Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Dad, Olivia is a bitch!

Dad, Olivia is a bitch!

After getting a text message from Harry, it was only when Louis and Brina came out of the restroom.      

Their faces were flushed red and their foreheads were already drenched in sweat. It was suffocating to them and standimg so close have also aroused them.      

They had to supress their respective thoughts.      

Meanwhile, Luke and Hailey were still in the stall waiting for them. It is to inform them what all has happened just now.     

"Thank God, we didn't get caught by my dad, baby. Our peaceful date has just turned out into a surprising reunion." Louis said to Brina as they both sat down across Luke and Hailey.      

 "Guys, I don't understand why you don't want the King to know about your relationship. He seems so understanding and friendly." Luke said.     

"Honestly, I never thought Natalie would get accepted so easily by them. They are so warm and friendly towards her that it made me emotional. I am really thankful to God that my sister got such a great in laws" he added with a wide smile on his handsome face.     

Hailey smiled.     

"She indeed is. I never thought that the King and Queen are this friendly. They were always stoic and cold in front of others. I think it's just a facade to keep others in check" she agreed.     

"I really think you guys should open up to King. He will help" Hailey said, agreeing with her boyfriend.     

Brina chuckled and shook her head horizontally.      

"Things differ depending on the situation, Hailey.     

"Though King might accept me as Louis's girlfriend and approve of our relationship, it won't change anything. I still have to rank in top two and I had to get my own allies."     

"At most, he can only help me secretly. But, won't it become a problem if it gets exposed? Not only me and Louis but also King himself will get affected because of it. I don't want any serious issues like that to happen just because of me" Brina said as she smiled.     

"It's better if King is left in dark about this matter. There should be no allegations stating that I won because the King has helped me. It will affect him as well! Kings has to be unbiased for their own good"      

"Moreover, I think I am capable enough to win square and fair. If I can't win among these ladies, how am I supposed to prove that I am capable of becoming Louis's Queen? So, I rather prefer to win fairly" Brina told them.and smiled at Louis, who has a proud smile on his face.     

He pecked her lips and loving said, "If that is what my Queen wants, I will follow her wishes"     

Brina rolled her eyes but pecked his lips back. "Yes, that's what your girl wants" she said.      

Louis smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead before shifting his attention back to Luke     

"So, where did they all go now?" He asked Luke who was seeing them with awestruck expression.     

 These both!!Seriously, they are one of the kind! Louis was about to give away his CEO position for Brina.     

As for Brina, she had put away all her fears and insecurities in order to support Louis in every way she can. It's indeed true love and they are an ideal couple!     

"Luke" Brina called, as she waved her head in front of his eyes. "Come back to earth, boy!" she joked for which Luke mumbled,I am not a boy! I am a man"     

This evoked a laugh among the four of them and after that Luke spoke, "They are in the restaurant now. And, Brina, Ethan wanted to know how he can help you."     

"He texted me saying that, you have to accept his help and if Natalie's peace of mind, really matters to you, you shouldn't say no." Luke told Brina as he showed her the text.     

"Depending on what you want, he will decide how many he has to stay back here" he added.     

Brina nodded her head with a light 'hum'.     

There was a faint smile on her face. Natalie's peace of mind is only a matter of name. Ethan genuinely wants to help her and he seems stubborn in it. Moreover, she couldn't say no.     

Party, it is because she knows that it is Ethan's own way of finding peace. And the other reason is, even she needs his help.     

"Baby, if Ethan returns back to the palace, will our trip to Alpha Academy get delayed?" Brina asked Louis.     

"Yep. Though he is just visiting and it is nothing related to Royal business, yes, it might get delayed a day or two. I can delay it in the name of spending some time with my brother, but it won't last more than a day or two" Louis answered her, with an amused expression on his face.     

He is curious to find what his genius baby has in her mind now.     

Actually, they have to go to Alpha Academy the day after tomorrow but Brina's work is not yet done.     

She asked her old friend Rose to investigate something. And, it might take two days more.     

"Then,ask him to stay in the Palace for a few days." Brina told Luke who nodded his head. Shifted her eyes to Louis, who was looking at her with a question mark face, she said, "Even you will be get to spend some 'siblings' time and with Harry, Rhianna and Natalie, I will feel little refreshed too"     

"Then, I can start the second and most important phase of our journey with renewed energy," Brina said as she pecked Louis' lips.     

"Done! I texted him and he texted back with an okay emoji" Luke told them.     

"This day has been so thrilling and full of surprises honey. But now, we have to go back. You have to go back to your suite" Louis told Brina. It was already night.     

And, they have to reach before King and Queen return back with Ethan, Natalie, Harry and Rhianna.     

"You guys enjoy the night. Hailey, you can come back the day after tomorrow, you know. Spend a few days with Luke. He seems like he is missing you so much" Brina said, teasing Luke and Hailey.     

