Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

I am sorry, Brina!!

I am sorry, Brina!!

Meanwhile, Brina didn't mind greeting any of them and she shifted her eyes to her aunt.      

"Aunt, I will go and visit my grandmother first." Brina said, totally disregarding the others.      

As she said earlier, she has neutral feelings towards her grandfather. She hates the three people in this family and loves the other three of this very same family. However, her grandfather threads in between these two sides.      

It was his choice whether to choose the side of the people whom she will be destroying soon or the other side of people whom she will protect with everything she got.      

Disregarding everyone else, Brina took the stairs to the first floor where her grandmother's chamber is present.      

With a gentle knock, she entered the room.      

With the gentle creak of the door, an old lady who was bedridden and had a sickly face, craned her neck and looked at the person who entered her room.      

Her skin is sagged a bit and her eyes are swollen. However, her elegance and classy demeanor is still the same.      

"Sabrina." her grandmother called her and extended her shivering hand to Brina.      

Brina quickly took it in her hands and sat down beside the old lady. "I'm fine grandma. I am totally fine and on the contrary it was you who is not fine." Brina chided her.      

If there is someone who is still allowed to call her Sabrina, it is her grandmother alone. In addition to that, she is the one of the very few people who knows about her past.      

Not even her grandfather is aware of who is Sabrina actually or how rich her father was back then. Only her grandmother is aware that Brina's father, George came all the way here and acted as an employee just to woo Jennifer (Brina's mother).      

To be more accurate, none of these people besides her grandmother knows that Brina had an elder brother named Seth.      

They are still thinking that Brina is the only daughter of George and Jennifer. It was because Jennifer was already pregnant with Seth when she eloped with George.      

And Brina was born four years later.      

"I was so worried, dear. I thought it was your enemies and that was the reason why you suddenly disappeared." her grandmother spoke, her voice so faint and so sick.      

"I thought that they finally found you and in order to save Will from them, you went away from this country. I know that my strong and brave granddaughter would not easily die in some mere accidents. She is a survivor." her grandmother lovingly gazed at her and caressed her cheeks.      

Brina smiled, her eyes misty. "I promised you that I will bring Will to see you. And, I'm not gonna leave this country without any reason, grandma. At last, I am home." she said.      

Her grandmother looked at her amusingly. She is aware that Brina never considered Russell family as her home and besides this, her granddaughter never promised that she will stay in this country permanently.      

Sabrina always had a plan of moving out of this country if there are chances that her enemies would detect her presence.      

This piqued her grandmother's interest in finding out the reason.      

"Are you in love, princess?" her grandmother asked, patting her hair. After seeing that silly smile on Brina's face, she couldn't help but remember her own daughter Jennifer when she confessed about her love.      

Brina chuckled and nodded her head like a kid. A beautiful smile brightened her face. "I am. He is the most sincere and genuine man I never met. Unlike Nickolas." she said.      

After losing her parents and family, the only elder Brina has is her maternal grandmother. So, Brina wanted to take blessings from her.      

Her grandmother smiled. "I'm happy for you, my dear. Bring him to see me once before I die." she told but Brina pouted.      

"Never talk about dying, Grandma!! You are going to live, at least to see your granddaughter taking revenge for her parents death." Brina emotionally said.      

Her grandmother pursed her lips and her eyes turned gloomy. She can't tell her precious granddaughter that she will be die, right?     

It would make her very sad and upset. It's better to hide it from this child who is already broken enough.      

Meanwhile, a knock on the door alerted Brina totally and she furrowed her eyebrows. She craned her neck towards the door only to realize that it is her grandfather.      

'He might have come to talk with grandmother or to eavesdrop our conversation.' Brina thought and disregarded his presence.      

As he is not here for her, it is none of her business to acknowledge his presence.      

"Honey, I want to talk to our granddaughter once. You can rest for a while and me and Brina will go to the study room." he informed his wife.      

She simply nodded her head and gestured to Brina to go. As her grandmother is not aware of the internal rivalry going on in the family, she is of course not aware that her husband and her granddaughter are not on good terms.      

Brina pursed her lips and with an indifferent expression on her face, she followed her grandfather out.      

"What is it that you want to talk to me grandfather?" Brina asked as soon as they exited her grandmother's chamber.      

"Let's go to study room Brina." he briefly answered.      

"I will not come if my uncle and cousins are there. Grandfather, don't try to set up the meeting again." Brina politely said, respecting him for his age.     

"It's only us. Don't worry." he said and started walking towards his study room.       


"What is it, grandfather? I need to go back soon and I really don't have time to listen to the recommendations you do for Uncle Carson." Brina said.      

The last time she was called inside, her grandfather gave her many reasons as to how it would be good for her if she sold her mother's properties to her uncle.      

Brina is so vexed by all of these people and she no longer has patience to wait for the grandfather's love she was once craving for.      

"I am sorry, Brina. I was wrong." her grandfather said, shocking her.      

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