Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Mental asylum

Mental asylum

"How can you be saved from my wife? I honestly dunno because I divorced her for her over possessive nature." John said, keeping an indifferent face.      

It's a lie but it was also something that might make Nadia remember herself. She has such a crush on her college friend that she became over possessive of him and harmed his wife in a way no one would have expected.      

Now, it was just a lash out of her past.      

"My brother!! Call my brother!!" Nadia said, her face getting sweated up.      

She never thought that a mad woman would come hunting for her just because she had a fling with her husband.      

"Your brother got locked up in a national jail because of some illegal smuggling case. You can't contact him because of the seriousness of the crime" John said, enjoying the expression on Nadia's face.      

Her face turned as pale as paper and her eyes almost lost its life.      

"My uncle?" She asked, patting her heart to comfort herself.      

"Same. As soon as he landed in the airport he was taken by the cops. He is in the national jail as well. It's all over in the news." John replied.      

Getting another shock, Nadia started to shiver. Her nerves started compressing that she felt her eyes go blank due to shock.      

However, she drawed all the remaining energy in her body and fought her senses to stay awake.      

"At least call my dad." she pleaded. She knows that her father would give her a very hard time.      

But, both her saviors are now in jail and she is helpless.      

"After watching your press conference and finding out that your brother got stuck in an unforgivable crime, he got a heart attack and he was in another hospital, getting treated." John said.      

For the first time pitying her.      

Who told them to go against his madam? They are the reason for their disgusting plight.      

Meanwhile, Nadia pursed her lips, tears started rolling down her face. Her whole body is shivering despite the warmth in the room.      

"John, at least my grandfather." she said, her voice barely making out of her vocal chords.      

"I forgot to tell you Nadia. You got officially kicked out from the Russell's family. He even announced it publically after what you and your brother did to your dad." John said.      

Nadia closed her eyes tightly and she pressed both of her hands to her head, feeling despair engulfing her.      

"Anyone else, you want to know about?" John asked, giving a wicked smile just in a time for Nadia to notice it.      

As if she suddenly realized something, she opened her eyes as wide as possible. Her hand got clasped to her mouth as she let a shiver run down her spine.      

This can't be coincidence right?      

She, her brother, her father, her uncle….     

Everyone.. literally everyone.. who went against her only cousin, Brina.      

"My cousin, Brina." Nadia said, her voice cracking down.      

"You want to know about her?" John asked, mocking her.      

"No.. I think she is the reason for this." Nadia said, looking at him.      

However, before she could speak further, the door opened and Brina came inside along with Louis and Harry.      

They insisted to accompany her. What can Brina do when she has overprotective brother and boyfriend??     

Nadia gulped her saliva when she sensed the temperature dropping down by a few degrees. She could feel the imposing and suffocative aura from the two men who are protectively standing beside Brina.      

"How are you doing, sister?" Brina asked, her voice dripping with honey.      

However, Nadia felt her anger flare up but she quickly suppressed it when she noticed Louis and Harry both glaring death daggers at her.      

"You.. are you the one reason for this?" Nadia asked.      

Her voice no longer has that arrogant and pride vibe. She sounded so helpless and aged.      

"I'm not the reason, Nadia. You, yourself are the reason for this plight. If you wouldn't have done any of these despicable and heartless things to others. Believe me, you wouldn't have been in this place. You are just facing your own Karma." Brina said.      

Nadia pursed her lips and a teardrop rolled down her face. What's the use of regretting now?      

There is no returning back or no second chances for her.      

"You are actually lucky that Brina didn't want to go any further and hurt you beyond this. Though I had this impulse to kill you and chop you into pieces, my sister didn't want her cousin to die. You are lucky that you got saved just because of the kindness of my sister." Harry spoke, his voice still angry.      

Nadia couldn't contemplate what she just heard now.      

Brina is Harry's sister?      

The princess of S & S corporations who is doted endless be Harry? She is aware that Harry's sister is filthy rich!!     

And, here she is thinking that her cousin is poor! She is nothing compared to her cousin!!     

"Being the biggest stupid, which you really are, you still dared to make moves against the to be Mrs. Wright, that too in very own company where she is a lady boss"     

"Everything you faced today is still so little and dissatisfying for us. But, just because my girlfriend wanted to give you a last chance, we are letting you stay alive." Louis said, not giving her any time to recover from the shock.      

And, when Nadia heard this, she couldn't help but look at Brina and Louis who were standing so close to each other. He has his arm wound around her waist protectively. Brina has her head resting on his chest.     

They looked too natural and perfect!!     

What a joke!! Here she was announcing to everyone that she is Edward's girlfriend when Edward is none other than the person who hated her the most, Mr. Louis Cruz.      

And, the irony here is, his girlfriend, the only person he pampers and protects is none other than her own cousin, Brina.      

However, she never saw Brina showing this off, or throwing her weight on others because of this extraordinary status.      

Her cousin is really modest and low key. If it would have been her...     

"Nadia, I am giving you one last chance but that doesn't mean you are free to go. You still have a mad woman chasing after you and all the public outside is very angry at you. You are kicked out of your house, blacklisted by your agency and you are penniless." Brina said.      

"The safest place for you is a mental asylum. This injury on your head can act as the plus point to convince the public. Even the doctors recommended this and you had to stay in mental asylum at least for the next three years." Brina said.      

"Wh.. wha.. what?" Nadia asked, shocked.      

But before she could finish, she fainted.      

"Ahh... I am not satisfied yet!" Harry complained.     

"Yes! How could she be so faint hearted given with her devil heart" Louis supported Harry.     

"Will you both stop acting like kids? I am feeling like your mamma here" Brina said, rolling her eyes.     

Always throwing tantrums!     

"If you want you can become mamma in no time, you know" Louis suggested, making Brina and Harry cough.     

They are in hospital!     

Louis chuckled but noticed that the people around them are trying so hard to act indifferent.     

"Escort Nadia to the mental asylum." he ordered his men, as if he told nothing.     

Then they bidded their farewell, and he took Brina back to their home.      

It's already too late.      

The rest of the matters can be sealed tomorrow.      

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