Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

The old lady didn't like Brina.

The old lady didn't like Brina.

Meanwhile, King Edgar patted Elora's hand, consoling her secretly.      

His mother's anger always fires up like this. Especially when it comes to his wives.     

"His first wife, Rhea was also like this as well, and now you are too! Something is truly wrong with my son and grandson's choices." She angrily spoke.      

Louis's mother Rhea and Edgar loved each other in their college days in Alpha Academy. And, even when it came to the bride selection process, Rhea ranked second.. after Olivia's mother.      

But, he selected Rhea.. as he loves her very much and couldn't take others as his wife.      

And, of course, his mother didn't like it.      

She favoured Olivia's mother.      

After Rhea died and he was forced to marry, he liked Elora.      

Even when Elora got selected, he liked Elora more because she is his wife's best friend and sister to his deceased wife and is also very friendly to his sons.      

In fact, she was like a godmother to them. And, she loved Edward and Ethan genuinely.     

Even his sons were close to her from their childhood, so he thought Elora would make a good mother to his sons.      

And, even at that time, Elora came as a second too.     

First was Olivia's aunt.. Olivia's mother's sister.      

But, for Edgar.. his children were his first priority. More than a Queen he wanted a good mother to his children.. the future heirs of the Country.      

So, even when he married Elora, his mother wasn't happy with her.      

And, when Ethan selected Olivia, she was so happy.      

But, what did he do??      

Eloped with some mere commoner.. hurting the poor Olivia.      

"Call him here, right now!" Greta ordered.      

"I will call him, papa." Eliina said, intentionally using 'papa' rather than 'father'.      

It's her father.. and, he isn't having any problem with it. How is that old bitch to restrict her?      


"Boat sailing.. hmm." Louis asked Brina as he bit Brina's shoulder.      

"Are you fine with it, baby? Or else, I can teach you, you know." Louis said, rubbing her tummy.      

"And, my shark babies will love to meet you too." he said, when Brina turned around so that she could see his face.      

They are now wrapped up in warm blankets and naked too!     

"Ahh.. I don't want the teaching from the Prince. Other six ladies will surely kill me." Brina said, kissing the tip of his chin.      

"What's wrong? I am teaching My Goddess." Louis pouted. "Goddess is superior to Prince.. right?" he added.      

"Moreover, you will definitely love my teaching." Louis teased mischievously, getting on top of her.      

Brina chukled. "No need for that, darling. I actually know the basics of it." Brina said.      

"But baby, the boats there wouldn't be any of this advanced technology where everything can be handled just with pressing a button. The technology used in those boats contains manual work. You have to change the-" he stopped when Brina kissed his lips.      

"Baby, don't worry about me all right? You just concentrate on your work and I will handle all of this. Just don't stress over. I got this okay?" she assured him, caressing his face.      

"As for sailing.. Although I was not interested in that before, I know the basics because my brother Seth loves sailing. And, I sailed a few times before, but mostly I used to sleep and others used to work on it." Brina laughed.      

"I know you can handle it, love. But, I couldn't help but worry.. okay? My grandmother.. I didn't expect her to come here all in sudden. I'm worried that she will make things difficult for you." Louis said, burying his head in the middle of her chest.      

"Don't worry, honey." Brina said, running her fingers through his hair, comforting him. Later, none of them spoke but enjoyed their moments together.      

However, their lovey dovey moment got disrupted when Louis's phone started to ring.      

As Louis didn't even move, Brina looked at his face only to see that he had dozed off.      

He must be so tired..     

Brina cautiously reached for his phone, trying not to disturbed his sleep.      

Noticing that it is Eliina, she is about to pick up, but stopped.      

Something is fishy.      

'Wait.. isn't it his grandmother just came today and if I am right, they should be having family dinner right now. But, I totally forgot that and asked Louis to eat with me instead. Knowing his nature, I am sure he didn't attend it and came here to spend the night with me.' she thought.      

And, she had seen how his grandmother is.. so arrogant and stubborn!     

'She must have insisted on meeting him and Eliina would be calling her brother to tell him that. What if it's in speaker mode?' Brina thought.      

So, she decided not to answer the call and instead, wake Louis up.      

However, after seeing his tired face, she didn't have the heart to wake him up.      

So, she called Charlotte for advice.      

Whether to wake him up or ignore the call.      

Brina is totally new to this type of family.. so, she wasn't able to predict what the next move could be.      

"You better wake him up, Brina. That old Lady Greta might even barge into his room in fury." Charlotte suggested in a sleepy voice.      

"Okay." Brina replied and ended the call.      

"Louis, wake up.. honey." Brina gently shook his shoulders but Louis pressed her more into the bed and buried his face more into her chest.      

Brina closed her eyes, controlling her moan.      

With heavy and hooded eyes, she tried again but only to get the same response.      

"I don't want to leave." he pouted incoherently in sleep, making Brina melt.      


It was as if he was worried that she would vanish if he loosen his grip.      

However, his mobile started to ring again and this time Brina directly brought it to his ear, not knowing what else to do.      

And, it is only when he woke up.      


Next day morning.      

When Brina woke up, Louis was sitting beside her, in a foul mood.      

He even has the wine glass in his hand.      

After he went away, she waited for him but dozed off.      

"What's wrong, honey?" Brina asked, sitting up.      

She has not seen him this frustrated anytime before.      

"That old lady told me that she didn't like you much. How could she just say that even before the first event took place." Louis pouted.      

Brina chuckled and took the glass away before sitting on his lap. "Is it only me she didn't like?"     

"No. You, Kiara and Phoebe." Louis said, his eyes look angry.      

"But, she specifically mentioned you, baby. Why does she have to do that?" Louis gritted his teeth, making Brina sigh.      

"Don't spoil your mood by thinking about it, honey. We can change her opinion later.. all we have to do now is wait for the right moment." Brina softly said.      

Louis shook his head horizontally. "It's not that simple baby and I am getting more and more worried that it will get difficult for you. You have already been through a lot and I don't want to add anything more to it." Louis said.      

Brina sighed and hugged him, rubbing her cheeks to his chest. "I don't like to see you like this, honey. Come on, cheer up and concentrate on your work. Leave your grandmother to me." Brina said, pulling him out of the bed.      

However, Louis just sat there, not responding.      

"All right! I am going to shower now. It's fine if you don't want to join!" Brina said, untying her sash.      

And, when Louis saw her fair skin peeking out of her robe, his eyes darkened. He immediately jumped out of the bed and followed Brina inside.      


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