Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Driving them Insane

Driving them Insane

Chapter 233     

For the past few days, Janine feels like a Queen. Everything she asked for, was done by Francisco's men. Francisco was acting weird. Everything time they make love, he would always blurt Anastasia's name. Like he got crazy fantasizing the first time he f@ck the b!tch. But she will soon have Francisco back into her palms. She's a queen. She can have a King for herself.     

She sipped on her wine as she watch Sylvia in her red body dress walking back and forth with wine and the tablet that Francisco needs. She frown when Sylvia had the gut to bend down and show her breast to Francisco. She's younger than her and she's so useful for Francisco. But she knows that Francisco can't resist her. So she interrupted by climbing his lap.     

Francisco didn't even make a move and let her have her way. A sudden phone call interrupted them. Sylvia pick it up.     

"Sir, the call is from your bank and the teller lady wants to speak with you." Sylvia said in a very professional way. Francisco took the telephone.     

"Speak." Francisco said.     

"Good day, Sir. This is Anastasia from Universal Bank. Regarding your deposit." The caller said from the other line and she kept discussing things while Francisco's mind went blank. He was focused on the voice. It was very soothing. Not just soothing but it was so angelic and his heart responds to it. Not just respond to it but it started making him eager to find the person on the other line. That's the voice of his Anastasia.     

"Sir, are you there?"     

"Anastasia…" He mutter. Both women in front of him were stunned. "Where are you?"     

"Please pardon me, Sir." The voice was driving him crazy. Sylvia snatch the telephone away and Francisco scowl at her.     

"Pardon me, Miss Lynda." Sylvia said. "Can we schedule an appointment with your bank?"     

"Of course. We are open during weekdays from eight to five."     

"Great." Then Sylvia put the phone back.     

"That was Anastasia."     

"It's Lynda." Sylvia said. "Lynda teller from the bank."     

"But why did he say that she's Anastasia? Her voice is the same with Anastasia!" he scowl. He's getting dark circles thinking about Anastasia all day and night. "She said she's Anastasia."     

Janine get off from him and she throw her glass on the wall.     

"Stop it, Francisco! Anastasia is dead! She's dead and is already eaten up by maggots!" Janine scream at him. She left and took her bag.     

"Glenn, come with me. I have to go shopping."     

Francisco washes his hand on his face. His heart was racing. He didn't know what to do. He stood and forgot that his other leg hasn't healed yet that makes him fall on the floor. Sylvia help him up but Francisco pushes her hard away.     

Then he sat down and even Glenn and Janine stopped.     

"If I learnt that one of you killed Anastasia—I will not forgive you." Francisco mutter. But they all heard him.     

Glenn remain calm. Janine felt the shivers of danger run to her whole body. Sylvia saw their expressions and she knows that the two of them, Glenn and Janine knows who killed Anastasia.     


Whiskey was roaming around the facility. He hate doing paper works but EPUA had drop few stocks. Sabrina has no memories and he suck up at organizing things here. But Brandy looks like he's enjoying playing around, demanding things and so on and forth.     

"I want to get married!" Whiskey complains.     

"Then let's get married." Brandy said as he chew on some Doritos.     

"Are you nuts?!" Whiskey scowl at him. Brandy acted innocent.     

"What's wrong with getting married? Let's go get married. I'll go hit on someone and impregnate her then you do the same and let's marry whoever the female is. Simple as that."     

Whiskey thought that he wanted them to get married. He would really kill him. He's not gay and he's still in love with Veronica. And he fuck different women everyday.     

Suddenly the door opens and one of their big boss came and frown at them. But they still look chill and wave at him. Gabriel put an envelope in front of them.     

"What's this big boss?" Brandy asked as he took it with his hands dirty. He pull it out and whistle. "This is a beautiful woman. Looks like Sabrina."     

"That's Anastasia Mondragon Alvarez. The only daughter of Ezekiel Mondragon and mother of Sabrina, Enzo and Ethan. Find her."     

Whiskey's drink runs to his nose and he reach the tissue and wipe his nose. It pains. Big pain. Brandy's jaw drops.     

"Are you nuts?!" Whiskey asked as he cough.     

"Anastasia is alive and of course Ezekiel is keeping her. I just want to monitor what she's doing and—make sure that Janine and Francisco look crazy while she's playing with them."     

"Wait!" Brandy stood. "What do you mean?"     

"Anastasia is alive and she's playing with Francisco, Janine and others. Let her play with them until Sabrina gives birth and is ready to accept the truth." Gabriel said. "Don't worry. I'll fulfill your requests. Anything. Your villa, I'll buy you your dream villa."     

"I want Veronica." Whiskey said and acted cool. Brandy laugh out loud.     

"You are aware that anyone one is off limits. Veronica is not a thing. Besides, she's married to a Lawson and Lawson's don't throw their wives away like a thing."     

Brandy hold his stomach as he laugh out loud. Whiskey sigh and just take it.     

"And I only want you, Whiskey to do it. Brandy has other things to do. And this is for your sister. Bring Eros to me." Gabriel fix his coat and left. Brandy's eyes widens and his heart is full excitement. He miss Eros so much that he want to strangle the bad ass man.     

"Yes!" He shower the Doritos on them. "I will start working out for Eros to see my hot packs of abdominal before he does. Eros hasn't worked out for years. He's a limp." He said.     

Back then, Eros and he would challenge each other on who's the most attractive. And he will surely win this time.     

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