The Employed Empress

Chapter 104: Consort Xie

Chapter 104: Consort Xie

The first person that Su Mei Fan meet was Consort Xie whose carriage is right in front of her.     

Consort Xie beauty is one from the feminine type. She dressed neatly and cleanly. Pairing her pieces of jewelry to each other and choosing her dress along with the same shade of color.     

Each of her steps is thought out in advance and so does the volume of her voice. Even the smile on her face wouldn't pass a certain point.     

As a lady born from a noble family well-known at producing scholars, she too walks with a modest aura of a scholar.     

From her high rank, she looks down to others.     

She's one that likes things in order.     

And scorned people stepping out of their lines.     

Seeing Su Mei Fan walking in a place she should not be, she covered her nose and said, "A leech bathing in dirty blood from its victim--- with such foul stench, even if you're not ashamed, as one of his majesty's consort, it's makes me feel embarrassed."     

From her smiling appearance, no one would assume that such a person could stab you directly without even flinching.     

"Consort Xie... I'm... I didn't..."     

"Speak clearly, Concubine Su. It makes others think that I'm bullying you. Unless you're intentionally doing it then feel free to continue your acts," Xie Yu swiftly said after Su Mei Fan pause for the second time.     

This is a trip in which only consorts and higher is allowed, however, the empress gave permission for a concubine to join. With only a handful of them, isn't this an obvious chance for this concubine to rise in ranks. Only idiots would believe that there's no scheming involved.     

"Stop grabbing your robes. Do you want to show your unkempt self and shame all of us in the passing?" Xie Yu eyed Su Mei Fan as she contemplates what especial with this particular concubine.     

Even if the assumption that the empress started rallying her own supporters is true, she cannot fathom with it must be her.     

Even if the empress remains as solitary as she is--- with her maternal family influence and power--- without lifting a finger, everyone in the inner palace will scramble down on her feet if she would as much as show a little interest in them.     

No one could clearly see, but Xie Yu definitely know that the empress is unshakable in her throne at this moment.     

Feng Lei, not only was she stripped of her rank, but she also got reprimanded twice by the emperor. The most favorable consort, Ye Ai Ning, was then sent lock up in her palace for almost a month.     

Their cheeks are probably swollen in shame with the empress' slap towards their dignity right now.     

But this is just right. The Phoenix throne should always be unattainable for others except for its rightful owner.     

"Meimei," a gentle voice called over. The two that was struck on a dreadlock immediately put away their thoughts and greeted.     

"Greeting, your majesty, the empress," they said in unison.     

With a smile plastered on her face, Wei Yi Yi slowly walked next to them. Although her dress is still a lot more elaborate than usual, she now wore a lighter dress.     

Now free from her shackles, Wei Yi Yi immediately went out to find the playmate she brought with her.     

"The road is long and bumpy, perhaps younger sisters feel a bit dizzy? Do not be afraid to voice any discomfort," in her customer service voice, she casually made a conversation. "As long as I could do something about it, I will immediately assist you in the problem."     

"The Empress is too kind," Xie Yu replied. "We do not deserve her majesty's concerns."     

"Please be at ease Consort Xie. No need for flattery," Wei Yi Yi said. Suddenly, she recalled who this consort is. In every morning greetings, there are concubines who like to speak in flowery words and this one in front, is the most eloquent out of all of them.     

Fudge, red alert! Does she have any tissues?! She must ready a whole roll of tissues!     

"Umm... That's right empress! We received too much care already that if we request another one, we might end up being spoiled," flustered, Su Mei Fan shows that she could try her best in flattery too.     

Xie Yu cannot help but shake her head in disapproval. Continuing, she said, "There were more blankets and the carriage was padded than usual. The journey has been smooth and we were secure. All thanks to her majesty efforts."     

"Everyone has worked hard. It's the least I can do."     

All this pulling one's leg is too hard! How many more exchanges do we have to do?!     

Wei Yi Yi pinched herself under the sleeves to stop the twitching of her eyes.     

Trying to get out of it, Wei Yi Yi changed the topic. "I was told that there's a river nearby, would you like to take a look?"     

"I'll accompany your majesty!" Su Mei Fan swiftly answered.     

"This consort must decline the empress' kind intentions. Your majesty, I ask to be excuse first," Xie Yu said.     

Wei Yi Yi almost let out a sigh of relief right in front of Xie Yu's face. She coughed and said, "You may," as properly as she could.     

Once Xie Yu has gone out of sight, Wei Yi Yi flashed a grin towards Su Mei Fan.     

"We're free---"     

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulders.     

"Empress, you have been addressing yourself casually for a long time by now," Tang Mei mumbled as she sends chilling aura towards Wei Yi Yi.     

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