The Employed Empress

Chapter 138: Gifting a Daugther

Chapter 138: Gifting a Daugther

"Achoo!" Jiang Liu suddenly sneezed.     

"Hey, don't just stop!" Wei Yi Yi frown.     

She almost smacked head first to his butt!     

Right now, all three of them are crawling behind thick bushes. They are circling around the back of the Incandescent Courtyard to sneak in. Whether by his brilliant planning or by coincident, Jiang Liu's courtyard happen to be located at the farthest corner. This made it easier for them to get in undetected as they wouldn't need to pass other people's courtyards inside.     

As for Mao'er, she arrogantly claimed Tang Mei's head as her rightful throne. Wei Yi Yi almost swear to send the cat to the kitchen to be cook.     

"Maybe I sniffed a good amount of dust in here. Let me scratch my nose a bit."     

Hearing this, Wei Yi Yi straight away pinched his leg. "There's no 'a bit'! Hurry it up!"     

'Dust?! Of course there's plenty of them! We're almost kissing the ground here!'     

"Big Sister, you are overly mean towards this brother today," Jiang Liu expressed grievance. And as if it was enough, he also turned to give Wei Yi Yi a good look at his pouting face.     

"Is that so? Then wouldn't it be a good opportunity to ask your 'princess' to protect you?"     

Jiang Liu rigidly returned his face in front and laugh dryly. What a blunder! His Big Sister is definitely counting his account!     

At his back, he knew that Wei Yi Yi kept throwing daggers at him through her eyes. Thankfully, before he ends up prostrating himself closer to the ground in defeat, they have reached their destination.     

Next to the tall wall with stone tiles atop is his temporary courtyard. And behind a pile of dried leaves is… a dog hole.     

"Why are there always dog holes wherever you are sneaking into?" Wei Yi Yi commented as she saw another dog hole. "Tell me the truth, you're purposely digging them right?"     

Jiang Liu shrugged his shoulders. "This way, is it not less difficult to escape from assassins?"     

"And also less difficult for them to enter and went for your head."     

"I hid it well."     

"Behind a hill of dried leaves, really?"     

The one who truly delaying them is Wei Yi Yi with her many comments. She cannot help it. Despite being as straight forward as she could, in actual fact, there are a lot of lines she's not allowed to cross. Only with Jiang Liu and few that she could be as frank and roll her eyes whenever she wanted.     

Once they crawl into the dirt and dust, none of them resembles a proper member of the imperial family anymore.     

"With just the two of us, I cannot invite you inside," Jiang Liu said while patting the dust away from his sleeves.     

"Alright, I'll hide for the meantime," Wei Yi Yi repeatedly nods her head. All of them understood that if her Boss got wind of her tracks, dragging her back would be as easy as snapping a finger. No matter what, Wei Yi Yi must not appear in sight of anyone!     

Little did this two escapee knows, that their disciplinarian is already on his way.     

"Also, take that 'pig' with you," Wei Yi Yi pointed at Mao'er. "Before I get tempted to make her a dumpling."     

Without a word, Jiang Liu swiftly took Mao'er from Tang Mei and put her into his protectively embrace.     

"How could Cheng Wangye raise a prodigal daughter?"     

Not only this cat has a great attitude and bad temper, but it was also pampered till rotten spoiled.     

Jiang Liu no longer knows if he should cry or laugh. This kind of irk, shouldn't you show it to the consorts? Scratching his head, he retold what his second brother told him. "Well, if it is not because you suddenly gifted him such daughter, perhaps he would not have the need to take responsibility to raise this daughter."     

"Hey! Why does it sound like I took advantage of your brother? If you're going to say something, say it clearer! While I do like someone superior to clean up after my mess, I'm not such a bad person as to force innocent people to take responsibility against their will! "     

Making others take responsibility for her? That indeed seems like her style. But she only does that to the willing victims and to certain people! Such as Boss! A Boss leading his subordinate and a subordinate hugging her Boss' thighs is a natural proceeding! It's the Boss' responsibility to take responsibility for her!     

Wei Yi Yi told to herself, that she still have that last bit of maturity an adult such as her should have. She convinced further that she hasn't gone and walked that dark road of making others took the blame… yet...     

Accidents out of her control definitely don't count!     

When the empress' domineering aura froze, Tang Mei knew she just doubted herself there for a second.     

Jiang Liu closed his eyes to appear more dramatic and said, "Alright, let me correct myself. To be more precise, you forcefully gifted Mao'er to him. Second Brother has no choice but to receive her after you called Mao'er an emergency food."     

In the Wei Manor, 'Wei Yi Yi' own a variety of animals. They were all given by her brothers. She did like taking care of them but still, her whole attention after meeting Jiang Yu was on the prince. In the end, they were left to be taken care of by the servants.     

But then, out of all the animals in the courtyard, only a black cat would stride in at her chamber, sleep on her bed, and would scratch her if she moved it even a little. There are times that it acted cutely and she would pet it, however, without rhyme or reason, it would suddenly get mad.     

'Wei Yi Yi' couldn't take it anymore and stood so low as to fight it out with the cat. She then tried multiple times to give it to the overly concern Jiang Cheng. But the young prince was not allowed by his physician to have any pet.     

Jiang Cheng hardened his heart, close his eyes, and see no evil.     

'Hey! Yi Yi! Why are you allowing a dirty cat to harm you?!' Jiang Ying Yue eyed 'Wei Yi Yi' who have scratches on her neck and cheeks.     

'Because it's my second brother that gave her to me,' the young 'Wei Yi Yi' answered with furrowed brows.     

'Hmph! This princess does not believe that your brother would side with the cat he picked from somewhere!' Clearly, this princess did not know that it took second young master Wei's whole allowance to get Mao'er. 'I heard you could eat a cat's meat. How about we let the imperial chefs have an exotic ingredient?' The princess smiled mischievously.     

When Jiang Cheng heard Jiang Ying Yue words he paled instantly. Later, when 'Wei Yi Yi' asked him one last time if he really doesn't want a cat, Jiang Cheng can no longer say no and rescue Mao'er from the two brats.     

Jiang Cheng was scolded severely by the empress after this. Still, he refused to return nor give away something gifted to him.     

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