Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She is their Princess after all

She is their Princess after all

Louis nodded his head. "Robin had his people searching for you everywhere. But he is totally searching in a different place, honey. My men already distracted him and made his people go in the opposite direction from where we are." he said.      

"Why am I suddenly feeling like this two weeks vacation has ulterior motives. You guys are using this opportunity to do something behind my back, aren't you?" Brina asked pouting.      

"No hon. No any ulterior motive."      

"I had a plan of confessing to you. Besides this, there is no other motive. We didn't bring you here just to distract some mere local don. However, we don't deny that we are being careful in distracting him, that is it." Louis said.      

"We would have already taken care of that moron by now. But, we decided against it because you don't want to attract any unnecessary attention." Louis said, as he squeezed her hand on her lap with one of his hands, while managing the steering wheel with another one.      

"Moreover, we wanted you to take care of Russell's family and their people yourself. We won't interfere until or unless you want us to. So, we just made an intermediate plan to keep them away from you for these two weeks." Harry supported Louis.      

"Yes. Just like Harry said, we mostly planned everything after we both came here. So, there is no ulterior motive in bringing you here." Louis said, giving aid to his accomplices.       

"Believe in your brother and boyfriend." Harry said.      

Meanwhile, both Rhianna and Brina are now having a very hard time believing what's happening here. It is not because of their explanations but because of their boyfriend's team spirit and unity.      

"All right, all right. I believe you guys." Brina helplessly said.      

She is now so sure that she will have a hard time convincing two of overprotective CEO's if she ever wanted to do something reckless or adventurous.      

Soon all of them arrived at the nearby multiplex and decided to watch some romance plus horror movie.      

"Brina baby, what do you want to eat?" Louis asked as soon as he saw the food arena at the other side, showing his PDA.      

"Anna honey, do you want to eat me or the food over there?" Harry asked his girlfriend, competing with Louis.      

As soon as those words escaped his sinful mouth, Brina coughed vigorously and Rhianna blushed furiously.      

They are in the public place, for god's sake!! How can he have the audacity to talk in such a way??!!     

Louis quickly patted Brina's back and gave her water before looking at Harry, "Guys, if you are feeling so horny get a room all right!! Don't scare my innocent girlfriend like this." he chided them.      

Now it's time for Harry and Rhianna to cough.      


Who? Brina?     

They are sure that these both will be more horny after they experience that euphoria. It is just that, they haven't had that taste yet and are acting all innocent.      

While these couples are chatting and teasing each other, many of the onlookers are taking a peek at them. Of course it's rare to witness such a handsome and a charming men with their beautiful and elegant girlfriends.      

It's a scene to behold especially when they are laughing and smiling capturing everyone's hearts.      

"Honey, I want nachos, cheese popcorn, coke and also a small size chilli pepper pizza. If possible, a mocktail and-" Brina was answering Louis when she noticed the line getting bigger at the food stalls.      

"Woah.. woah.. stop girl. Are you seriously considering eating all of those, Brina?" Harry asked his sister. "Why don't you share it with us as well? Nothing is more tasty than free food." he chuckled. Not to mention the fact that he is a billionaire.      

"Anna, he is saying that free food is tastier than you. I think it's high time for you to dump him and get a new boyfriend who would not compare you with a free food." Brina said to her friend and Louis right away laughed hearing his girlfriend's teasing.      

'She could be a good diplomat for sure. But it's a shame that she decided to take the technical side rather than management.' Louis thought.      

"You are right Brina. Actually, a handsome male actor proposed to me during my solo business trip to Hawaii. I will consider it." Rhianna added more fuel to the flame.      

"And, I can help you with it, if you want." Louis said, fanning the fire to increase its intensity.      

Harry pulled Rhianna in his embrace.  "Stop... stop. I got my lesson not to compete with you in throwing dog food. Now, don't spoil my girlfriend." he complained to his sister and her vicious boyfriend.      

"Baby, I am not going to send you to any solo business trip ever again." Harry said, pouting adorably at Rhianna.      

"Really?" Brina asked, chuckling. She got the trick Rhianna used here.      

"But, wait.. when did you go to Hawaii on the solo trip?" he asked as he couldn't remember it.      

"Err, never." Rhianna said as she stuck her tongue out.      

Louis and Brina burst out laughing and then they walked away to the food stalls to get Brina's snacks.      

Meanwhile, Harry and Rhianna are too happy to see Brina laughing and acting carefree. This is really a huge improvement in all these years.      

As Louis come clean with his identity and nothing serious happened between the couple in that matter, they finally could sigh in relief.      

"Buy me my snacks too. Or else, I will really go to Hawaii and get myself a gigolo." Rhianna said to Harry as she smirked.      

"You wouldn't dare or else, it will be difficult for you to walk tomorrow my madam fiancée." Harry whispered.      


Soon the three hours passed by in a blink of an eye and they really enjoyed the movie. Double date is truly fun and they decided to do it more often if everything is normal and happy like this.      

Going on a trip once in a while could really be a stress reliever.      

Later, they went to a good restaurant in the town and ate their fill but Brina and Rhianna insisted on eating a customized ice cream.      

Being a doting boyfriend they of course right away fulfilled it before going back to their respective place.      

However, they didn't forget to plan their trip to hot springs the next day. It's something Brina asked them and they would never defy her wishes.      

She is their princess after all.      

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