Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Greta comes back!

Greta comes back!

When Brina felt herself lying on the soft cushions of the seat and Louis hovering on her. Involuntarily, her fingers went for his hair as she held his head, intensifying the kiss.      

Getting the cue of approval, Louis let out a small grunt before parting back and going for her neck.  He pressed into her body, as his kissed became heated and hasty.       

He missed making hickeys on her sexy neck and burying his face in those sexy curves of her soft neck.  Now, at last he got that chance and it is really making him intoxicated like hell.       

Brina let out another moan when she felt his hurried kisses and the force he exerted in it. Her nails dug into his thick suit.       

However, with a last strand of her consciousness left, Brina faintly spoke, her voice very dry and hoarse with the anxiety and anticipation she felt till now.       

"Louis, you are ruining my makeup. We still have to face others right? I can't go disheveled in front of them. Hold on for a few more hours" she whispered while the grip on his head, in contrast, tightened.      

It's like, her heart wants him to continue but her mind otherwise.      

Louis let out a frustrating sigh but eventually stopped raining the kisses and sat down before helping her.      

"Ten hours more.. ahh!! Why can't this day go any faster than this??!!" he said while Brina fixed her hair, dress.      

"Don't you want to enjoy our marriage day?" she asked, pouting. Intentionally teasing him though she knows the meaning of his words.      

Louis chuckled darkly as he moved her face to face him, their eyes interlocked.      

With his fingers holding her chin, he pressed his forehead to hers.      

"I do.  But, I am waiting for the night so that I can devour you totally and make you mine, both by soul and body. Baby, you know how much I am waited for that" he said, before moving his face close to his lips.      

"And, you have to work hard to fulfil my wish, Wifey" he huskily whispered, sending chills down her spine.       

"Same goes to you too, husband" Brina said, however her breath was so shallow that it made Louis laugh.       

Brina pouted but stayed quiet. Her voice is giving up…      

So, it's better to seal her lips.       

Later, Louis helped Brina to apply the concealer on the hickeys he accidentally made now. Thanks to Natalie she has put it in the essentials bag.      

She might have predicted what might happen in the limousine.      


After travelling for a few more minutes, they entered the palace grounds which are very grandly decorated for their arrival.       

And by the time they reached, the others had already come back just a few minutes ago.       

They intentionally selected a little longer yet secured road for Louis and Brina to come.  Meanwhile others came back on different roads with the same level of security around them.  However, in a shorter route.      

"Come on, carry her inside" Queen Elora said as soon as Louis alighted from the car.      

So, before Brina could even set her foot on the carpet, Louis lifted her in princess style.      

At first Brina yelped but wrapped her arms around his neck. "It's a long way to the main entrance," she whispered.      

Her dress is heavy because of the diamonds and other gems.  And, she is pretty heavy too…      

Louis grunted quietly in the mid way.  Gosh….did his wifey gain weight??     

She is heavy...!!     

"I told you" Brins chuckled.      

Meanwhile, just like before, the flowers were being showered on them as they walked on the red carpet. It's a long way indeed and it seems like they intentionally selected a far away gate to stop the limousine.      

It seems like someone is taking revenge on him by making him walk all this way!!      

"Don't worry, Wifey… we will be exercising a lot from now on. You will easily get light in no time" Louis said.      

Elaina who was walking just behind them blushed. Ahhh!! Both of these brothers are throwing dog food at her now.       

They are indeed shameless just like her…      

And, this made her remember her lover, Diego who just vanished in thin air recently.      


"What?? Why??" Louis pouted.      

His parents asked him and Brina to go to separate rooms now!!      

They just had family lunch and after a few hours there was a small bride welcoming party just like how Natalie had her own party when she returned.      

It is just a toasting for the good life of the new couple and a time to present gifts to them.     

Nothing much…     

Actually there has to be an extravagant and very grand wedding party after the marriage day.  Where every Royal family of other kingdoms, important Noble families and other important personalities from abroad would be invited.      

However, with the rebellion brewing again in the Kingdoms, they cancelled it.  At least it is what everyone thought.       

And, as it is a very understandable reason no one suspected why this marriage has happened in a low key manner with very few guests.     

But no one knows that the main reason is because they don't want to risk Brina's identity.      

"A few hours, son! You will get your wife at night… till then, don't even try to persuade us, okay?" King Edgar chided Louis.      

Even Brina couldn't help but chuckle.      

He is childish!     

"Grow up, brother.  You are a married man" Eliina teased.      

"You are no longer going to be a virgin too, so stop acting childish" Ethan said.  Natalie could only roll her eyes at her husband.      

First, there is no connection between being virgin and childish!     

Second, even her husband himself acts childish!      

"You will soon become father too and most importantly a king" a certain old woman who just arrived in morning directly to marriage came in, interrupting the family time.       

Queen mother Greta who was under strict watch for all these days just got the freedom to come back today. Till now her son and grandson didn't agree for her to come back from her country mansion.      

They said it is too dangerous outside and as an old person she could be the easy target. As they targeted her own security as their bait, they successfully stopped her from mingling into the other matters.       

Yet, she doesn't know that Brina is a princess. Only person who knows it is Louis's parents, siblings, the ladies and their fathers.       

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