Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Love problems.

Love problems.

"So, how are you going to save Natalie from my grandmother and Olivia?" Louis asked Brina who was nonchalantly playing with the buttons of his shirt.      

"I will think of a way, darling. I have till tomorrow evening" Brina said, smuggling into his embrace. A faint yawn escaped her lips implying that she is sleepy.      

"I don't think your grandmother and Olivia would humiliate or bully my Natalie during breakfast meetings. In front of everyone they can't show that they are totally against her. As their main plan could be at a main welcoming party at night, they have to stay low key till then. Otherwise, if something happens to Nat, they will be the first people to be suspected" Brina said.      

After that she moved away from his lap and laid down on the bed. And, after seeing her sleepy eyes, Louis didn't have the heart to ask her about anything.     

He believes in his babygirl and he is damn sure that she would help Natalie against Olivia and Oldie.      

"Good night, Love" he softly whispered in her ears and laid down beside her before taking her into his arms and wrapping both of them in a soft and warm duvet.      

"Hmm. Good night" Brina mellowed  before dozing off.     

Louis couldn't help but chuckle. 'Tomorrow is going to be interesting' he thought before following his girl into their own dream land.      

Yesterday, his dream abruptly stopped just before they could swap their rings. Today, he wants to dream all the remaining. Which of course includes their first night and mind-blowing honeymoon.      



When Brina woke up Louis was still waiting for her. However, he was already freshened up and is wearing a suit.      

It is indeed very rare for him to stay behind till she wakes up. So, it made Brina anxious and worried.      

'Did something happen?' she thought.       

Still not getting out of the bed, Brina looked at him with sleepy eyes and red face, all adorable like a little kid.      

"Is anything wrong, honey?" she asked after gauzing his seldomly serious expression. She never saw him this serious and deep in thought at morning times.      

Noticing that Brina woke up, Louis walked to her and hugged her face to his stomach.      

"Don't forget your promise, okay? No risking of yourself" he said, his voice soft yet strict. He didn't leave any space for argument.      

Brina smiled. 'So, it is what that's troubling him' she thought.      

He is very caring towards her and it of course melted her. Brina took his hand into hers and kissed the back of it, before looking up, right into his intoxicating greyish black eyes.      

"I promise I won't hurt myself." she promised. "I will only do something if and only if I am sure that I am not going to hurt myself or implicate myself, all right?"      

Louis smiled and gave a light peck on her lips. Tucking the loose strands of her hair behind her ear he pressed his lips on her forehead. "Be a good girl, okay? No breaking of any of these promises" he said.      

After getting a nod from his babygirl, it was only when he went. Later, Brina freshened up and she quickly selected a suitable dress for the breakfast.      

And, by the time she went out of her bedroom, Eliina and Charlotte were already waiting for her.      

"You look beautiful, sister in law" Eliina said and Charlotte nodded her head in approval.      

"You both are beautiful too" Brina replied, smiling at them.      

'But, I don't have my boyfriend here to see me. So, there is no meaning in how beautiful I look' Eliina thought.      

However, she composed her lovesick expression and said, "Sister in law, I am here to help you actually. Both brother Ethan and brother Ed are worried about their elder sister in law. They wanted me to help you in case you have any plans for Olivia and Oldie" Eliina told her.      

Eliina is looking so happy today. As her elder brother and his wife came back and were accepted by her parents, she is in her high spirits.      

However, what's troubling her the most is Olivia. As Olivia is so vengeful and malicious, she will surely plot against innocent Natalie.      

"Yep. I do have plans, Elle. Let's talk about them after the breakfast meeting" Brina said.      

"I will be there," Eliina said.      


At breakfast.      

When Brina arrives at the garden, Amelia is already there. In fact, she is the first to arrive.      

Brina smiled at her and, as no one has come yet, she sat right beside Amelia for a simple talk.      

"So, Kiara is in Team Brina too?" Amelia asked.      

