Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

I think my Uncle planned something!

I think my Uncle planned something!

On the other side of the door, Luke noticed the couple hugging each other and closed the door understandingly.      

He actually admires Louis. Unlike his big brother, Leonard, he is brave enough to do anything for the woman he loves.      

He is not someone who abandons his love just because he has some hurdles to face. On the contrary, he didn't even hesitate when he found out the complications he will face if Brina is his girlfriend.      

"I am sorry for worrying you, Louis. I actually contacted my grandmother's assistant and found out that she is not well. And, it had happened because she got to know about my accident. My uncle told her that I met with an accident and disappeared somewhere. It triggered her hypertension again" Brina said.      

Louis pursed his lips, not knowing how to react. He led her to the couch and made her sit on it before giving her a bottle of water.      

Brina smiled at him and took a sip.      

"You shouldn't worry too much about me, honey. This is not new to me and my heart aches whenever I see you coming running to me." Brina told.      

He would be having so many things to do as the CEO, however, he still made a personal visit to her cabin just because she was disturbed in the meeting.      

That is so sweet of him and her heart of course melted by the care he shows towards her. But it made her feel guilty that she is becoming an obstacle to his dedicated work.      

"You can't ask me not to worry about you, Brina. For the God's sake you just recuperated from a head injury but here you are, pressuring your mind too much" Louis sounded angry.      

Recently, Harry told him about the previous head injury she got during the fateful day of the fire accident. He warned him to make sure that Brina doesn't get upset too much.      

"I am sorry" Brina pouted. Though she sounded angry, a smile etched on her face because of the concern he shows towards her.      

"You better be, dear girlfriend. Now, tell me what made you so worried in this aspect" he asked when he hugged her again and made her lie on his chest. Caressing her hair gently and comfortingly.      

"I think my uncle is planning something," Brina said.      

"Let him! I know that my baby girl has a plan for him too" Louis said.      

"No, honey. I am worried because he is using my grandmother in that process. Knowing that she is my weakness and only emotional source they could lay their hands on." Brina told.      

"See is already in her last days, Louis. And, she is trying so hard to live till she sees her great-grandson Will. She never met Will till now" she added.      

"Even if your uncle would have planned something, I am sure his plan is in the perspective of you being 'dead'. He might not have been still aware that you are alive and none of his children informed him too" Louis said, sharing his thoughts.      

"I thought of it too. Actually, I am not worried about me or what his plan is. I am worried for my grandmother." Brina replied, still leaning her head on his chest.      

"Anyway, you are thinking of visiting her, right? Take a day off tomorrow, go and meet all of them. I am sure you will at least figure out what his objectives are" Louis said.      

"Hmm. I will take a half day and meet them in the evening. Everyone will be there and I can easily finish my business" Brina said, agreeing to his suggestion.      

"It's done then!" Louis said.      

He took her face in between his palms and made her look into his eyes. "Everything will go as you planned, Brina. Don't take stress or else I will get worried" he told her.      

They were about to kiss but the door got opened, making them freeze. Brina's heart started beating rapidly but she sighed out in relief after realizing that it is none other than Hailey.      

Meanwhile, Hailey widened her eyes and the document slipped past her hands, "Oops… wrong timing. Forgive me boss" she hurriedly apologised and closed the door, escaping from their PDA.      

Brina and Louis laughed while he gently shook his head. He never understood why people get this afraid of him.      

'Am I that scary??' he wondered.     

"You better go now, Mr. Boyfriend. It's working time" Brina giggled and said.      

Louis pouted when he took a glance at the wall clock. It is indeed past the lunch break.      

"Give me my kiss and I will go" he demanded childishly.      

"No-no" Brina teased as she escaped his arms and stuck out her tongue at him.      

"No office romance, Mr. Boyfriend. My project manager is a big pain in the ass. He is so strict" she teased.      

Louis pouted. Who would have thought that his jealousy would make him suffer like this.      

"Plzzz" he pouted adorably.      

Brina laughed and played along. "Nooppee" she answered with the same cuteness.      

'Hmph!! One day I will surely take you on this desk' he swore to himself and got up to leave.      

But Brina stopped him and pecked his lips. But before he could respond, she ended their kiss and gently pushed him out of the door.      

And, he couldn't even retaliate because Luke and Hailey are standing there. Trying so hard to hide their smiles.      

Brina winked at Louis and he pouted. "Where will you go, honey? At the end of the day you must come back to our little nest. I will surely ravish your lips then" he said.      

Yeah, he spoke aloud making Hailey cough. Luke somehow composed himself because he is already accustomed to this 'talk' after living a few days with Harry and Rhianna.      

Brina blushed and glared at her boyfriend. And it is only when Louis smirked and happily returned back.       

He will surely fulfil his fantasy of office romance!!      

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