The Employed Empress

Chapter 145: Harassment (2)

Chapter 145: Harassment (2)

The last bit of Wen Yang's proud expression crumbled to dusk. Somehow... somehow she felt being prey upon.     

Petrified, her hands tremble. "Your majesty, this is improper."     

Except for her husband, no one is able to get this close to her. Let alone touch a hair on her.     

"What are you saying, younger sister? I'm helping you ease your emotion," Wei Yi Yi reasoned. With an innocent and concern look, Wei Yi Yi shoved her face nearer. For a moment, their forehead bumped towards each other.     

A scream of horror was stuck in Wen Yang's pursed lips. Tears gathered on her once fierce eyes.     

Fighting reason and logic, she struggled from the strong desire to shove the Empress to the ground. Her trembling fingers curl up into a fist and her nails dig into her palm.     

'No... I must endure. Even if it is just for appearance sakes, I cannot act with audacity towards the empress!'     

Heat crawled into her neck, and as if someone slapped her dignity across the face, Wen Yang blushed furiously.     

There was a disturbing sense of shame brewing at the pit of her stomach. She felt sick.     

"Why is it that your temperature is turning cold?" Wei Yi Yi did not pretend to not notice her discomfort.     

But then, like she didn't notice that it was caused by her inappropriate touches, the empress turn to the kneeling servant to put the blame into her. " You! What are you still kneeling there for and acting like a sore eye?!"     

"Your majesty, please have mercy for this servant!" The servant knocked her head to the floor with frightening sounds. "It was unintentional!"     

Like melted ice, the servant proceeds to lower herself farther into the wooden floor.     

Wei Yi Yi shows irritation in her face. A rare expression that the palace servants would see. Suddenly, every servant shook with fear and steeled their breathing along with their presence.     

"Don't you see that you are angering bengong's sister-in-law? How could a servant be daring enough to make her upset!" Wei Yi Yi hugged Wen Yang in a protective manner.     

"Ple-Please calm your anger, your majesty! This lowly servant ask Cheng Wangfei for forgiveness! Ask for forgiveness!"     

"Enough!" The empress voice got louder. "Get out this instant!"     

"Yes! This servant will readily accept her punish--- ah?"     

Right there and then, the air turned stagnant.     

Annnnd cut!!...     

Hell no! Sis, follow the script until the end! We only have one take!     

Unless this servant wants her back ridden with long-lasting scars then Wei Yi Yi could not help her on that disturbing inclination.     

"How dare a small servant make bengong repeat herself!" Wei Yi Yi continued to adlib.     

"Ah, yes! Yes, this servant will follow her majesty's command!" The servant's brain was not knock out of brain cells after all.     

Just like that, in front of everyone's presence, the servant scrambled on the floor before exiting the door without a shadow of a punishment.     

They weren't so sure what exactly happened.     

After, in her usual earnest tone, Wei Yi Yi smiled warmly and said, "The one that upsets younger sister is now gone."     

The hands that were caressing Wen Yang's back dropped down into her waist.     

Wen Yang, who was biting her lower lips all this time and was silently holding herself back, was unable to endure it anymore. Slamming her eyes shut, Wen Yang pulled away from Wei Yi Yi with all her might.     

"Ah...?" A sound slips out of Wen Yang's mouth. The obstacle she was expecting was not there. It was not like Wei Yi Yi was not holding her tightly, rather, the moment Wen Yang struggle, she also let go at the same time.     

When Wen Yang pulled away, Wei Yi Yi already retracted her hands back to her side. And so, with too much momentum, Wen Yang drops to the floor.     

"Your Highness!" All of her maidservants reacted. Xia Min who was the closest and the quickest tried to break her fall.     

Unluckily, Wen Yang fell butt first to the hard wooden floor. Xia Min, who leaped with nothing but instinct, stumbled over the fallen Wen Yang.     

A servant over her mistress. Like dangos atop of each other. Wei Yi Yi is amused at the turn of events.     

Whenever she sees someone acting as if they are the supervisor, Wei Yi Yi would always feel like having fun with them.     


Wen Yang probably took some damage from the fall. But it is definitely Xia Min's body slam that almost took all of Wen Yang HP. Wei Yi Yi saw Wen Yang inhale sharply for air the moment the servant fell on her.     

"Wangfei!" The servants shouted simultaneously.     

Xia Min abruptly stood up. "Wangfei! That was not on purpose!"     

In their panic, the lesser servant threw Moa'er to the ground and came running to her mistress side.     

Wei Yi Yi leisurely picked up the cat. She raised her brow upon facing Mao'er.     

'If you don't play your role properly, I let you see how I will send you for Feng Lei to be put into the dimsums!'     

The stupid furball still has the courage to yawn at her face at this moment.     

After cradling the cat in her arm, Wei Yi Yi slowly brushes the disheveled fur on Mao'er.     

She then approaches Xia Min with unhurried steps. The servant, although flustered, still noticed. "Your Majesty?"     

What answered the servant is a heavy slap across her face.     

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