Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Strict Husband

Strict Husband

    Sabrina watch the brawl between Glenn and Andromeda. She got little scratches but she doesn't care at all. Alden was frowning at his cousin. She was killing the big man with her own fist. She look at Glenn that just collapsed. She stood and turn on the microphone.      

"Cousin, don't kill him for Pete's sake!" what she said made Andromeda stop.      

"Just go home to your husband." Andel said and was about to be stripped off by Francisco who is watching them. He looked like he's been in a mental hospital for years with dark circles around his eyes.      

    Sabrina left and drove to the building. Her own valet was outside the building. She stopped her bike and remove her helmet. She then left the bike there as her own valet drove it away. She strode inside as the Head Guard of the building escort her to the CEO's floor building.      

    She strode fast inside and found her husband on the swivel chair with the two months old Athena on his arms while he's in front of the monitor. She exhales and smile at him but he didn't smile back.      

    She walked around to him and then kisses his cheek and Athena's head.      

"How could you drive a bike." His voice was deep and very dangerous. She fidgeted on her fingers as she looked down on her shoes like she's being scolded by her dad.      

"I'm sorry." She muttered.      

"Get Athena's things ready. We are leaving."      

"Okay." She obediently fix Athena's bag and put it under the stroller compartment. Then she glanced at him. He was so dangerous, calm and silent. She stomped her feet like a little brat and strode to him. "I'm sorry okay. Don't get mad at me."      

    He stood while carrying Athena and he put her down on the stroller. They stepped out of the office while pushing the stroller with Sabrina pouting beside him. She held his arm and pouts at him.      

"Don't get mad. Okay? Okay?" She hugged his waist as they walked outside to their waiting car.      

    In the car, they put Athena in the baby basket carrier between them. She pouted as she glanced at him. Gabriel look away. He's probably mad at her so they both remain quiet until they got home. She took Athena to her room and put her on the crib carefully. Then she followed him to their room.      

"Gabby." She hugged him from the back. "Talk to me." Gabriel turn to her and scoop her face.      

"Do not do it again. I know that you can handle it but—I don't want you to put yourself in danger ever again." He caress her hair. "Don't be stubborn this time."      

    She glanced at the calendar. Then  stripped off the shirt that he's wearing.      

"Just make love to me and let's forget what happened." She grinned at him.      


    Anastasia was busy making strawberry cake before going to the Alvarez Mansion. Well, she kept him in the room and let him sleep while her father just arrived and greeted her. She smiled at him and his face darkens.      

"Is that Ferdinand's car?" He asked her.      

"Yes, dad." She said. "Please, don't scare him, okay?"      

    He didn't say anything, and left to his room while she continue making pastries. After baking the cake, she went on to prepare dinner. She then let Eugene turn over and bring her father a tea. She put it on the table while he's looking out the window.      

"Dad," She hold his hand. "Please."      

"Just go." He said. She knows how he feels. He will be alone again. It was hard to choose but she didn't want to choose. She can go with him and take care of him. They can all live together so she can take care of him. But he doesn't want to see Ferdinand.      

"Dad, if you become this hard—it will also be hard for me to take care of both of you."      

"He should take care of you." He told her. "Let me be. I am fine." He held her hand. "Your happiness is all I want."      

"Okay. Then let's go to Alvarez Mansion and check on the triplets." She smiled at him.      

    He didn't say anything. So, she takes it as a yes. She stood.      

"I'm going to prepare dinner so we all can have a proper talk."      

    Anastasia went to her room where Ferdinand is sleeping. He's already awake sitting on the bed.      

"Am I dead meat?" he asked her. She smiled and strode to him. He snaked his arms around and shoved his face on her stomach.      

"Not really."      

"Your dad hates me."      

"I know… we can just forget about it. I already prepared the cake that our children loves."      


    It took a whole day for Mark and Jason to track Marga. She just contacted one of her father's associates. A very dangerous gangsters that's hard for even EPUA to take down. However, they aren't alone. There's Veronica and her army of Assassins and then Alanis—Sabrina's former suitor. Almost forgot about Lawson's army.      

"I'm so sleepy." Mark yawns. "Did you know that I make love to Alison all night just to satisfy her and make her feel that I love her. Damn that woman. Is it hard for her to accept my love? I mean—I'm doing everything."      

"And your point?" Jason asked.      

"My point is, help me renovate the house that I bought years ago. I want to give her a home for us to live where we can build a family—so she won't think that I would leave her and commit infidelity. I love this woman—"     

"Stop your drama." He cut him off. "It's really annoying. I will help you with whatever help you need. We can even bury intruders in the backyard, however, they are now planning to trap EPUA." Jason gives him the tablet.      

"Shit!" Mark ready his snipper and monitor the car.      

    Jason called the troops in EPUA to ready the snipers. He's now a Commander and it's a very big responsibility. Although he wished that he's home with his wife, playing video games with her, making love to her and just talking to her all day.      

    Just how did Sabrina predict this? Damn, she wanted to be just like her. His phone rings and he answer it immediately since it's his wife.      

"I thought that it's quick." She weaned.      

"Sorry, baby but I am in the middle of a mission. Don't worry, when I come back—I will give all of my attention to you. No phone, no computer and no video games. I promise you that. We will do anything you want. Okay? Just give me a few more hours."      

"Okay. Take care. Come to me in a complete piece."      

"Promise that baby. Love you."      

"I love you too." She hung up and then he focused on his target.      

"Wow." Mark just said. He never heard Jason talk like that.      

"Let's finish this. I want to go home to my wife."      


    Marga was giving her body and soul to the demon just to save her mother. She doesn't care about others. She just wanted to save her mother. Her father gave her lots of details about people that she can contact. And not everything is free. She's using an army of biggest syndicate in the country that EPUA can't even bring down.      

    She's in front of the man. Big fat man and he wasn't that handsome and he look so scary. Beside him is a handsome man but has a scar on his cheek. He was so serious and also look dangerous. She had bet her life to this man and now, she's stripping off her clothes for early payment.      

    She was fully naked in front of them and the man was satisfied with her body.      

"Come here." She did walk closer. He immediately grabbed her waist and pushed her on the desk. She winced in pain and the man—without any warning insert his thing on her and pound on her. She scream in pain as she held onto the table and let the man take over her body.      

    It didn't end well because the man beside him known to be his secretary also did it to her. It's more brutal than what the Drug Lord did. But looking at his face—she felt aroused and let him take her with pleasurable moans.      

"That's right. I need a son—good looking son to rule beside me. And you did right little girl. Your father has good genes and—your mom is pretty. You can give me what I want. Not just that—you will serve me and be my slave. You will do everything I want. Understand?"      

"Yesss…." Marga moans as the man bite her nipples. It hurts so much but the man looked at her fierce and pound on her that nearly break her.      

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