The Employed Empress

Chapter 128: Familiarity

Chapter 128: Familiarity


Suddenly, Jiang Cheng chocked on laughter.  But he repressed it and with an amiable smile, dodged Wei Yi Yi's questioning gaze.     

"After stealing sixth brother's snack, you run away pretty good." He proceeds to berate his cat, Mao'er.     

With her brows crunching in confusion, she looked down on herself, raised her sleeves to inspect, and then finally, touch her head.     

Mud was all over her body and for some unknown reason, the hems of her robes are damped with dirty water.     

She then realized that compared to the well dress prince, the contrast of her unkempt appearance is glaring.     

"If you want to laugh, then laugh. No need to pretend to be a gentlem----"     

Wei Yi Yi smacked her mouth immediately. How could she act so impulsive?! 'Wei Yi Yi's' corrupted file is transferring virus to her head and confusing her!     

Should she treat him with familiarity?     

Back then, 'Wei Yi Yi' attended the imperial academy as the eldest princess, Jiang Ying Yue, study companion. The eldest princess and him are siblings both from the Empress.     

Naughty little 'Wei Yi Yi' would sneak out Jiang Ying Yue outside the palace after classes and play at the market. Jiang Cheng would be the one to find them and return them to the palace before the empress got wind of it.     

"I told you didn't I? That if you wanted to go somewhere, I could take you. Why must the two of you always need to challenge the elders' tempers?" He would tell them as he carried both of them back to the palace.     

He would qualify as 'Wei Yi Yi's' childhood friend but then, she's the one here and she's meeting him for the first time alright?! And the heck! Aren't all nobles actually childhood acquaintances?!     

Seeing Wei Yi Yi's wary expression, Jiang Cheng let go Mao'er and stepped closer until he is in front of Wei Yi Yi.     

With a mild temper and his permanent soft smile, he said, "Do not be mad, Yi Yi. Your gege was just happy after having a look at you." He raised his hand, and in smooth and trained like movements, carefully removed the twigs on her head. "You are already this age, where are you still crawling into?"     

After using an irked tone towards a man with a mild temper, guilt wash over her and she blushed furiously.     

The closeness in his tone as her name rolled in his tongue. The familiarity as he reached out to her. Everything causes her heart to tighten as sadness consume her.     

It's been so long since 'Wei Yi Yi' could affect her feelings without her capable of putting a lid over it.     

"I---I can do it myself!"     

Wei Yi Yi was really flustered. She has never been like this towards another person.     

"Do not bother. You are only messing your hair further." Jiang Chen caught her flailing hands and put it back to her side.     

Someone was treating her like a child! And a spoiled child to boot!     

Just when silent almost ferments between them. Jiang Cheng spoke up again. "So, why does our family's Yi Yi looked so shocked after seeing me?"     

"o---oh...." Wei Yi Yi lowered her head to the ground. "I... I just didn't expect Cheng Wang to be here at this time."     

"I thought it was because you are still avoiding everyone," said Jiang Cheng offhandedly.     

Wei Yi Yi jerked her head up and opened her mouth. It was as if she wanted to explain. But before she could comprehend what it was supposed to be, Jiang Cheng already resumed talking.     

"Seems like you did not notice but this is within Incandescent Courtyard area." He stepped aside a bit to let Wei Yi Yi see one of the side gates of Incandescent Courtyard.     

"See? I do not know if you have an idea but Jiang Liu shared the courtyard with us. And in an unfortunate chain of event, came over to my own courtyard to have dinner. You know that kid is not aware when to stop talking so I went outside to rest my ears."     

Jiang Cheng gave her a well knowing smile and Wei Yi Yi smacked her face in utter defeat.     

That brat definitely tattled something! Jiang Liu! Don't let this bro catch you because I swear I'm going to deck you!     

"Want to know what he said?" Jiang Cheng laughed. "Maybe I should catch him for you to vent."     

"N--no need."     

"Your face says it will be doom for him though. I'm afraid that if you went to catch him yourself, I might start preparing for sixth brother's funeral."     

"Oh..." Wei Yi Yi touched her face. "I'm so sorry. I'm not supposed to make that face out loud."     

"Empress..." Tang Mei whispered from the side.     

Catching the drift, Jiang Cheng was the first to spoke up. "Are you on your way back?"     

"Ah? Yes... We're supposed to be going back now." Wei Yi Yi answered.     

"Follow me a bit towards the Incandescent Courtyard then I'll walk you back," he offered.     

"No need to bother yourself, second brother-in-law."     

"No, I insist. Let me take you back."     

Jiang Cheng picks up the chubby cat Mao'er then lead them to the moon gate of the Incandescent Courtyard.     

Once he saw the servant guarding the gate, he did not proceed to enter. Instead, Wei Yi Yi heard him ordered, "Call one of your Wangfei's personal servant."     

From the back, Wei Yi Yi stared at him.     

This man, to be able to pick up the small changes of her expression, knows her clearly like the back of his hand.     

He knows when to laugh and lighten the mood when she's flustered. And when she's being sensitive towards the topic, he deliberately continued the conversation and took it somewhere she's comfortable.     

Surprisingly, or must she say unsurprisingly, she too, could clearly read him.     

He was hesitating this whole time. While he tried his best to act naturally, there were pauses on his movement.     

And whether she likes it or not, she picks up on it. That is how much she's supposed to know this person.     

In a while, a middle age woman dressed in the decorated robes of Cheng Wang Fu's first rank servant came out from the moon gate and greeted them.     

She was carrying a clean set of cloaks in her hand. Jiang Cheng took them. He passed a red cloak with embroidered white lotuses to Tang Mei before drapping the other white cloak over his own shoulders.     

With bowed head, Tang Mei received them and help Wei Yi Yi replaced hers.     

"Let us go then," Jiang Cheng said after giving an overall look towards Wei Yi Yi.     

Wei Yi Yi burned his image to her head. Telling herself, she must not only remember but she must also never forget from now on.     

From this moment on, she'll probably meet a lot of people who knew 'Wei Yi Yi'. And whatever 'she' felt towards them, she must ready herself to face this myriad of emotions.     

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