Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Meeting Louis's grandmother... The QUEEN MOTHER.

Meeting Louis's grandmother... The QUEEN MOTHER.

'She is so, so beautiful, brother! She is wearing a black knee length dress. And, ahh.. her collarbones are so awesome! One can die happily after seeing her legs.. she is totally beautiful.' Eliina messaged her brother.      

They are now sitting for breakfast and Eliina is secretly chatting with her brother who is in the court meeting.      

Louis couldn't help but roll his eyes. His sister exaggerates.. but, yeah! This time she isn't!      

His baby girl is really so beautiful.      

'Sis, don't you dare to ogle at my wifey! Just make sure you report to me what she is having for breakfast.' Louis texted back.      

'Bro.. you might be the next King, but for me you are still a sister slave. And, you don't have to tell me, I will take care of my sister-in-law well.' she texted back.      

'Good girl. I will cook for you later. And, make sure those spoiler, arrogant ladies don't harass my babygirl.' Louis typed.      

'Yep, yep.' Eliina replied.      

Meanwhile, at the court meeting, Louis's uncle the Prime Minister, Sir Francis hasn't failed to notice the distracted Prince.      

Though he seems a lot energetic and happy, he is equally distracted.      

Sir Francis is aware that Louis is now having all his mind and heart revolving around his girlfriend.      

He couldn't help but sigh. However, he understood Louis's feelings and circumstances.      

'Edward, concentrate.' Francis mouthed to Louis who had just finished texting.      

Louis slightly nodded his head and listened to what Sir Draco, Olivia's father is telling.      


"So, what do you do, Lady Brina?" Queen Mother Greta asked.      

She is the grandmother of Louis.      

Though she is already retired from her Royal service and is now living in a private estate in a peaceful countryside, she just returned to meet with the Ladies.      

She has known Olivia and Katherine from their childhood but she isn't that familiar with others. For her, Brina is totally a stranger.      

"I work in S & S Corporations, Your Highness." Brina politely answered.      

"An employee?" Queen Mother Greta asked.      

"Yes, Your Highness. I work there as a project manager." Brina replied.      

Louis and Harry have decided to manipulate Brina's work history. Instead of L & E, she would be nice working in S & S.      

"Hmm.. I heard of that company before. A few years back it had its branch here but got shut down." Queen Mother Greta said, more like talking to herself.      

Meanwhile, Katherine and her friend Phoebe shared a secret glance and smirked.      

An employee??      

What a Lady, Charlotte has brought!       

"So, have you known anything about the Kingdom of Aletros or have you just come here because Lady Charlotte has asked you too?" She asked, mockery evident in her voice.      

Only if she would have known the real net worth of Brina!!      

"I have worked in Aletros, for a few months before, Your Highness." Brina said.      

She knows that these people had just started to belittle her. But, Brina knows exactly how to handle these kinds of people.      

Going by impulse won't work. So, she needs time to sketch the scheme for everyone.      

"I see." Queen Mother Greta replied without interest and then shifted her attention to her favorite lady.. Lady Olivia.      

Meanwhile, Louis's stepmother Elora sighed. It was supposed for her who should be having this breakfast meeting.. but this old woman disrupted everything.      

Even Eliina didn't like how her grandmother talked with Brina. She would have done something if it was any lady here.. but she is helpless when it comes to  Queen Mother.      

'Bro, old lady is throwing her weight all over again! She just belittled your wifey for being an employee!' Eliina texted helplessly.      

'Brina isn't an employee.. She is the CEO. Well, an ex-CEO to be precise. And, don't worry about the old woman there.. My girl knows how to handle arrogant, conservative and superstitious oldies like her.' Louis instantly replied.      

Meanwhile, the breakfast got completed in silence after the Old Lady spoke with everyone.. more like enquiring them about everything.      

It even came to their education background.      

"You have your graduation from Alpha Academy right, Olivia?" Queen Mother Greta asked all in sudden.      

"Yes, Your Highness. Two degrees in fact." Olivia proudly said.      

"That is where I met Prince Edward and Prince Ethan for the first time." she said.      

Alpha Academy.. the top most University in all the Five Kingdoms. Not only in these five but also it is in Top Five Universities across the globe.      

However, eighty percent of students there are from the Royal Families and Noble Families in these Five Kingdoms. Twenty percent will be of common aspirations who are exceptionally brilliant.      

Getting the chance to study there is totally of a different level and having two degrees is next to impossible.      

"So fascinating. Ladies like you are totally rare nowadays. Such a shame that Prince Ethan chose a mere commoner over you. I pity you, dear." Queen Mother Greta said, indirectly pointing to Brina's place as well.      

"You flatter me, Your Highness. I am not as great as you depicted me as." Olivia shyly said, giving her signature smile.      

"So modest and eloquent! I hope Prince Edward has good judging skills, unlike his brother." Greta said for which Olivia blushed.      

Meanwhile, Katherine is totally seething in anger!      

Such a shame that she just got one degree from Alpha Academy.. even that, she has passed with a great difficulty.      

However, Katherine couldn't do anything but clench her fists and keep her cool self.      

Everyone knows that King Edgar and his mother, Queen Mother Greta are biased towards Olivia.      

Moreover, they had to take good care of her as well. She is after all from the powerful House of Lykaios. Their loyalty is needed right now.      

Meanwhile, after breakfast, Queen Mother retired to her quarters to rest. While going she didn't forget to glare at Brina.      

However, Brina just smiled inside.      

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