The Employed Empress

Chapter 121: Luminous Pavilion

Chapter 121: Luminous Pavilion

Wei Yi Yi let Tang Mei serve them her favorite digesting tea after the meal. They sat for a few idle talks as Wei Yi Yi wait for the food to settle down on their stomachs. Only after she assumed they will not hurt their liver any longer, did she took them out for a walk.     

The breeze at the mountain as expected were multiple times colder compare to the palace. Adding the season, it's unsurprisingly freezing.     

"Make sure both of you wear your cloaks properly before stepping out!" Wei Yi Yi repeated multiple times.     

They walked as far as outside the Luminous courtyard and went near an octagonal pavilion that built at the very end of a cliff.     

Unlike other paths, the one leading the pavilion was lighted with countless luminous pearls. The whole ground was glowing beyond belief. There were even a few on top of small stone pillars.     

The small garden surrounding the octagonal pavilion was planted with numerous luminous flowers as well.     

The darkness given by the cliff only made them shine brighter than any gold.     

The Luminous Pavilion right next to the Luminous Courtyard. It was something made deliberately. If Wei Yi Yi got a chance to enter the central courtyard at the Luminous Courtyard, she would found out that the glow from the luminous pavilion could be view at the inner chamber.     

Half of the overall construction of the luminous pavilion is dangling to the cliff. With it as the focus, the thousand twinkling stars acted as background.     

Breathtaking would be an understatement. Wei Yi Yi suddenly laments the fact that she couldn't compose poet nor songs. She could only slight this beautiful place.     

"I never thought they could be this close," Wei Yi Yi sigh in appreciation when she viewed the stars.     

As they were at the top of a mountain, the stars looked closer than most of what she saw in her life. Even when she went camping, the milky way back then couldn't be compared.     

Xie Yu was used to flower and scenery viewings, as scholars and the like would invite each other to compose poets and use the environment as mediums. As for Su Mei Fan, she was busy engraving Wei Yi Yi's expression as she looks in awe while lights reflect charmingly in her eyes.     

The Luminous Pavilion was built elevated from the ground, Wei Yi Yi bet that just reaching out her hand would trick her into believing that she could grab the stars in her palms.     

It was a good place for a night rendezvous!     

The trio slowly walked their way to the pavilion while appreciating the scenery.     

But as they got closer and closer, a blurry silhouette of a person become distinct.     

Sitting with a serene look, smoke came out whenever she breathes softly. The fox fur cloak brushed against her face so gently it's tempting to caress her. A small flickering lantern rest between her hand as it illuminates her delicate face.     

The long trail of her silky dress mix with the soft fabric of her outer robes scattered on the pavilion floor giving off a feeling of viewing a celestial maiden.     

Describing Ye Ai Ning beauty fall short with words alone.     

Wei Yi Yi breathe was taken away, the same way it did with Lou Ai Ning.     

The empress stops on her tracks before the Imperial Noble Consort take note of their presence. After a moment of silent, she turned around to face both Su Mei Fan and Xie Yu.     

"Lady Ye seems to be resting. I'll feel bad to disturb her," Wei Yi Yi said. "Why don't we go somewhere else?"     

The two looked at the empress then across over her shoulders to peek at Ye Ai Ning.     

"Actually, how about we call it a day? We came from a very long journey, little sisters must also be very tired."     

Su Mei Fan opened her mouth disappointedly, "But..."     

"Now that her majesty mentions it, this one suddenly felt sleepy," Xie Yu agreed with the Empress. It's not that she dare not make it hard for the empress, rather, an empress decision shouldn't be questioned other than by the emperor. "This sister will excuse herself now."     

Xie Yu gave Wei Yi Yi an understanding look of an obedient subordinate while Su Mei Fan gave a complicated one.     

In the end, Su Mei Fan got dragged away by Xie Yu.     

Wei Yi Yi waved them goodbye until they left her field of vision.     

"Empress..." Tang Mei called out. Although she knew the empress well enough there's still this fear that living inside the palace has already taught her how to scheme.     

"Tang Mei," Wei Yi Yi said seriously.     

"Y--yes, your majesty. This servant is here."     

"Stay here," Wei Yi Yi turn to gave her an even more serious look.     


"Look out for her! Shoo away all the bees. Don't let anyone close, understood?"     

"Pardon, your majesty. Can you repeat it for this servant?"     

"I said be a lookout and don't let her leave your sight. I'll be back after getting Boss!"     

Tang Mei eyes widen. "What would you call the emperor for?"     

"Look around Ah Mei! Isn't this a good spot for a night rendezvous?"     

The servant indeed swept her gaze. "Her Majesty is right. But the imperial noble consort is here."     

"You don't get it at all. Ye Ai Ning sitting here is what makes it perfect," Wei Yi Yi explained solemnly. "Anyway! I'll give you the important post of a lookout! Keep the target in sight!"     

Before Tang Mei could stop her, Wei Yi Yi grabbed the helm of her dress and took off running.     

She'll show Boss her great talents!     

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