Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She knows these people know

She knows these people know

After a few hours…     

Louis was the first one to open his eyes.      

He groggily looked around and quickly recompased his alertness when he noticed the strange premises.       

He frantically looked around and sighed in relief when he noticed Brina's sleeping figure not too far from him.      

However, when he tried to move his hands, that was only when he realised that his hands were actually tied up.      

"Damn!! Who the heck are these people??" he gritted while he slowly walked to Brina.      

He could sense that he is on the jet now. Air turbulence seems very tough but he managed to walk to Brina.      

"Baby, wake up" he whispered, gently patting her cheeks.      

It's evident that he is very worried.      


"How cute" a woman cooed as she looked through the screen.      

She is currently seeing the couple now. Totally excited.      

"Is it really necessary to tie them up, sister in law?" Remus asked, slightly angered.      

"Of course it's needed, dear. I just wanted to see how much Edward loves Sabrina. We can see the real concern during times like these" she said.      

"Back then, we accepted Nickolas though we were not sure how much he loved her. This time, we shouldn't take chances" she added. Her concern is evident in her eyes.      

"But, how long?" Remus asked.      

"Till your brother finds out that we tied his dear sister's hands" she giggled.      

"Haha!" Remus laughed sarcastically.      

"But brother won't scold you but me. I will always be the victim" Remus pursed his lips.      

"Get married soon. You won't be a victim" she teased.      

As soon as Remus heard her words, his eyes fell on screen. Where he could see Penelope who was tied up and unconscious.      

Though he doesn't have feelings yet, he couldn't say that there are no feelings at all, either.       

But it was nowhere near to the love he had for Niccy, his ex girlfriend.      


Meanwhile, Brina woke up when she felt Louis patting her cheek.       

She blinked her eyes and forcefully opened her eyes. And the first person she saw is Louis.      

His worried face, so close to her face.      

"Baby, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Louis hurriedly asked.      

Brina shook her head, no.     

 "You?" she asked, looked at him with concern.      

"No. I am good. However, I really don't know where we are" he said.      

Brina looked at her tied up hands.      

"I think I know where we are," Brina said.      

She stood up with Louis's help and walked to the door. They are in a small room and the door is locked.      

"I tried, baby. We need the fingerprint of someone from here" Louis said.      

"Let me try," Brina said.      

Though Louis was confused, he let her go.      

Brina pressed her thumb, but, unfortunately, it didn't open.      

'This fucking bastards even deleted my thumbprint...ahhh' Brina angrily thought.      

Meanwhile, slowly, Katherine woke up.      

"Beatrice, you good?" she asked, her voice weak.      

"Yeah, Kath-" she abruptly stopped and      

Brina froze.      

She hesitantly looked at Louis, only to notice his narrowed eyes. He...he...heard how Katherine addressed her!     

Her surprise!!! Ahhh!!! It got ruined.      

And, now...     

What will Louis think now???      

Will he misunderstand her???      

This shouldn't be happening like this! Now she has to open up about many things, not only her identity as Beatrice.      

Meanwhile, Katherine froze too. She just registered what she actually addressed Brina as. She looked at Brina, apologetically.      

Brina pursed her lips and shifted her eyes to Louis who was looking at both of them.      

"Louis, I -" Brina stopped when the door of the room opened.      

As the door opened, Remus and his people came inside.      

"Untie them" Remus ordered.      

As soon as Louis got free he coldly looked at Remus. Suddenly, the temperature around them dropped by a few degrees.      

"Who are you and why did you bring us here?" Louis demanded.      

It is evident for Louis that these people saved them from enemy forces. And, Louis could tell that they don't mean any harm as well.      

Otherwise they wouldn't have tied them loosely.      

"Prince Edward, we don't mean any harm and we are actually going to Kingdom Aletros to drop everyone of you safely there. Please be patient for a while and we will tell you everything" Remus said.      

He clapped his hand and the staff brought water and drinks. After everyone took a few sips and quenched their thirst, they were escorted outside.      

"Sorry for tying up all of you. We didn't mean to do it but my-" Remus stopped when Brina pulled him with his collar.      

"Remus, where the hell is my nephew?" she angrily asked. As she already knows that everything about her has to be opened up soon, she didn't restrain herself anymore.      

For her, Will is more important than her secrets.      

Remus was shocked and so are others, including Louis. Katherine is the only one who stayed cool.      

She already knows.. haha.      

"Sab, Will is fine. He was already escorted back to his hospital room yesterday. He is with Rose and others, safe" Remus said.      

"Yesterday?? So, you knew this would happen?? You knew that Academy would be attacked yet….you, '' Brina asked, her voice venomous. Her grip on his collar tightened up and she even held down Remus's hand which was about to reach for her shoulder.      

Her physical strength is no less compared to Remus's. But what frightens the most is the look in her eyes and the dangerous aura that surrounds her when she is angry.      

Remus gulped. "Let me explain, Sab-" however he stopped when Brina harshly yanked him away, forcefully, totally taking him off guard.      

Remus stumbled and fell down,his butt on the ground. If she really wanted she would have beat him to death. But she simply doesn't want to exhaust her energy on the useless person like Remus.      

"So much drama! I hate this" Brina scoffed. "You know that I hate it when others keep secrets about my Will. Who dare you risk his life even after knowing that academy might get attacked?"      

"Not only that but you have also put many innocent lives in risk just for sake of revenge! I already warned you" she shouted at him before giving a kick on his stomach.      

If they already know that the Academy is going to be attacked, why haven't they informed the Academy?      

They actually put many innocent life's in danger. It's selfish!!      

Meanwhile, Louis just looked at the drama that unfolded in front of him.      

When he heard Brina address this person as Remus, he realises that this name is familiar.      

Isn't it her ex best friend who was taking care of Will?      

So, are these people from Brina's side?      

But the real question is, are these people connected to Rebellion or not!      

But, again, when he remembered that Katherine called Brina as Beatrice it gave him a clear picture of what's actually happening.      

He knew who Beatrice is!      

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