Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Keep your promise, Beatrice.

Keep your promise, Beatrice.

Although others might answer the difficult questions. They definitely wouldn't be able to answer the most general questions like - what's her nickname, etc.      

Even if they would have gone to that extent, they would definitely not have answered this question correctly. It's because Beatrice never told Katherine what that name was. However, Beatrice's other friends know it.      

Katherine smiled in return.      

Moreover, prior to all this, she could actually see resemblance between Brina and Beatrice.      

The way Brina fooled Olivia and made her sweat, could, itself, tell how experienced Brina was in doing this.      

It was like a cakewalk to her.      

 "I believe you. But a last question" Katherine said.      

"All right, shoot it out" Brina said.      

"Weren't you in a relationship back then? I mean, Noah told me that he was thinking to propose to you" Katherine asked.      

Noah is Nickolas.      

"Nah. I denied. You know how controlling and overbearing he was" Brina said.      

"But he was only concerned about you and your safety." Katherine defended him.      

Brina bitterly chuckled. "That's all the drama, Ath- Katherine. I got fooled by him" she said.      

Katherine looked at Brina, shocked.      

Fooled? Beatrice got fooled?      

"Although I didn't accept him back then, after a year, I did. We got engaged and when there was only a month left for our marriage, I saw his true colors. He betrayed me, fooled me with his love and he is the reason for my pain now" Brina said.      

Pain of losing her family.      

Not the pain of losing him.      

"I am sorry" Katherine said, hugging her.      

Not even in her dreams she has thought that, one day, she has to give her shoulder for Brina to cry.      

She never thought that her brave, powerful and stubborn friend will turn out emotionally fragile.      

"Don't be sorry. If not for that bastard's betrayal, I wouldn't have met Louis" Brina said.      

And, this made Katherine shocked.      


Isn't it the other name of Prince Edward??      



I made sense now. It explains how Brina got help from the Royal family to fool Olivia.      

So, her best friend Beatrice and Prince Edward are in a relationship??      

Wow! That's great!      

Meanwhile, Brina looked at Katherine. Carefully observing her face.      

"Katherine, I -" Bring was about to tell something but Katherine stopped her.      

"Don't! I know where this is going and I don't want things to get ugly between us" Katherine said.      

She immediately took her hands off Brina's shoulders, abruptly, acting distant.      

And, Brina's heart almost stopped. that means, Katherine doesn't want to support her now?      

Was their friendship really that shallow?      

Yeah, she knows that giving up is indeed difficult, but she always thought that their friendship is beyond this.      

She has after all helped and nurtured Katherine to become what she is! Without Brina's constant support and influence, Katherine would have never gotten acknowledged as 'sly fox lady'      

Meanwhile, Katherine looked at Brina's indifferent and cold face.      

"So, this is how you look when you are angry and frustrated. You don't know how curious I used to be to see this expression on your face. However, that bloody mask always used to cover your face."     

"But, I had fun now," Katherine said, holding her laugh.      

"huh?" Brina looking at her.      

"Silly! How did you even think that I would choose this bloody selection event over you? For me, you are the most precious person,the only one, who really changed me into someone I am proud of today." Katherine said, hugging Brina.      

"What I meant was, don't look down on the friendship we have and make it ugly between us! Actually, supporting you goes without saying"      

"You supported me all along when I needed it the most and today, I will be there to support you so that you can win in your love battle" Katherine said.      

They looked into each other's eyes. Soon, the air around them turned very sentimental.       

Brina chuckled. Her eyes filled with happy tears.      

At least, she didn't make a wrong decision by befriending Katherine. Their friendship has remained as pure as it was a few years back.      

Hugging her friend, Brina laughed.      

"So my dearest friend has become naughty over these years, huh? She even dared to prank me with her words" Brina chided Katherine, however, her voice is laced with affection and nostalgia.      

"Of course! It's been years and someone here has broken their promise by not coming to visit me. I am still angry about that! However, I can't really get angry at my best friend, so the least I could do is tease her a bit" Katherine said, laughing. Her eyes are already brimmed with tears.      

She has missed her a lot. There was no single day she didn't think of Beatrice!!      

"Fine, don't be a cry baby now! You will have a lifetime to tease me from now on. And, I am not going anywhere from now on. So, my dear friend, don't get angry at this poor girl" Brina said, laughing.      

"Poor girl? Don't exaggerate, Beatrice. You might have changed a bit but my legendary friend is still inside. She is nowhere close to poor! " Katherine teased, parting away.      

"Now, keep your promise, Beatrice. Tell me who you are and what happened to you." she seriously asked.      

Brina pursed her lips and nodded her head.      

"My real name is Sabrina. And, I-      

….. and that's my story" Brina said.      

[A/N : That gap will be narrated soon, haha]     

It took her around half an hour to tell Katherine about herself.      

And, by the time she finished, Katherine was on the verge of sobbing. She couldn't take it…     

"Gosh! I always thought you are no ordinary. But I have never thought you really went through this much. Sabrina-" Katherine stopped when Brina interjected her.      

"Call me Brina. I don't prefer Sabrina" she said.      

Katherine nodded her head. "Brina, you deserve this. Prince Edward is really a good person. He cares a lot about his family and I am sure he loves you so much. I am happy for you," she said, smiling at her friend, affectionately.      

"Even the King and Queen are so good. They are as caring and affectionate as Prince Edward. You will get all the love you lost after your parents death. And, you know what, you are not alone anymore. You have all of us. But I am only worried how the Noble houses will take this as" Katherine sighed.      

Brina smiled. "Leave it to me, Katherine. I just want this, your friendship and your support. With all of you here, I am confident I can convince Noble families' Brina said.      

"Of course! You have seen all this and have grown up seeing how Noble families work. So, it isn't a difficult job for you to find their soft points. It's the Rebellion that's worrying me" Katherine said.      

"Me either. But let's come up with a solution. We still have some time I guess," Brina said.      

"Yeah. With you here, there is nothing to worry about" Katherine said, smiling as they hugged each other again.      

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