Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Second chance

Second chance

"I am sorry, Brina. I was wrong." her grandfather said, shocking her.      

He looked at her, "I overheard your uncle and cousins talking about the accident." he said.      

"You mean murder attempt?" Brina corrected him.      

Her grandfather flinched because the acridness in her voice. She is hurt and he of course understood it. Even he didn't expect that his other grandchildren would harm Brina in this way.      

"I'm sorry for taking the wrong side, Brina. I know I was arrogant and so proud to accept you. But, after seeing the true shades of your cousins I started thinking that you are far better than them." he said.      

When she heard his words, Brina scoffed. Is this how someone makes their judgement??!!     

"So, after seeing the real colors of your beloved heirs, you decided to give me some shares of Russell's family, right?" Brina guessed.      


"That's for the good of Russell's family," he added.      

"But it's not good for me." Brina snapped.      

"Brina, you might be rich because of your mother's assets. But, at one or other point of your life they might not be there with you. I mean, there are possibilities that you might sell them and that money might get finished. So, it's better to have a potential source of income." he tried to reason with her.      

"No thanks, I am fine with what I have and I don't want anything from your Russell's family. If you are so worried about my well being, just ask your son and grandchildren to stop scheming on me." Brina scoffed.      

"But Brina, they are powerful and they will do everything to get what they want. But if you are one of the shareholders of their company there are chances they won't annoy you much. With those shares in your hands, they will have that fear that you might sell it to the other board members and make them the major shareholders," he said.      

That's right too. As she is counted as part of Russell's family, it will still look like Russell's are major shareholders. So, Carson and Nolen will not try to agitate her in the fear of losing that shares to their opponents.     

They might try to kill her but...     

However, if they get to know that Elder Russell is in her side now, they won't dare. He could easily kick them out of the company. And, the perfect method to show his support is by transferring this shares.     

"That was very kind of you grandfather. But my answer is still a no." Brina said.      

Somewhere, deep inside her she felt happy that her grandfather was thinking about her security. But, she is also aware that he is thinking about the welfare of Russell's corporations.      

"Brina, you don't know about your cousin's maternal family." he protested worriedly. He took her hand into his, and softly said. "I lost my daughter because of my irrational behaviour and I don't want to lose my granddaughter because of my passiveness."      

"We have less time, dear. Your cousin's and uncle might scheme against you, again" he said.     

"Please let me help you to protect yourself, dear. I know that I was unfair towards you till now. But this accident is an eye-opener to me, so please give us a second chance in this grandfather and granddaughter relationship." he urged.      

Brina smiled and for the first time it reached her eyes with genuine happiness.      

So, her grandfather is changed!! It's good.      

She could tell he is genuine. She was seeing him from past few years and she can distinguish between what's fake and what's real.     

"What if their maternal family is powerful? Grandfather, you can't underestimate my family either." Brina smirked.      

"I am many times richer than you grandfather and I am relatively far beyond powerful if you want to compare me with them. Don't take my silence as helplessness. I was just being patient because I had chosen to maintain peace in this family for my grandmother's sake." Brina told him.      

And as soon as those words escaped her lips, her grandfather froze.      

He didn't understand what she was talking about. When his daughter eloped, he enquired about the man with whom she eloped. But every enquiry led him to the only one answer, that he was a normal employee with no powerful background attached.      

But what his granddaughter claimed seems to be the right as well. Ever since she came to this country he never saw her suffering because of a lack of money.      

And, her lifestyle isn't that bad either. Even when he personally enquired, he found out that Brina never used any of her mother's assets. She didn't even give a damn about them.      

But still she managed the decent lifestyle. And, he also found out that she gives a very huge amount to the welfare of many orphanages around the city.      

"I believe in you, Brina. But what is your plan?" he asked.      

"As the compensation for my silence in all of these years, I want to help you now. Your cousin has truly crossed the limit of humanity this time." he said, resolution evident in his eyes.      

"So, what can I do to help you, Brina?" he asked.     

"If you really want to help me grandfather, then tell others that you have given away the shares to me. But don't transfer them under my name and when the time comes, I will ask you to transfer it to someone in this family itself. If you really trust in me, just transfer the shares without asking any further questions." Brina told him.      

At first he seemed reluctant but nodded his head. "I will do as you say, Brina dear. But, on one condition." he said and looked into her eyes.      

"Your uncle isn't as bad as you think. He is a good man once and believe me, he tried his best to reunite me and your mother. But, after his wife's death, he married your Aunt Clara. And, ever since then, Nolen and Nadia have started manipulating him."      

"Giving the excuse of not having motherly love, they pushed him to do anything for them. Slowly, he turned out like this. He blindly believes in his children and does whatever they ask. However, I know he is not as good as I depicted, but think about Neil and your Aunt Clara."      

"Neil will become fatherless and your aunt truly loved Carson once. If you can manage to change him back into a better person, please do try. Unfortunately, if he still opted to take the wrong path, I'll leave it to your choice. You can teach him a lesson in any way you want." her grandfather said.      

"This is my only condition." he said, his eyes pleading to her.      

"I will think about it." Brina genuinely said.      

"Thanks dear. Your grandmother might be waiting for you, let's go now." he said, patting her head.      

Later, Brina spent an hour with her grandmother and then left the mansion.      

Meanwhile, in the mansion.      

"Father, did you do as I asked?" Carson asked his father.      

Elder Russell smiled and nodded his head curtly. But his curt smile is because he pity his son now.     

He isn't a fool to stick up to the bad side.     


"Louis, what is he doing here?" Brina sighed     

She saw him at the park near Russell's mansion and stopped her car.      

"What are you doing here?" Brina asked.     

"I was worried about you. You didn't reply to my messages." Louis pouted and hugged her. Concern evident in his eyes.      

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