"Yep, just like I said, we got another one added to our squad' Brina said.      

"Hmm. That's a relief." Amelia chuckled.      

"Yep. Now, I have to think of who could be our best target." Amelia added.      

It is one of the things that's making her curious.      

"So far, I could only think of Princess Penelope and Phoebe." Brina replied.      

"And, I am sure we can't break Rebecca and Katherine. They are like best friends more than allies. Unlike Olivia who throws her wait on Phoebe and Kiara, Katherine respects Rebecca a lot. So, I don't think I can go for Rebecca"      

Hearing Brina's theory, Amelia nodded her head. "It's true. They are like friends, and Rebecca loves Katherine a lot. So, it's not wise to go after her. However, Brina can't we ask Kiara to help us with Phoebe?"      

Brina shook her head. "I am having other plans for Phoebe. And, I am not yet sure if we can take Kiara's help. I couldn't trust her completely" she whispered.      

"Leave about it, Amelia. Tell me how it's going with Daniel." Brina asked Amelia who in turn blushed.      

"He is a piece of wood, Brina. He couldn't even understand that I like him! And, he was not even able to catch the flirtiness in my words. For a few days I felt frustrating" Amelia sighed.      

After the horse riding event, Amelia asked Daniel to teach her horse riding.      

Moreover, Louis forced him as well. And, in this way she got some time with Daniel.      

"As expected for Daniel!" Brina laughed.      

"But I didn't expect him to be that dense. Over those few days, all my efforts went solely in forcing him to call me Amelia rather than Lady Amelia. See my plight!" Amelia pouted, making Brina laugh.      

"So, what did you do? If I was you, I would have smacked his head and shouted at him that I like him" Brina said, laughing.      

"That's the problem with me! I am too shy to do that. I don't even know how he might respond" Amelia sighed.      

"And, I just have over a month to make him fall for me. After that, I would be going back to Africa for my research" she added, massaging her forehead.      

"I see. So, you don't have time and he is being very dense in understanding the hints you are going." Brina said.      

"In these circumstances, we should strike directly, Amelia. Giving hints and waiting for him to respond won't do anything. It will take years to progress"      

"Strike directly means?" Amelia asked, innocent and clueless.      

"Does he at least like you? I mean, does he have a good impression of you?" Brina asked.      

"Yep. He said I am one of the very few who got close to him. He said, he enjoys my company" Amelia innocently answered.      

Brina didn't know whether to laugh or cry.      

Really? These people are so immersed in their own careers that they even forgot how to be romantic and how to understand it!      

"I think Daniel is not the only one who is dense here. You are too" Brina said, trying to hold her laugh.      

"Eh?" Amelia looked at Brina with confusion written on her face.      

"How am I being dense here? I have been hinting him" Amelia protested.      

She is romantic by heart, okay?      

At least better compared to Daniel!      

"Exactly. You are so immersed in giving hints that you have solely invested all your attention in it. This made you fail to detect the hints he is giving to you. You idiot, even he likes you!"      

"Does he? " Amelia asked. Unfathomable emotions brimming in her eyes.      

She is happy, emotional, curious and extremely nervous.      

"Think over. Why will he tell you that you are one of very few who got this close to him? Until unless he has a very high opinion of you and values you as someone very close, he wouldn't have said it."      

"He said, he loves your company. He loves to spend time with you. Indirectly, it means he is looking forward to times like these." Brina explained to her.      

"So, he loves me?" Amelia asked, ready to jump with joy.      

"He likes you. About love, it's something that depends on various things. However, liking will 'most probably' end up turning into love." Brina told Amelia who is now deep in thought.      

Brina is right!!     

"But the problem here is, neither of you have guts to express how you feel. You have been in love with him for many years and he started liking you recently. So, you both have a long way to go, but, in order to make him fall for you, you need to express your love, ask him to give a chance to your relationship" Brina said.     

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