Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

His birthday gift from LEO.

His birthday gift from LEO.

At eleven forty five..     

Brina wriggled in Louis's arms and poked his chest, getting his attention. He was so immersed in enjoying her childhood video clips that he didn't even sense Brina was wriggling in his arms till she poked his chest.      

"What's wrong, lollipop?" He asked, using her toddler's nickname. Brina was so possessive of her lollipops in her childhood.      

Brina smacked his arm and pouted. "I need to use the restroom. I will be back in five minutes." she said and stood up, before exiting the room.      

Louis stared at her receding figure till she disappeared and then again concentrated on watching the clips. This one was so hilarious!      

At 11 : 56 pm.      

"Harry, Brina didn't return. How about you go and check on her?" Rhianna said, a little louder.      

Harry was about to stand up from his seat when Louis stopped him, saying "It's okay. I'll go and check on her, Harry."      

"Girls' washrooms are on the left side." Rhianna said and Louis nodded his head.      

As soon as he exited, he took a left turn and opened the door, which might lead to the lobby but only got shocked when he heard firecrackers.      

It was not the lobby as he thought but it's the artificial garden that was located on the first floor.      

When he opened the door, the firecrackers started to lit up the sky. Subsequently, the lights also lit up the whole garden as well.      

The lights around the bushes blinked with different colors and it was only when Louis saw the people standing near the table which had a huge cake on it.      

Meanwhile, Brina who was standing behind him walked to him and hugged him from behind. With a loving voice, she wished him.      

"Happy birthday, honey."      

And, as soon as Brina finished wishing him.  Everyone also wished him loudly, all in unison. "Happy birthday, Louis!"      

He was shocked.      

He totally forgot that today is his birthday.      

Louis never saw any meaning in celebrating birthdays or so throwing an extravagant party every year on that day.      

Even when he was in the States, his friends realized that he doesn't like all these things and they used to just toast on that day, for his long life.      

Nothing special than that.      

After his mother died, he never felt to celebrate it. However, after Brina came into his life, this didn't feel meaningless after all.       

He understood that these occasions come into everyone's life, so that he/she can understand how much their family and friends love and cherish them.      

That was so sweet of his girlfriend for arranging all of this. He didn't expect her to do this for him.. at least, not to this level.      

"Thanks baby." Louis spoke after a few moments. His eyes teared up too.      

Brina chuckled and hugged him tight. "Till now, it was always you who have been showing how much you love me. I never got a chance to show you my love." she said.      

Louis chuckled. "You don't have to show me, honey. I will just get to know no matter what." he said and immediately their lips got sealed.      

Harry, Rhianna, Charlotte, Luke, Hailey, Daniel are standing together with Louis's friends Layla, Micheal, Jay, Harvey and Larry.      

They stood there quietly, letting the couple show their love for each other.      

"Oh my! Lady Devil, I'm not dreaming right? Louis is actually kissing a girl!! I think I got my head hit somewhere." Jay asked Layla who is secretly taking a video of the couple.      

She at last got something to tease Louis with!      

Layla pinched Jay's arm but Micheal clasped Jay's mouth, so that he won't shriek.      

"As you get the pain, you aren't dreaming, buddy." Micheal told me.      

"And, you just had your head checked after you got into an accident, so your head is in a good condition too." Layla said.      

"Ahh.. this is real!" Jay said, rubbing his eyes with his good hand.      

Harry, who couldn't take the dog food anymore, coughed loudly only to earn a glare from his girlfriend.      

He is the best party pooper ever!!      

Louis and Brina who are kissing each other, totally engulfed in love at last coming back to the mortal realm.      

He looked at the people standing there with warm smiles on their faces.      

"You guys are here too!" Louis asked his five friends who nodded their heads in response.      

"Your girlfriend personally invited us here and we had a great time in this resort as well." Layla told him.      

Louis smiled at Brina and pecked her lips. "Thanks again baby." he whispered to his girlfriend lovingly.      

Later, everyone greeted him and Louis felt very emotional.      

He gratefully looked at his girlfriend who just giggled. "See! You get happy over very small things." Brina sighed, her lips curved up.      

