Royal love - I fell in love with CEO





Noticing that Ethan became silent, King Edgar asked again, "So, you really know Last Brina from before?"     

Meanwhile, Ethan bit his tongue. Damn his loose tongue! "Ethan, is Lady Brina Edward's girlfriend? Is that how you know her and is that why you told me not to take her easy?" King Edgar asked. He doesn't know why, but he felt like his younger son and Brina had something going on between them. Ethan shook his head horizontally. "No dad. There is nothing between them. I know her because she was a higher official in S & S corporations which is my friend Harry's company. I met here a couple of times" Ethan lied. He knows that Brina doesn't want her relationship to be disclosed. Truth to be spoken, he is scared of Brina. After hearing about Brina from Harry, Ethan started fearing her a bit. She was indeed scary in her past years. "But, why did she tell you she is a 'mere' employee when she was in her high position?" King Edgar asked. Ethan really didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This woman!! She was someone more powerful than a CEO, but she hid it with a tag name of 'ex CEO' who just wants some peaceful and common life. Now, she is hiding everything with a 'employee' tag. She is indeed very good in hiding her tracks and faking her identity. It is in her genes! "Did she say that? Maybe she doesn't want to attract attention. It's better to pretend like powerless and then strike the enemies at the last stage. Maybe she is inspired by that strategy" Ethan told, calming his heart. 'Its okay Ethan. Brina is not Sabrina so she won't come for revenge even if you give away her secret involuntary' he thought and stood up with a fake yawn leaving his lips. "Dad, I am sleepy. I will talk to you tomorrow" he told his dad, stretching his arms to indicate that he is tired from traveling. "Okay, son. Take a good rest" King Edgar told him as they shared a brief hug before pulling apart. "And, dad, I forgot to give you this" saying so, Ethan fished out his pendrive. "These are the evidences I found out against Olivia when she was conspiring to kill my wife. These are some voice recordings of Olivia and her men. You can use these at right times" "I really don't want any evidence to believe what my son is saying. I trust you, Ethan" King Edgar smiled patting his shoulder. "I gave you to use these at the right times dad. Please make sure she won't become a Queen. I don't want my little brother to suffer" Ethan said. "Lady Katherine or Lady Brina. I prefer these two because they are capable as well as compatible" he added. In his eyes, Katherine is quite good too. But not as good as Brina. Moreover, Ethan is sure Brina will win this. It's just a cakewalk for her. It's just that she is unwilling to unleash her power. "Hmm. Even I am feeling the same. But given with the circumstances we are facing, it's better not to show favoritism till the end. And, I really pray Olivia wouldn't be in first position. It will make things difficult for Edward and all of us" King Edgar sighed. "Let's not worry about it dad. Let fate take it course" Ethan replied as he gave a faint smile. He meant it. All he wishes is that there will be no mishap. "And, son, your grandmother wanted to meet Natalie" King Edgar told Ethan who was about to go. Ethan pursed his lips. "No dad. Not again. Please" he said. King Edgar smiled a little but Ethan could see that his father was helpless. That oldie has more power over a few things compared to the king. So, he really couldn't do anything. "All right, it's just for breakfast. And, I will go with my wife" Ethan said. He doesn't want Natalie to get bullied by anyone. Especially not his grandmother. "Son, that's a ladies breakfast. Every lady would be coming. According to your grandmother it's a welcoming party for Natalie. So, I really couldn't deny" "But don't worry. Your mother and sister will be there with her. They will take care of her." King Edgar said. Ethan nervously nodded his head. But he knows that his mother and sister are no match to that bitch Olivia and his grandmother. "Dad, can't we join them? Shouldn't it be while the family welcomes her? She might not be a queen but she is still the daughter in law of the Royal family" Ethan told. King Edgar nodded his head. "I will arrange for it. Don't worry" ….Meanwhile…Brina was in deep sleep when Louis returned. He just met his brother and came back. However, his brother asked for a favor. He wanted Brina to protect Natalie from Olivia during tomorrow's breakfast.  Louis was hesitant but his brother pleaded with him. Natalie is sensitive by nature and she is a magnet to all the bullying. So, he is really worried about her. Louis sighed and sat down beside Brina. He intently looked at her, caressing her face with his eyes.  