Gael's Naughty Angel: A Mafia Prince Romance

Mondays Should Bear Good News

Mondays Should Bear Good News

Monday — April 29     

Angela did decide to go back to New York with Gael. They arrived last night just in time for Sunday Dinners with Nonna and the rest of Gael's family. The two only planned to stay in Manhattan for a week, mostly due to Gael's work, and then they had to go back to Mayne again as KMH's satellite office was already in the works. So they had already planned out their appointments that week—like meeting friends and families for a meal, and tomorrow's lunch would be at Grandma Susan's.     

That morning, the couple had just finished breakfast and were having a short downtime before starting their busy day. Gael was busier on Mondays compared to other days of the week, so Angela worked around his schedule since hers was more flexible. She focused on her laptop, selecting the final photo for her book cover: Black Heart. She was already 95% finished on the manuscript.     

Angela already had a preferred male model who was the closest reference to the character in her story, so her laptop screen was full of that model's photos in different angles and poses from an online album.     

While she scrolled through, Gael was sitting next to her, reading news on his tablet and sipping coffee. He glanced at her screen and cocked a brow. "Still haven't decided?"     

She clicked her tongue. "It's so hard. Everything looks good."     

"What about that?" He pointed at one where the model wore a suit and showed his side profile, his eyes looking fierce on the camera. The model had a sharp jawline and a neatly trimmed beard with tattoos peeking through the exposed skin on his hands and neck. Dude was a handsome fellow.     

"Looks sexy." She bit her bottom lip. "What about the usual washboard abs in black and white?" She tapped on the screen at one image where the model lifted his white shirt and bit the hem of it between his teeth. "Also sexy…and who doesn't want abs?"     

Gael chuckled. "Baby, the title is Black Heart. Not fucking Washboard Abs."     

Angela threw her head back, laughing. "Hey! He's showing his chest. Okay? Chest equals heart." He shook his head but softly chuckled at her antics, knowing she was only kidding.     

They were past getting insecure about seeing or appreciating other people's beauty. And she was glad Gael always supported her. Angela even consulted him about several scenes in her book, and he gave really good insights and suggestions. If only it were possible, she'd add his name as a co-author. Obviously, that wasn't going to happen.     

Although…there would be a surprise for him once the book gets published.     

He got off the stool, slid a hand around her neck, and bent down to kiss her temple. "I'm sure you'll choose the best one."     

"Mhm." She gave him a quick squeeze around his midsection.     

Gael's phone buzzed on the table. Ever so casually, he sipped his coffee and tapped on the screen without lifting the phone. It was a text from Oliver, containing a link to news footage. He paused, his back straightening after clicking the link.     

"Fucking finally," he muttered as he put the cup down and picked up his phone.     

"What?" Angela looked up to him, wondering what got his attention.     

"General Leos."     

Upon hearing the name, Angela got to her feet and he shared the screen with her. They had been waiting for news for a few days now after Gael, Charlie, and Oliver made the move.     

The video was only a couple of minutes long, but it showed General Leos in handcuffs. He looked so much older in the video, and Angela's heart slightly raced because she was reminded of Evan because the two looked so much alike. General Leos was shown being escorted into a van while the anchor reported about the General's indictment on a count of murder of a marine officer—a crime that allegedly happened three years ago and which had only surfaced now, as well as theft and embezzlement of government property.     

"…a direct conflict with the superior standards of behavior that the nation expects of its military forces," said the anchor. "General Leos' could possibly be sentenced to twenty years to life in prison."     

Gael blew out a breath, his heart beating fast. "He won't have a chance of parole."     

"Oh my god…" Angela muttered under her breath, unsure of what else to say at this point. "Did Dad really…Oliver…and you do this?"     

"I only knew about the murder. The General being in bed with criminal organizations for years, I knew he must have done something. So I did some digging and Mariano got me what I needed. It turns out that the marine officer was a subordinate of his that was in the same division with his son. He covered up the crime, but if you know where to look, then they're fucked. This was the only case I could bring forward that wouldn't implicate any of our families." He glanced at her and she was already looking at him.     

She blinked. "Of course."     

It was a widely known rule between the crime families and their "associates".     

No snitching.     

Of course, this would mainly pertain to anything that could point back to the crime families.     

Gael continued, "I brought the evidence to Charlie, and he said Dorothy's cousin was in the Department of Justice, which made things easier. I guess your father and brother were the ones who uncovered the fraud scheme."     

"Then he'll be gone for life… Oh! But what about the election? Both candidates are facing charges and let's face it, they're not coming out of it."     

"I heard your uncle is showing some interest in running." He chuckled and she gasped. Putting his phone back on the table, he pulled Angela into his arms. "This calls for a celebration, don't you think? I'm taking you out later. What are your plans for today?"     

She was still processing Evan's father's indictment. For years, her father had tried to stay away from his former friend and thus hearing the three men in her life had done something like this, made Obviously, being with Gael always came with danger, but she was now looking forward to their life in Mayne in the future.      

Already forgetting about Leos, her brain whirled around the idea of her uncle running for Governor. Was he qualified? Shouldn't he start smaller?     

Shaking her head, she smiled radiantly at Gael. "I'm meeting my mom and my siblings for lunch. Hmm… I can swing by your office at five?"     

"My meeting ends at 5:30, but you're welcome to come by early and hang in my office."     

"I can't wait!" She tiptoed and kissed him on the lips. "Don't forget to bring the invitations with you."     

Yep. The wedding invitations.     

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