Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

Wedding Anniversary without the Wife (F)

Wedding Anniversary without the Wife (F)

Enzo was admiring Catriona while she slept. He kept caressing her face, her hair, and then her stomach. He kept kissing it. It was his… he was sure of that. That's why Sabrina led him to her to save her. But where is his sister?     

He pulled out his phone and detected the last call. Enzo sat straight and immediately called Gabriel who was about to leave the country.     

"Hey, bro. She called me when she was near the Mondragon Villa. I think she came from there. I will call grandpa."     

"Do that. If your grandfather has something to do with this—I will not forgive him."     

"Chill out. Okay? Maybe she's just out of contact or something."     

He called his grandfather and after a few rings, he answered it.     

"Hey, Grandpa, where's Brina? Gabriel has been trying to reach her."     

"She's fine. He doesn't need to worry." Then Ezekiel hung up. Enzo checked the location of his grandfather. It's at EPUA Hospital in Virginia. Then he sent it to Gabriel. He stood from his seat and called someone in Virginia. Soon, it was answered.     

"Hi, it's Centaur, is Mimosa in the facility?"     

"Sorry, Centaur but we don't have a notice that Mimosa is in the facility. But I'll call you once we know."     

"Okay, thanks."     

He went back to his adorable woman and kissed her. It must be very hard for her to lose her sight. He learned from Tequila about what happened to their mission in Switzerland and that bastard Eros shall pay on what he did to his woman.     

Veronica came with fruit bags and other stuff. He reached one of the canned juice that she brought and stood in front of her while fixing a few groceries.     

"So, what happened to your mission?" He asked her.     

"Francisco is already in the dungeon, with Sylvia." She said.     

"How do you feel about that?"     

"You don't need to know what I feel because I feel nothing at all. Take care of my sister while I am gone. Sabrina hasn't contacted me for three days."     

"She's in the US," Enzo said. "We don't know what happened to her but Gabriel will bring her back."     

Veronica stopped.     

"Something happened to her?"     

"I will contact EPUA again if I find out anything."     

Veronica nodded and left. Enzo glanced at the dogs cuddled on the sofa. They should be prohibited but since Catriona is already in the facility of EPUA, they have to say no to that. He took the dog bowls that Veronica brought with her and he lined it up as he started pouring their snacks there.     

"Enzo?" Catriona calls. He immediately went up to her and kissed her lips. "You asshole!" She smacked him.     

"Ow! Are you still mad at me?"     

"This is your fault!" She said as she held her stomach. "Do you think it's easy to give birth and carry your children?" Enzo smiled and snuggled on her chest. Her boobs grew bigger just like he wanted.     

"Baby, come. Bare it a little more. Okay? I am here. I will take care of everything."     

"Take care of everything?" She scoffed. Enzo grinned as he shoved his face on her breasts and caressed her stomach.     

"Yup. Oh, by the way—I have to call Sam to know if we can make love."     

Enzo received a big slap from Catriona to her chest. It was so painful and hurt big.     

"How dare you think about other stuff?!"     

"What? I haven't gotten laid for nearly a year, Catriona. I keep waiting and waiting… then I found out that you are being kept by my sister."     

"I told her not to tell you." Enzo rolled his eyes and scooped her chin.     

"Woman, do not provoke me. Do you think that I can't protect you? You are wrong. I am here now, I will protect you and our children."     

"Would you still want a pregnant blind woman?"     

"No matter what it is—I want you. I told you. I love you and I won't marry anyone except you. So be a good girl and relax okay? What do you want to eat?"     


"Good." Enzo smacked her lips with his.      

He started slicing the apple and then washes the strawberries. He sat down beside her and started feeding her. Catriona felt satisfied. She leaned on him and let him stroke her stomach as he fed her. This is too comfortable. She's been longing to be in his arms and be doted upon like this.     

"I love you, Cat." He kisses her top head. "I love you and our babies." He said. "Sabrina will envy me surely." He grins.     

"Sabrina, is she alright?"     

"I guess. That's what grandpa said." He said and scooped her breasts. Catriona frowned and smacked him away. Though she can't see, she can feel it all. The warmth from Enzo and the care that he's giving. Too much affection. She wants to be selfish at that moment. She wanted it all.     

"You are so sexy and fat." He murmured seductively. Catriona smacked him hard.     

"Say that I am fat again. And I swear, I am going to kill you." Enzo bit his tongue. Badmouth. He kisses her.     

"You are sexy and curvy. I love those curves. You aren't fat. You are just pregnant." But Catriona indeed got fat. Still, she was seductively sexy in his eyes.     

He then called Ethan after Catriona fell asleep.     

"Bro, I need my room to be cleaned. Uhh, can you ask dad to settle the guest room into the baby's nursing room?"     

"Yeah, sure no prob. I will send people right now to settle it. So—it's triplets?"     

"Yeah." Enzo grin.     

"Lucky bastard. I and Aria will be there then."     

"And I need another room for our pets. They love messing in the garden."     

"Okay. Sure. You are going to be a dad now. Make sure to get a marriage certificate."     

"Uhuh." They haven't talked about it yet. But he wants his children to have his name. "Happy Valentine's, brother."     

"Yeah… I have to settle this quickly so I can take my wife out for a date."     

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