He leaned down and kissed her forehead tenderly, waking up Brina. With hooded eyes, she sleepily looked at Louis and abruptly wrapped her arms around him. "Baby, you look worried. What happened?" she asked as she rubbed her face on his chest. "Nothing. Tomorrow, you will be having breakfast with an oldie." he told her, caressing her head. "Ahh. I see that word has already passed so fast. It is an indirect way to humiliate Natalie in the name of a welcoming party. Isn't it?" she asked, still sleepy. "Seems like it," Louis said. "That bitch Olivia will surely bully my baby Natalie. I am not gonna let that happen" Brina added. Her cheeks are deliciously red because she just woke up. She is looking like a baby however, that vicious look in her eyes is really a bit scary. Louis didn't know whether to think that she was so cute or if she was vixen. She is his cute vixen! "Honey, why are you so protective of Natalie? You have been worrying about her very constantly, ever since you came here. Why?" Louis asked. Brina chuckled and told him, "It's because I know a secret about her which no one knows. And, I owe a lot to her parents" "What? Isn't she an orphan?" Louis asked, surprised. "How do you know?" Brina asked. Shocked. She is sure Ethan couldn't have dug out that information. It is highly classified. "Harry told, baby. He didn't want to tell, but it kind of slipped from his tongue" Louis said, chuckling at her cute face. "Ah. I see" Brina said, as she leaned into his embrace. "Actually, Natalie doesn't know that…. not even Luke. Harry accidentally found out" she said, deep in thought. "So, why do you orw her parents?" Louis asked. "I owe her mother, not her father." she told, her lips pursed. It is evident that she is surfing in her past right now. "She is the reason I am alive, Louis. Well, she didn't save me, technically...she played a part in it. However, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have known that my own people were conspiring against me" "So, I do owe Natalie's mother a lot," Brina said, looking into his eyes. "Is her mother powerful?" Louis asked. "Yep. She is" Brina said. 'You actually know her I think' she thought inside. Fate sometimes brings the people to where they belong. Louis nodded his head. "But, why is she given away to Smith's Family when her parents are alive?" he asked. "It's because her mother wants to protect Natalie from her father. That's why" Brina answered. Louis nodded his head. "So, her father is bad," he said. "And, baby, in any way, is her father connected with what happened to you and your family?" Louis asked. Suddenly he felt like it. Brina and Natalie might have a common enemy. "Well, not exactly. But, he had his own role in it. That bastard" Brina said. She couldn't help but swear at the end. Louis wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her. "Don't worry. I will be there for you and in the same way, Ethan will be there for his sister in law. But, baby, how exactly are you connected to Natalie's mother?" Louis asked. "She is my Godmother. A friend of both my parents. This makes Natalie my sister" Brina answered. "However, Louis, I think Natalie has to be moulded stronger. She is too delicate to withstand if she gets implicated" Brina said. "Then, it's better not to let her know the truth of her origin," Louis said. "We will try, Louis. But it might come out when I will go for my revenge" Brina answered. "Baby, by the way, how is Will? He is with your friend right? What happened to his surgery?" Louis asked. Intending to pull her out from thinking about her past and revenge. He doesn't want her to ruin her own mood.  "He is doing good. After changing from orphanage, he is doing pretty well. Maybe I was wrong by keeping him in a new place. With my ex friend, his people and his family, he is doing pretty good." Brina said, smiling. Even the thought of Will will deviate her from her sad past. "So, my little nephew is going to wake up soon? Baby, should I be ready for competition?" Louis asked, kissing her neck. Brina chuckled. "He is going to be back soon. At least that is what her doctors said to Remus" she answered. "And, yep, be ready for a potential competitor," he teased. "After Will comes out of his coma, I really want to end all the things. I am sick of carrying my past with me." she told him after a few moments. Still deep in thoughts. "I want to end everything and start my new life with you. After finishing things, let's have our own babies" Brina said, all in sudden acting coquettish. It indeed caught him off guard. "Why are you so shocked? Brina asked, laughing at his dumbfounded face. Well, he doesn't want to share her yet. Not soon.  However, little does he know that his wife will be pregnant by his next birthday.      

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