Theyblushed. But nodded their heads. They indeed missed each other and moreover, their love is in early stage. So, it's indeed common to crave for some quality time.     


Brina returned back. Charlotte and Eliina were waiting for her. It is because Brina texted them asking them to meet her. However, both of them are tense and red.     

After they 'unfortunately' met, they have returned back together. And, they have talked about their respective lovers. They were surprised.     

Eliina was angry with Charlotte for hiding the truth. And, Charlotte is angry at Hailey too.     

"Why are you both red and angry?" Brina asked, looking at them with amusement.     

"Nope. Nothing, Brina. Why did you call us, anyway? It's already night" Charlotte asked.     

"Ethan is coming back and I have successfully pulled up a few days of time," Brina said.     

"Wow! Brother is coming back!" Eliina squealed. However, there was no genuine surprise on her face. She has already predicted this.     

"Ahh. That's good" Charlotte said. But she sucks at acting and Brina right away figured it out.     

"You were not surprised. Both of you. So, were you at the carnival too? Have you seen Ethan there?" Brina asked.     

Charlotte and Eliina looked at each other, surprised and confused what to tell.     

Are they really that bad in acting or, is Brina good at reading others?     

"Your faces are telling me that you were there. But, guys, aren't you both single?" Brina asked them.     

"Ahh. We were there." Charlotte said.     

"Really?" Brina questioned them.     

"Yep...yep, we came together. I dressed up as a boy and Eliina as my girlfriend" Charlotte lied.     

It's better not to let Brina not know who her girlfriend is. Charlotte wants to surprise her. ….     

"Dad, I have to tell you something," Ethan told King Edgar.     

They came back to the palace and Natalie was lulled to sleep by Ethan. After he made sure his wife was asleep, he asked one of the personal maids of his sister to look after her and came to his father's quarters to talk.     

"What is it, Ethan?" King Edgar asked.     

"Dad, all your opinion on Olivia is a purely wrong. She is a real bitch, sorry for my words, but to be honest, she isn't what she is 'portrayed' as. Please believe me, if she becomes Edward's wife, he will suffer."     

"And, I think Olivia's hand is there in Lady Brina's accident" Ethan said, making King Edgar shocked.     

" are you sure?" Edgar asked.     

"Dad, I was her fiance for a few months. I lived with that bitch in the same house. Don't you think I don't know what kind of woman she is? ."     

"At that time, our Kingdom was facing many problems and you had a heart attack. Though I didn't wanted to stay, I was forced to live with Olivia. I really wanted to tell you about my love and annul my engagement with her, however, situations aren't in best positions to any of us"     

"Natalie was in depression and I was in verge of losing my mund. Dad, do you think I just left the Kingdom, leaving all my responsibilities just like that? Especially at these times? I had to go... I didn't had any option. I had to save my girl from dying" Ethan told him, his eyes unfathomable with rage, sadness and fear.     

"I know Natalie wouldn't be accepted as Queen and in turn it would have endangerrd her life because she would have been a weak Queen. So,I really thought of forgetting her for her own good, dad. It was tough for both of us but I didn't want to keep her life in risk because of my selfishness."     

"If I would have married her and brought her here and no one would have dared to oppose me. But, I know it would affect both the Kingdom and Natalie in a bad way"        

"Dad, I really tried to forget her, dad. I had thoughts of marrying Natalie and brining her here. I thought with all our help she would have moulded into a better Queen. If our Kingdom was not in brink of a rebellion, I would have really done it. Unfortunately, I couldn't do it because of circumstances."      

"In  addition to that, Olivia was a thornin my life, making everything worse. If she was supporting enough or truly caring towards me, I think she would have helped me to forget Natalie. Or, at least if she was a good woman she would have been quite and left everything for me to suffer "     

"But do you know what she did? She tried to kill Natalie! She sent people to kill her so that my girlfriend would not become an obstacle to her Queen position."     

"She is a pure devil in disguise"      

"She only cares about power and the only ambition she has is to become Queen and in order to do that, she would go to any lengths"     

"Dad,  Lady Brina is a smart, brilliant and potential candidate. Don't you think it is too much of a coincidence that only Lady Brina was targeted amongst all?"      

"It has to do something with Olivia. I think that bitch saw competition in Brina and would have specifically targeted her."     

"So, please just look into it again, dad. Trust me, Lady Brina is someone who should not be treated as an ordinary person" Ethan said.     

Meanwhile, King Edgar is in shock. Olivia tried to kill Natalie? Is she really someone that bad?     

He actually had many suspicions on Brina's accident, however, his mother said she would look into it. So, he had let it go.     

"Son, how are you so sure about Lady Brina? Do you know her?" King Edgar asked. His son spoke high of her as if he knows how she is.      

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