Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Congratulations. You are going to be a Mom

Congratulations. You are going to be a Mom

Hailey yawns as she read more of the proposals. She suddenly feel sleepy and tired all the sudden. She want to go home and just sleep and eat, like what Jason is probably doing right now. The man always have money although he doesn't work every day.      

She twist her swivel chair and thought of something to eat. Then suddenly, her stomach turns and she run to her own bathroom and started vomiting there. Geez, she's been lethargic these past few weeks. Then she thought.      

Her period has been late for like two months and she suddenly feel the urge to eat a lot and not only eat a lot but also sleep. Is there a possibility that she's—she pick up her things and told her secretary that she's living. She went to the nearest hospital.      

And wait for her turn. And after she got tested for her urine and then other stuffs, she got the result. She turned pale and at the same time her heart jumps in excitement. She's so stupid that she's surprised. They haven't been using any contraceptives and she forgot about her shot and he wasn't used to putting on condom every time they do it.      

So how is she going to tell this to him? They are best friends and they don't love each other like couples do. But, would he be there as the father of her child? She just ruined her life for not using contraceptives. She wanted to get married and have kids not to be unmarried and pregnant.      

She left the clinic after taking her result and instead of going directly to her office, she went to one of the best hospitals and scheduled her checkup. She went back to the parking lot and sigh as she get into her car. She wanted to cry now. Her parents will surely find the man that impregnate her and peel him alive. She doesn't want that because firstly, Jason might get pressured.      

Her phone started ringing and she answered it. She wipe her tears and then cleared her throat.      


"Hey, where are you?" Jason asked. "I am hungry, go home and please—can you take out some food."      

"Okay." She hang up and start her car then he called again.      

"Are you alright? You sound like—do you want me to pick you up?"      

"No. I am fine. I will buy it now. Bye." She hang up and drove her car directly to the nearest restaurant and order a take out.     

She arrive at his penthouse and found him in the living room. Clothes are still on the floor from last night and the sink is super dry, it seemed like he didn't cook and eat. But there are ordered foods on the table from Chinese.      

He glance at her.      

"Hey, you look tired. Do you want me to massage you?" He asked her. She look around and then put the take out on the little space on the table.      

"I'm fine." She said and turn back.      

"Liar. People are good at lying when they tell people they are fine." He said.      

She went to his room—and the bed is still not made, underwear are on the floor. She went to the bathroom, took a warm shower, brush her teeth and put something on, dust the bed and lay there. She turn back and started weeping. She didn't know why she got so emotional these past few days—but now that there's a result, she now understand her situation.      

Everyone will see her growing belly so there's no escape from it. Jason didn't love her like couples do. He just want to f-ck her. Then, she won't be able to find a husband because she's pregnant with some man.      

"Hey." Jason said almost a whisper and then crawl on bed and kisses her forehead. She wipe off her tears. "Why are you crying?"      

"Did you see me crying?" She asked him.      

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Do you like ice cream?" he caress her long hair. "Or you can either choose me over ice cream."      

"Stop it."      

"Okay." He patted her head. "I already settled the table for our dinner. You should eat first."      

Should she tell him or not? Would he abandon her? Would their friendship be over?      

"I'm not hungry."      

"You look thin. Are you still not hungry?" He's really tempting her so she sniffle and sat up. "That's a good girl. Let's go." She wiped away her tears and then followed him. Everything is clean. From the floor to the couches and in the kitchen. He's fast at cleaning and tidying up. She sat down in front of him and he pour her a glass of water. She drank all of it and then he started eating after putting foods on her plate.      

She peek on him and eat up.      

"Hey, if you got a problem, just tell me? It won't hurt to tell."      

"How's Erickson?"      

"Is he your problem?" He asked back. She wanted to smack him for not answering her question first. "Well, he's in EPUA being tortured. Do you want to see it?" he grinned at her. She shook her head.      

"And by the way, I collected all of the paintings that he made for you, it will be for my eyes only." He said with winks. She bit her lower lip and then continue eating. "You look sad." He said. "You know that you can always count on me. So, are we going to some place or you want me to—" he winked again then whispered. "Do it here?"      

"What? Do what?" She asked impatiently. Jason dropped his shoulders.      

"You are so low." He said. "Let's just play video games, okay?"      

"I am tired." She said.      

"Then finish your food. If you don't like the food, I can cook something."      

She chew her food and look at him—he's always topless when he's at home. Then she look around to see that everything are organized. It wasn't that organize when she got here. Maybe he saw how groggy she was, and her beast might initiate and then—would she would claw on him.      

"You clean up so fast."      

"Of course, I am a magician." He said with winks.      

"I'll do the laundry now."      

"Stop right there. You can't do the laundry. You said you are tired. Don't be so dumb." He said. She sigh and continue eating. "Besides, if you are tired, just stay with me here. I am also tired playing alone."      

"I have to make money." She said. And she's pregnant, she want to give the best to her child like what her parents did. She lavish it all, but they taught her how to be thrifty and how to be independent.      

"Oh, by the way… you know that being your body guard and lover has a payment. So?"      

"I'll wire you." She said in a low voice. He frowned at her.      

"You know that I was joking. You can't pay me with you. This body isn't just for money. See that?" He even show his biceps. She only glance at it and lifelessly drink her water. Jason sigh. He hate it when she's like that.      

"I'm done." She said and stood up. She went back to bed and close her eyes.      

Jason wash the dishes and clean up, then he clean up the room and put all the garnets on the floor into the laundry baskets, separating the bras, briefs and panties from each other then he take a shower and then join her on bed only wearing his boxers.      

He then cuddle her and kiss her neck.      

"What's wrong?" he asked.      


"Okay. If you say so." He said. He's just waiting for her to say it, so he took his tablet and start playing. He glance at her and then continue playing puzzles then she sat up and turn on the lampshade beside her. Her back was on him and she clenches her fist. She have to say it.      

"I'm pregnant."      

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