Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

I bet it on my job sir!!

I bet it on my job sir!!

She was treated no less than the princess.      

What Nadia doesn't know is this princess is none other than her 'beloved simple background' cousin sister.      

Meanwhile, Louis is briefly answered Harry's questions and ended the call. He sensed that Nadia is staring at him and he couldn't help but smirk. How good it could be if she finds out that her cousin Brina is the one that they are talking about now?      

"Sorry for interruption. Let's proceed." Louis said to Daniel, more like he is the CEO rather than Daniel itself.      

That he is.      

But Nadia doesn't know right? Because she's a fool.      

"Yep. Sure." Daniel briefly answered, gesturing for Nadia to start her presentation.      

With her clumsy hands and overwhelmed mind, she opened her presentation and started to explain one by one. As Brina's presentation is already so perfect and much detailed, she somehow managed to understand it with the help of her father's employee through a call.      

Five minutes passed by and Louis's phone started to ringing again.      

"And, this time I'm sure it might be my sister-in-law. As it is already past the lunch time, she would be calling to ask if you had your lunch or not." Daniel right away guessed, abruptly stopping Nadia from her flow.      

She felt annoyed for being stopped.      

She is sweating profusely to explain these, yet here they are acting very irresponsible and insensible.      

This made her remember herself. She also used to do the same thing in her father's company and now, she understood how those employees would have felt whenever she ignored them.      

Just like how she is helpless and acting tame, those would have felt the same frustration.      

Clenching her fists, she took a deep breath. Keeping her cool self. But inside, her anger reached the highest peak but to no avail.      

"Yep. It's your sister-in-law." Louis told.      

"I'm going to take this call outside. Don't mind me and please continuing without me here. It will take some time." he added.      

Immediately, Daniel's face started to get pale.      

How heartless of his bestfriend to leave him with this monster!?      

"Bro, I don't mind delaying the meeting but I can't let you go out. I want to see how romantic this piece of wood has turned into." Daniel said, stopping Louis from going out.      

Louis of course understood what his bestfriend trying to do and he can't stop grinned inside. He knew Brina had her idea of how to end Russell's but he can't just sit quiet without doing anything when it was his girlfriend who got hurt.      

"Baby." Louis spoke as soon as he answered the call.      

Meanwhile at the other side, Brina just returned back to her home and she decided to pack a few of her things as she will be moving in with Louis. As her house is just two stairs down, she just decided to take all of her essentials.      

"I just returned from the hospital." Brina said. She called him right away because she knew he would be worried.      

"Is everything fine?" Louis asked, concerned.      

"All good honey. Did you have lunch?" Brina asked.      

"Yep baby. I had. What about you?" he asked as a charming smile adorned his face.      

"I already ordered. It will be here soon." Brina said, smiling.      

"Sister-in-law, can I visit your little nest today?" Daniel childishly asked as he got near to Louis's phone and shouted.      

"Is that Daniel?" Brina asked. Louis has told her everything about Daniel and what happened to him when he encountered Nadia in her disgusting lingeries.      

Poor kid had got scared and he even had a nightmares too.      

"Uh-huh." Louis answered.      

"Why don't you bring him for dinner, honey? I didn't get to meet with any of your friends except for Charlotte. If they are your friends, they are my friends too." Brina said.      

"Sister-in-law, you are the best!! Muahhh." Daniel shrieked in joy only to earn a glare from Louis.     

"Sister-in-law, if you have a sister, introduce her to me please." he said, making Louis chuckle in amusement.      

Her sister is none other than Nadia!! What an irony!     

And, when Daniel realized what he said, he sealed his lips.      

"Man, you are a CEO. Act serious please." Louis chided, pointing his eyes to Nadia whose face is now marred with complicated expressions.      

She is very sad because her 'Edward' is not even thinking about taking her as one of his possibilities.      

"Don't mind me, Ms. Russell. I heard my sister-in-law is super rich and famous. However, she is independent and rose to fame by herself, so someone like her is rare and nowadays, every men like those types of women." Daniel intentionally said.      

Louis told him what he had to achieve, so Daniel is bringing those topics again which he has been asked to bring out to manipulate Nadia.      

'So, 'Edward' likes the independent, famous and rich women. I am rich enough and I have just to become famous and independent. Right?' Nadia thought.      

'As I am a model in one of the important advertisements of the S & S Corps, I of course surely will do anything to become famous.' she firmly decided.     

She decided to concentrate more on pleasing her sugar daddy, not knowing that is exactly what Brina wanted her to do.      

After a few more minutes talking, Louis ended his call and they started their presentation again.      

For the next ten minutes, Nadia managed fine and at last she was about to let out a sigh of relief, however....      

The next slide of the presentation made Louis stop her. Fury is written all over his face.      

He banged his fist on the table, making Nadia clutch her laptop from falling down. Even Daniel seems slightly affected.      

"Louis, what happened?" Daniel asked, totally worried.      

"I have been warning you not to take someone who enters the company through backdoors. See, what happens now!" Louis shouted.      

'He told me? When? No, it might be the board members he is angry on.' Daniel thought. Though Louis doesn't like the unfairness in selection of employees, he is helpless because he is not the one and only person who has all the power to make decisions.     

Sometimes, he must give in too.      

"What happened now?" Daniel asked and Nadia is almost about to break down with tears.      

"She copied the presentation. This presentation belongs to one of our other employee and I have seen the same one, two weeks back when Ms. Parker (Brina) showed it to me and asked for a few pointers." Louis fired out.      

"No sir. You mistook my presentation to someone else. How can I copy knowing that she will be presenting the same later on. This is my hard work and I am the one who created this." Nadia confidently denied knowing that Brina would never return or let alone come here to prove Louis right.      

"Are you sure, Ms. Russell?" Daniel asked.      

"Yes, sir. I can bet it on my job." Nadia said.      

"If you said so. Stand on your words Ms. Russell. If not, you will know what the consequences of lying to me." Louis said, smirking inside.      

"If you prove me wrong I will leave my job sir. Previously you humiliated me and I tolerated it because the fault was on my side. This time I will not keep quiet when I am getting wronged for something I didn't do." Nadia said, thinking how her 'Edward' just said that he likes confident, independent women.      

'He will surely fall for me this time.' she thought when she saw the approval written on his face. He was smiling at her, nodding his head in appreciation.      

However she just don't know that she just made Louis's target very easy by acting so self righteous and overconfident.      

What a fool and overconfident bitch!      

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