wang family."      

"Isn't it true?"     

Suyin adjusted her broad glasses on her nose, "By your attitude I can tell you have reached the conclusion already. Are you a judge?"     

The reporter turned red and sat back in his chair. He knew very well how Suyin handles media and their questions. One needs to be careful while talking to her.     

"Miss. Zhao, careful" A fierce reporter raised her voice, squinting at the giant screen, "We don't like your tone. My friend from--" She cocked her head to check the other previous reporter's badge, "--X news channel has barely asked a question. Aren't you the one who had provided evidence against the Wang family and Wang Shi, accusing them? Then why this attitude? We are just doing our job."     

"Exactly," another added, "Don't forget its you who called us."     

"We are from media. No one dare talk us in that tone."     

"It's hard to believe you will stop us from doing our job,"     

"Job?" Suyin didn't bit back her retort even a bit, her attitude turning fiercer, "Spreading rumors, not investigating the source of evidence, adding your own assumptions and selling it to the masses for TRP, directing people's views in the wrong direction, tarnishing someone's reputation, and creating a chaos in the entire nation-- If you call it a job, then every one of you should resign right away."     


Before the reporter could say something, Suyin stopped her with a raise of her palm, "I'm not done yet! I had an accident a few days back in which I almost lost my leg. Woke up after five days. The heavy doses of antibiotics and steroids have taken every bit of my fucking sanity. Sitting here on this fucking uncomfortable chair addressing the fucking group that was a pain in my ass over the last few weeks is making me feel like throw a fucking punch on everyone's face."     

An eerie silence followed between the reporters.     

"Instead of taking a rest, I have fucking forced myself to come here, as you guys have not stopped making chaos in the name of your fucking job. That's why I have called you all to stuff the reality before your fucking intrusive fingering cause any more harm. Now, now, now, if you don't want to hear another F word, nobody interrupts me. Otherwise, once I return, I will find you and deliver your pending punches."     

"Pfft," Dr. Colton squished his lips, shaking his head when Suyin glared. This student of his has changed so much! From cat to tigress!     


Sitting in the room next to the media hall, watching the live telecast, the president couple looked at each other. Behind them Junjie and Chen Wenwei had a precious comical expression, eyes protruding out, but hearts laughing.      


Judging by the silence and the faces, Suyin could tell none of the reporters will dare to say a word. Satisfied, she continued...     

"Good." She plugged a pen-drive, and a part of the screen showed the documents one by one. A copy of which was currently being distributed to the media personals. "I started my investigation about four months back when I received a call from Dr.Gong Li after his death, telling me there's an organ trafficking racket running in Ace."      

She twisted the facts. For this matter to end smoothly, she has to bend the facts to her need.     

"That's also the reason he was murdered. The prime suspect was Dr.Gilbert. I won't repeat Dr. Gilbert's story as you all have witnessed it." The documents contain evidence against Gilbert. "He was just a minion of the biggest organ trafficking group."     

"Carrying on with the investigation, I stumbled upon many shreds of evidence, each of them pointing at Wang family, headed by Liu Jeilan and Dr. Wang Shi." Suyin noticed Jianyu whispering something to Dr. Colton after which both left the room. Their action worries her.      

She looked at Xiu Mei, who assured her mouthing, 'he's fine.'      

That settled Suyin's heart, steering her to continue the show.     

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