Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

I like my Godfather more!

I like my Godfather more!

Louis instantly became alert. "Hon, I was just teasing you. I didn't mean it, okay? I already told you that I understand. So, why are you still dwelling on it, huh?"      

"Let me tell you one thing. For me, you are always my Brina, the sweet and wonderful girl I ever met. Honestly, I don't care if you are a Princess of the enemy Kingdom. It doesn't matter to me because it's in your past. So, this truth actually didn't change anything much. It in fact increased my love for you when I found that you are that baby girl I used to play with and you were my first crush." he gently said as he caressed her cheeks.      

Brina smiled. All again thanking God for sending Louis into her life.      

He sighed in relief only after seeing the smile on his beloved face. "So, how about you take a bath? In the meantime I will cook something for you. Hasn't it been very long since I cooked for you?" he      


He was about to stand up.when Brina held his hand. "Why don't we bath together and later cook something simple? I don't want to be alone" she said, her voice still a little shaky.      

"Whatever my Queen says," Louis said, winking at her.      

He bent down and lifted her in his arms before carrying her all the way to their bedroom.      

Brina returned to her normal self only after getting pampered by Louis. After noticing that her past really didn't change anything in him, it is only when she cooled down.      

Soon they cooked and finished eating. As the person she loves the most is there with her right now, she didn't plunge back into the whirlpool of her sad thoughts.      

Louis is really the light of her life.      

"I am going to check if Will is okay," Brina said as she continued leaning her head on Louis's chest.      

"If you want we can have him treated here. Dad wouldn't say no" Louis said, kissing her head.      

"Even I would love that but we are not yet sure if the noble families are okay with me. It might agitate them" Brina answered.      

"Moreover, if Will will be brought here, we have to install many equipment for him and arrange the accommodation for all his doctors.  Once the Rebellion passes, we could focus on that. For now, we have many immediate things to focus on" she added.      

Louis nodded his head understanding what she meant. "Yes, it's not yet safe for him to be here. Let's settle things first" he said. However, he was very cautious not to bring up anything related to her past.      

He understood that she actually doesn't want to get acknowledged as the Princess or someone from the Royal family of Kingdom Wentris.      

She simply wants to be 'Brina' however, it isn't possible to continue in the same way forever. Till her enemies cross the doors of hell, it wouldn't be possible for her to let go of her past.      

Brina nodded her head and snuggled against him before making a call to Rose, one of her friends and the loyal person.      

"Rose, how is Will?" she asked as soon as Rose answered the call.      

"Prince is fine, ma'am. He was safely brought to the base day before yesterday. And, his condition seems to be improving daily" Rose answered.      

As Brina has been spending her time with Will for a few days. Moreover, he had Remus, Morgana too.      

As these both are close to Will in his childhood, their presence has made him improve.      

Meanwhile, Louis noticed how Rose never mentioned Brina as Princess. Even Remus and his family were cautious that they never addressed her as Princess.      

It showed how much Brina hates that title. She would have gotten vexed by that life and the responsibilities it holds.      

So, she couldn't help but feel she had a simple life. No more responsibilities to think of!      

And, Louis couldn't help but feel guilty. Didn't he force her back into the life she wanted to escape from?      

She didn't want to have too many responsibilities but wanted to fly freely like a bird. She didn't want power but freedom and she never craved fame but a peaceful life.      

She never wanted the extraordinary status….     

She was not only vexed with it but she actually started fearing that power after messing things up.     

So, she always craved only simple and common life..     

However, he couldn't fulfill that wish for her.      

No wonder she didn't want to get into a relationship with rich people or powerful personalities with complex families. It always brings responsibilities and many other shitty things to think about.      

"What are you thinking?" Brina asked when she noticed Louis who was in daze.      

"Nothing baby. I actually started to hate myself for bringing this on to you. You will be facing the same stress you had when you were princess" he said.      

Brina smiled reassuringly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his chin.      

"It's fine. I will be having you by my side.  And please don't feel guilty because you have given me the love I was craving for and I am not alone anymore."     

"I have you and also your family who treats me as their own. Although I don't remember being doted on by my Godfather, my parents always used to tell me how much he used to pamper me and spoil me with his love"      

"After meeting your dad, I started feeling like I have got my dad back. And, the bond between me and Eliina always reminds me of my sister in law and me. Even your mom and brother are very caring" Brina said.      

Louis just continued looking at her happy face as she continued talking. After seeing that glow in her eyes it lessened his guilt a little.      

"Baby, whom do you love more now? Me or your Godfather?" Louis asked.      

And Brina could smell the vinegar from him. Aww...he is getting jealous of his own family now!      

"Of course my Godfather. You have been loving me for a few months now. But my Godfather doted on me and pampered me since when I was just a baby" Brina said, adding more salt to his jealous heart.      

This made Louis even more jealous.     

How dare she!       

"Really?" Louis pettily demanded, abruptly getting on top of her.      

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