Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

No more details, okay?

No more details, okay?

"Well, could you arrange a joint room for me and Prince Edward?" Brina asked, making Morgana dumbfounded.      


Is that a wish??      

"love sick...huh?" she asked for which Brina pouted and nodded her head.      

"I can't sleep without him," she added.      

"Young lady! I am still your godmother! So, you better not talk about your bed activities here" Morgana said, shaking her head.      

However, there is a gentle smile on her lips. She is happy for Brina and she approves Louis.      

"But, it's true, mum! His warm body is my personal body warmer. Without hi-" Brina stopped when Morgana interjected.      

"Okay..okay! You made yourself clear! So, no more details, okay? I will make sure you get a joint room" she told, rolling her eyes.      

"Thanks mum. You are best!" Brina squealed and hugged heron happiness.      

Morgana smiled too. She caressed Brina's hair, affectionately.      

"I am glad you found your man. And, dear, do you know that you both are destined. Do you know tha-" Morgana is about to say something but Brina stopped her.      

"Yeah..yeah. I know that my first kiss is with him and his first kiss with me" Brina said. Her cheeks flushed.      

"Yes!! So, when are you going to reveal to him that you are Beatrice?" Morgana asked.      

Brina chuckled. "Not now. I am thinking of surprising him" she said.      

"You are in deep love with him, Sab. I never saw you like this with Nickolas. Not even one percent love of what I see in your eyes" Morgana said.      

Brina smiled. "What I had with Nickolas was not love, mum. I was just forced to think of it as love."     

"However, everything changed when I met Louis. Though I and Louis have spent very little time together, I fell deeply in love with him….so, deep that I couldn't even stay a day without him" Brina said.      

Morgana smiled. "Your love makes me remember your parents dear. I am happy for you. But be careful okay? You just returned to a place from where you just escaped. Be cautious" she warned.      

"I know mum. Anyways, I had been thinking about returning after Will recuperates. I came prepared to face every consequence" Brina told her Godmother.      

"You are strong, Brina. I believe in you but it will still be tough on you, dear! After all, Olivia is your potential competitor and her grandfather seems to be up to something" Morgana said.      

"Mum, do you know what her grandfather is up to? Will it be dangerous to the Royal family?" Brina asked anxiously.      

"Unfortunately, no! Although I have power in the academy, it is still limited when it comes to Kingdom's and their internal affairs. However, I will try to help you dear. Don't worry about it" Morgana said.      

"Now, go and rest. I assume it found out who your best friend Athena is" Morgana chuckled.      

"Yeah! I never thought it's Katherine, mum. She changed so much that I couldn't recognize her at all!" Brina said.      

"Circumstances change the people, Sab. Just like how you turned from being Sabrina to Brina, Katherine changed too. However, I hope she still loves you the same way she does" Morgana said, pursing her lips.      

"That, I had to find out, mum. If she really cares about me the same way she used to do, do you think she will be my ally and supports me?" Brina asked her Godmother.      

Morgana smiled.      

"I think she will! After all, you helped her a lot back then and really cared for her. However, she never got a chance to show her gratitude and she really owe you a big deal, daughter"      

"And, this is the perfect time for her to pay back what she owes for you. So, trust me, dear. She will support you" Morgan said, kidding Brina's forehead.       

"Now, you better go. Your boyfriend might be getting worried why we are taking very long" she chuckled.      

Brina laughed.      

"Yep. I really had to go. Or else, he will surely get a heart attack" Brina joked.      

"However, I am excited to see his expression when he will find out that I am Beatrice" Brina said, giggling.      

"But, dear, why did he run away as soon as he kissed? Didn't you guys actually think of revealing your faces to each other that day?" Morgana asked.      

As their faces had to be concealed by a mask, they never saw each other's faces. Even when they kissed, they actually had their eyes closed.      

However, as soon as he kissed, it seemed like he saw something and ran away.      

"Why don't you ask him why he ran away?" Morgana asked.      

"Mum, now I understand why you are still single after all these years" Brina teased.      

And, Morgana pouted.      

"Why? Did I tell anything wrong?" She asked.      

"Of course I can't ask, mum! How can I ask him why he ran away after having his first kiss?"      

"Moreover I really don't think it's good for me to ask. What if..what if he regretted kissing me and ran away? We were not supposed to kiss, remember? Me and him were on opposite teams back then. I am not ready to take negative answers."      

"So, I had to find out why he did that. If I couldn't find why, then I would think about asking him" Brina said.      

"Okay dear. Your choice." Morgana said.      

"And, you had to meet the Governor and the head of departments this evening. Everyone of you has to meet them, Sab"      

"I suggest you confess to them that you are Beatrice. If they find out by themselves, they might not go easy on you for lying. However, as you are one of their favorite students, they won't say no if you ask them to keep your identity a secret. Got it?" Morgana asked.      

"Yes, mum. I will do that. Thanks for heads up" Brina said, giving her a hug.      

After that, Brina left the room. And, as soon as she left, Louis was summoned inside.      

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