Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Interrogation with Honey Trap

Interrogation with Honey Trap

 Hailey came to Alvarez mansion and it seemed that the atmosphere is weird. Jason greet her with his wet shirt and she pinch his sides hard that makes him squeal. He rubbed his side and pouted.     

"I told you not to stay in wet shirt!" She scowl at him in low voice.     

"Sorry." He pouted and remove his shirt. He then took the towel that the butler put in a silver tray for them. He gave it to Hailey and Hailey wipe his sweats away. "Do I stink?"     


"Would you still want me?" He grinned at her.     

"Yeah. Do I have a choice?" She asked back. He laugh and patted her head hard messing it.     

"You are so funny. Of course you have a choice. To either marry me or make love to me."     

"Oh, stop that!" Mark scowl at them. Jason wiggles his brows. "We still have lot of work to do."     

"Work for what?" Hailey asked. Mark shows his own sexy and abdominal packs to her.     

"Working for our muscles, baby!" He said with winks. Jason throw his wet shirt on Mark's face which he immediately throw away and he reach the towel to wipe his face. "what the fck dude!"     

"Do not call my Hailey that way!" Jason scowl at him. He reach Hailey's face and kiss her mouth passionately. Hailey smack him hard on his abdominal that makes him stopped.     

 Tony who just arrived smack Jason's head with the towel and pushed him away from Hailey.     

"We have a meeting tonight so, Hailey go to the east wing where other girls are." Tony said.     

"Where's the east wing?" She asked. Jason wrapped himself to her and start kissing her face nonstop.     

"Hey! You aren't married yet!" Tony and Albert who just arrived as well pull Jason away from Hailey. Hailey took her things and left as the maid led her to the east wing ball room.     

 Jason sighs with a smile. His woman just smell so good.     

"Let's work it out." Tony remove his coat and glance at Enzo who is still sitting on the couch with bandages on his hand. "Hey, dude! Are you going to dance or not. Gabriel is going to film everything because soon enough, Catriona will receive her surgery."     

"The day after tomorrow is the schedule." Albert said. "Allison and Sam are already preparing everything and practicing for the surgery." Albert pats him. "So no worries bro. Okay? Tomorrow is Jason's big day."     

"Yeah, let's just do as we have planned."     

 They practice their dancing while laughing in the gym until they mastered the choreography in their plan. While on the other wing of the Mansion, Sabrina settled a place for them to drink and do whatever they want since no man is allowed. However, Catriona can't be away from her own boys. They just start crying whenever they are away from her.     

"I thought boys would be taking care of them." Veronica said.     

"The boys are in their own stuffs." Catriona said. "It's fine. These little ones are going to sleep soon enough."     

 Sabrina is still feeding Athena. Athena is now fat and bigger than before. She grow up too quickly because she drinks a lot of milk from her. She doesn't like drinking from the bottle which is a good one. Breast milk is best for the baby.     

"Oh geez. I thought we are going to drink hard tonight."     

"You know that I can't drink." Hailey said. "I just wish that I can but Jason impregnate me before asking me to marry him." She sipped on the smoothie and start eating.     

"Sister, you are lucky that Jason impregnate you. Your brother and I are still working on it. I don't know how long it will take and my grandfather wants me to get pregnant."     

"You should probably move out from your mansion first." Samantha that just arrive with Allison said. "Everyone this is Allison."     

"Hi." Veronica wave her hand. "We all know her, Sam, just get that pretty ass of yours a seat. And you too Allison."     

 Allison sat down quietly and look at the triplets crawling on the mats. She look at them like a science experiment.     

"That is really practical." She said and they all laugh.     

"You are so right there, Allison." Veronica said. "Sabrina and two gorgeous males out there are her siblings. If you want to have kids as many as this in one labor—try Alvarez."     

 Allison rubbed her chin and thought about it. It means that the Alvarez has that genes in them. Aria laugh on what Veronica suggest and Allison looked at the twins and then to the other one. They are all beautiful.     

"Mark is sterile and his genes are strong enough. Maybe it's just me getting stressed over something however—I will still try it with him or maybe if one of Sabrina's brother could help me with it. It will be too easy."     

 Aria and Catriona are surprised.     

"Its recorded." Sabrina said and lift her phone. "Everything you said are recorded. I think Mark will have to work hard for that." She send it to him.     

"I wish he would." Allison said and reach one of the bottle of champagne and pour it into the champagne flute. She drinks it and just took the whole bottle, finishing it. Everyone just drink up well except for the pregnant woman. Catriona wanted to get drunk so badly with wine but she thought of the babies.     

 Sabrina is done and she pull up Athena and make her burp. There's a knock on the door and she walk through it because she knew only Gabriel would come.     

"I'm here to pick up the babies." He smiles. He already have the strollers. He kisses Athena on the head and put her down in one of the strollers.     

"Are you also here to pick up the others?"     

"Yes, so all of you could enjoy the night."     

"Okay." Sabrina one by one put the babies away. Even Camilla. "We are free now. Gabriel is babysitting the kids."     

 Veronica lift her wine glass and cheers up. The girls start drinking and talking. Allison was quiet and didn't feel like talking. She didn't feel out from the group. They are all enjoying and she seems to be enjoying their company.     

 They all fall asleep after getting themselves drunk.     

 On the other hand, Gabriel was tired singing for the kids. They are all still up playing including the little ones that can't crawl or run. Whenever they hear the triplet's laugh or the twins they would also laugh using baby sound. Gabriel's heart melt. He became their instant nanny. The triplets eventually fall asleep with the twins and he cover them one by one with their own blankets.     

 He then went to the pool and found the boys swimming, laughing and playing. He nodded. This is good. He went to the girls and check on them. They are all out. So he pick up his wife on the bean bag and she smile and wrapped herself around him and start kissing his neck.     

"You did a great job today." He mutter. "You are my surely my wife." He kiss her lips. He took her to one of the guest room and took Athena from the other room as he place her down beside Sabrina.     

 He caress her hair as he bent down and kiss her lips that is mixed with wine.     

"I like what you did a while ago."     


"Is there anything else that you are playing and plotted? How about our night in New York, did you plot that?" He asked her. She chuckled.     

"That was a coincidence. I was surely searching for a hot guy and you just came out of nowhere. You turned me on and I like what we did the first time."     

"Yeah?" He help her remove her clothes. "Like what?" He gently kisses her shoulder and then her chest.     

"Like when you were down there and found out that I was a virgin."     

"Hmm. It was priceless." He suck her nipples and she moans. Milk exploded in his mouth and it was just so good. She exhales and then hold his head.     

"Let's wait a little more, hubby." Sabrina mutter and they kiss passionately.     

"But tell me, what else did you plot?" He asked but her mouth was shut as she smirked. "Oh, Sabrina… you just turned me on more."     

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