"Nothing can be counted as a small thing if it is done by you for me." Louis whispered back.      

"God! Someone has become too poetic and God!! Louis, you are even flirting now!! Really?" Layla joked at Louis.      

"Don't worry. You can have your lovely time with your girlfriend all night. For now let's cut the cake, dude! Otherwise, I'm gonna eat it all now." she winked, for which Brina couldn't help but laugh at it.      

Brina somehow felt Layla too similar to her sister-in-law, Lillian in talking manners.      

Later, Louis cut the cake and he first fed it to Brina and then to Charlotte and Layla.      

All of them spent some time talking and getting familiarised with each other. While having the conversation, Brina understood that Louis's best friends both are girls.      

Layla and Charlotte.      

Layla is also Louis's business partner of Money Haven Investments.      

They are in fact more close when compared to Charlotte and him.     


In the morning….     

Before Brina woke up, Louis was already awake and he couldn't help but smile happily thinking about last night.      

That was a lot of fun with all of his friends and girlfriend together. To be precise, this is the best birthday he ever had after his mother died.      

And, his birthday has just started and he already got his best surprise!!      

However, his girlfriend told him that she has a much bigger special evening and night planned for him.      

And, he is very excited!!      

'Let her sleep for some more time. Look, how tired she was.' Louis thought when he saw his girlfriend sleeping so peacefully. He caressed her cheeks and pecked her lips before adjusting the comforter.      

'In meanwhile, I will prepare her favorite breakfast. She deserves it after the hardworking.' he chuckled.      

Louis climbed out of the bed, thinking what to cook for his babygirl, but to his dismay, a call from the resort's main desk stopped him.      

He frowned and immediately accepted the call.      

"Yes." he formally said, gesturing to the receptionist to talk.      

'Sir, you got a special visitor waiting for you in the VVIP lounge. They said that it's important and they immediately need to meet with you. Please, rush on here, sir.' she politely spoke.      

'Who could this be?' Louis thought and dressed up quickly before leaving a note for his sleeping beauty.      

[I'll be in the VVIP lounge, honey. Someone came looking for me and I think it will take some time. If you're hungry, come down. I already ordered your favorite food and it will be prepared as soon as you wake up.      

Love you my honey:heart_suit::heart_suit:.]     

He placed that on the bedside table and kissed her lips lightly, not knowing that the biggest trouble is waiting for him.      


When Louis walked down and reached the VVIP lounge, he frowned and his eyes filled with worry.      

There are men standing on either side dressed in black. The logo imprinted on their blazer made Louis recognize that it was his family who came.      

But they have never celebrated his birthday anymore, to come and greet him personally. Something might have happened that they came looking for him.      

Meanwhile, the security chief who noticed Louis, walked to him hurriedly. But, his steps are all stiff and unstable.      

He pressed his hand to his chest, and pressed one of his legs to the floor making a firm sound.      

"Second master. Queen Elora and Princess Eliina are waiting inside with Sir Francis and Lady Adela. You must hurry inside." he politely informed Louis.      

Louis nodded his head, but his mind was in turmoil.      

His stepmother Elora and his sister Elle came but his father Edgar and brother Ethan didn't come.      

Instead of them, his maternal Uncle Francis and Charlotte's mother Adela came!      

What the hell is happening?!      

He swiftly took steps and went into the room only to sense the gloomy aura surrounding it.      

His mother and sister were almost on the verge of tears when they saw Louis entering inside, his sister Eliina ran to him and hugged him tightly.      

"Brother Ed! Dad is in the hospital and Brother Ethan went away." she cried, hugging him tight.      

Louis's eyes turned red and he narrowed his eyes.      

Went away??!!      

What the hell does it mean??      

Louis looked at his father's security chief standing at the side, with his eyes on the floor.      

"What happened?" Louis asked, authoritatively.      

"Young master, after crowned Prince Ethan abdicated his position, King Edgar got a severe heart attack." he said, pressing his fist to his heart.      

"What do you mean by went away?"  Louis asked him in a commanding tone, while he patted his sister's head comfortingly.      

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