Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Many things yet to find

Many things yet to find

Meanwhile, as Brina and Tanya talked inside, all the guests started to appear.       

Ethan and Natalie.      

Harry and Rhianna.       


They are also included in the list.       

As soon as they entered inside after the paparazzi photo mania outside, they looked around for Brina.       

And, when they didn't see her anywhere, they started getting tense.       

Most tense person was Katherine. As Brina's bestest friend, she always felt unsettled whenever Brina vanished. That was because of her past experience.      

At the same time, Ben Cooper and his parents hurried to greet Katherine who was first among this five to arrive.       

As they have collaborated investing billions in it,  this is one of the huge projects they are doing right now and Katherine is the director in the company and also the sister of the CEO of the company.      

"We are truly pleased with your presence, Ms. Katherine. It really is great ho-" Tanya's  mother in law stopped her bootlicking when Katherine suddenly cut her off with her hurried question.       

"Where is Ms. Parker? She is your wife's best friend. In any case, didn't she arrive yet?" Katherine asked Ben.       

Ben blinked.       

Even Katherine knows Brina!      

"Uhmm. Brina arrived and she was talking with my wife in a room" he answered.      

"Oh! Thank god my baby arrives safely." Katherine said, finally relieved.      

Meanwhile, Rhianna hurried to Katherine with the same doubt. As the security here is high and only invited persons can attend,  they couldn't send bodyguards with her.       

Moreover, Brina disagreed to make a scene.  So, she drove here by herself. However,  she didn't call to inform them now she had picked up their call.       

She made them worry too much when they didn't see her here. After all, who knows what might happen at any second?     

Dangers come unexpectedly and unpredictably.       

"Is Brina here? If not, we will be dead" Rhianna whispered.       

"She isn't lifting my damn call" Harry complained. Unfortunately, someone from rebellion groups was here in the city now.      

They just found it out. And,  there are high chances they had come to attend this party.      

"Don't worry, Mr. Wilson and Doctor Rhianna,  she arrived" Ben answered.       

Meanwhile, Ethan and Natalie walked to them and he whispered something inaudible to Harry.       

"He, what??" Harry asked,  flabbergasted.      

"Unfortunate coincidence" Ethan answered.      

"And,  where is Brina,  brother? We haven't seen her anywhere" Natalie asked.       

"I didn't go missing guys. I am here" saying so, Brina walked to them with Tanya.       

Tanya is still in shock and that could be seen on her face. All these extraordinary and sudden confessions from her ordinary best friend shook her to her core.      

"And,  what exactly happened that got you all worried?" Brina asked,  already suspicious.      

"Mr. Cooper, if you don't mind" Harry said, gesturing to him to give privacy.      

"Of course… of course" Ben hurriedly answered and walked away with his family.      

He didn't know Brina has these many people supporting her and taking care of her. When she was working in his company and living with Tanya, she never talked about her family or relatives. They almost thought that she was an orphan…     

But it seems like she is a rich shot with a powerful background. She and Louis are of the same level then.       

His cousin Chris has really acted arrogant and haughty around her.  Such a fool!      


"What happened?" Brina asked, however she stopped in her tracks, her eyes fixed on a person.       

Ben and his family were greeting that person and his partner.  Many women and teenagers are looking at him in awe, totally excited to see him.       

He is none other than Nickolas.      

The famous football player put a wolf in sheep 's clothing.      


And,  his partner…     

His partner is her own cousin, Camilla.      

The way he had his arms wrapped around her waist, the way he smiled warmly at her, the way he kissed her cheek now…      

It made Brina smile in ridicule.      

Generally, she has to be angry or annoyed to see that.  However, she couldn't help but respond in quite the opposite manner.      

She isn't angry nor she felt her body shake with the urge to strangle him. In return, she just felt her lips curve up in a sinister angle.       

It is because her fiance is far better than her ex fiance.      

There is no comparison between her sweet Louis and that Bastard Nickolas.      

What if Nick has his arms wrapped around Camilla??       

Her Louis would act more protective.      

And, what if Nick's smile is affectionate??     

Our face might fake our feelings but not our eyes.      

Louis's eyes always twinkle with love and are always brimmed with affection. His smile and his shining eyes are far more impressive and passionate than how Nick's smile is now.       

And,  what the heck if Nickolas kissed Camilla's cheek??      

Her Louis would kiss her lips not even caring about others. That's how much he loves her.       

However, this Nick seems to be kissing Camilla's cheek just for others to see him. His affection towards her didn't seem so genuine and whole hearted.      

And, she was in that place once. She used to feel like Nick was so sweet and caring.      

However, the truth is, he is just too selfish and blinded by greed. He would never love a girl selflessly but just pretend to be in love with her for another ulterior motive.      

And, he fails in comparison with her Louis, who is genuinely caring and straightforward unlike Nickolas.       

She understood what true love looks like only after she met Louis and experienced his selfless love for her.      

However, what bothered her is her cousin Camilla.       

Brina never thought Camilla would get engaged to this Bastard Nickolas.      

It started bothering her if Nickolas was already in love with Camilla when he had proposed to her.       

He might have planned all this long back! Who knows?      

If, by chance, that's the truth, there is no way she will let him live.       

Meanwhile, Ethan, Harry and others followed the line of her sight and froze.       

Ethan froze because of the woman in Nickolas's arms. She….she resembled Natalie!!     

Her eyes, her smile, her physique…. Camilla resembled Natalie.      

Harry froze because he realized that Camilla is the step sister of Natalie.      

In short, they are related.      

So this is what Remus and his family are hiding from them!! That Nickolas is engaged to Brina's cousin.  He is a leech who is always stuck to the Royal family of Kingdom Wentris.      

"Guys, let's disperse. And, don't just let that bastard recognize me" Brina said as her eyes danced with malicious intent.     

And, it's too evident that Brina is controlling her anger.      

She isn't angry because Nickolas is living with some other person. But she is agitated because that someone is none other than her cousin.       

She doesn't like when someone intentionally keeps her in dark when it comes to her own matters.     

Seems like there is so much she is yet to find out. And, this Remus is still hiding many things from her.       

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