Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Brina arrives!

Brina arrives!

'He will surely fall for me this time.' she thought when she saw the approval written on his face. He was smiling at her, nodding his head in appreciation.      

However she just doesn't know that she just made Louis's target very easy by acting so self righteous and overconfident.      


"All right then." Louis smirked.      

He turned on the phone and ordered the assistant outside. "As soon as Ms. Parker arrives, send her inside." Louis commanded.      

As the receptionist knows who the real CEO is, she right away informed the receptionist at the outer desk.      

After giving the order, Louis came back and sat down across Nadia who is glowing with arrogance and also happiness.      

"All right, Ms. Russell. Continue with your presentation as for now while we waiting for Ms. Parker to arrive." he told her.      

Nadia smirked and continued concentrating on making a good impression in front of her 'Edward' who is none other than Daniel.      

As for Brina, the other reason why she being called by Louis is to inform him about the notification she got. She secretly connected her office PC to her work tracker. So, when Nadia stole it by copying it into her laptop, Brina got the notification.      

Everything is going as per planned.      

Louis actually knew this would happen and so he started to showing interest in Nadia's presentation. He is waiting for the right time, happily.      

By wearing her innocence face, she actually decreased the steps they had to take to destroy her.      

When he recognized that the time had come, he messaged Brina and asked her to come if she wanted to give some trailer 'face slaps' to Nadia.      


After a few minutes.      

Brina arrived and she was dressed in a simple jumpsuit which gave the vibes of both casual and work attire.      

It is the same white suit with a simple black sash at her slender waist which is bought by Louis for her during their vacation.      

Though the look is simple, the quality is of course top notch. Brina is someone who never compromise when it comes to dressing. Though she sometimes like to dress in a simple outfit. It will always suit her as if it is made only for her.       

Fortunately, Louis has a good taste in selecting the perfect dresses for his queen and this white jumpsuit made Brina look like as if she is a dainty goddess, an angel.      

However, one could see the bandage on her forehead, right away figuring out that she had met with an accident.      

Louis right away gave her a compliment with his eyes. She is looking totally beautiful and elegant.      

Meanwhile, Daniel almost gaped in awe at his sister-in-law. He couldn't help but deny that she and Louis are really perfectly match made in heaven.      

Brina is like an angel eluding the peace and warm vibes while Louis is like a devil in disguise emanating the formidable and cold aura.      

'Bro, you both are perfect together!!' Daniel communicated with his eyes and a smile lit up on Louis's face.      

Later, Daniel blinked his eyes at Brina with a sweet smile, as if greeting her with respect. She smiled back at him and slightly nodded her head, greeting him back.      

After that her eyes shifted to Louis who had his eyes locked on her beautiful face. He gave her a flying kiss making Brina flush.      

It felt strange and bashful to show their affection in public.      

However on the other hand, Nadia is totally unaware of what just happened between these three. She was totally shocked when she saw her cousin just enter the room.      

'Why is she here? Isn't she dead already?!' Nadia thought angrily.      

The woman who is proved dead, is standing right in front of her harmless and very healthy. In fact, Brina look totally different, something about her is different!!      

She is glowing with bliss and peace just like an angel descended from heaven. Nadia would have thought that it is her cousin's ghost if not for the bandage on Brina's head.      

She is totally shocked!!     

How can Brina be alive??      

"Please sit down, Ms. Parker." Louis said, gesturing for her to sit across from him and Brina obliged.      

"Ms. Parker, I heard you had an accident. How are you feeling now?" Daniel asked as soon as she took her seat.      

"I am fine sir. Thank you for asking." Brina said.      

Daniel nodded his head and smiled politely before coming back to the topic.       

"I have temporarily allocated Ms. Russell here to fill up your place, Ms. Parker. After you applied for sick leave and suggested us in replacing you, few of our board members recommended Ms. Russell." Daniel told.      

"Though your project manager was not fine with Ms. Russell taking your position. We did it under some external forces. However, today Ms. Russell is blamed for copying your presentation." he explained.        

Meanwhile, Nadia is sweating profusely in her seat and a bead of sweat can be seen rolled down from her forehead while she fidgeted with her own fingers.      

And, her heart is started to get heavy as well. Here she was, thinking that she got this position because of the CEO took a liking of her. However, she was utterly and awfully wrong.      

He did it because of the pressure from higher ups but not because he has interest in her. And, that doesn't mean she will just give up! But, on contrary this made her more ambitious to become Mrs. Wright.      

She has already shown off in front of the many people that she is Edward Wright's girlfriend. Now, all of a sudden she just can't change it or back off. Hell no! So, she must make that impossible possible.      

And, the other shocking news is Brina. She is alive and she is here to help Louis in suing her.      

This often made her wonder why he is so grudgeful against her.      

"Yes sir. This presentation solely belongs to me." Brina said and as soon as Nadia heard those words she snapped her head towards Brina.      

"No sir. Ms. Parker is lying." Nadia said, all of a sudden not understanding what to talk anymore.      

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