Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Just you and me.

Just you and me.


Remund comforted his brother.      

Though he asked Remus to take some break, get over it, he didn't want to take a break till he avenged his beloved Niccy.      

However, in that stress, and in that pain , he had been making quite a few mistakes recently.      

Even his own brother didn't think Remus was under such pain and stress. If he would have known, he wouldn't have asked Remus to take charge of important matters like this.       



The next day…     

Brina and Louis woke up and as usual they were late.      

"I am tired," Brina complained as she closed her eyes tightly. "I want to sleep," she whined like a kid.      

Louis chuckled as he gathered her in his arms and kissed her hair. "I never thought my genius wife is actually fragile physically" he said, teasing her.       

"Who is fragile? Me?" Brina sulked. She is actually fragile because all these years, she didn't care much about her body.      

Though she used to train and exercise, the trauma, mental suffering has weakened her a lot. Moreover, her weapon was her brain, not her strength.      

"For God's sake, I just slept for one hour in total! And, I am sleepy! Not tired" Brina complained in her extremely cute voice that Louis couldn't help but pepper her face with kisses.       

"You can sleep how much ever you want in our private jet. For now, we have to freshen up and leave" Louis said as he abruptly lifted her in his arms. The blanket that was covering them, slid down and Brina shivered. "It's so cold today" she complained.      

"But don't you like cold places?" Louis asked.       

"Correction. I like snow and ice" Brina said.       

Louis chuckled. "Yeah….yeah"      

"You don't even know what your wife likes, Hmph" she complained. However, she was just teasing him.       


"Will you tell me where we are going?" Brina asked her husband who was hugging her as they cuddled up in the cabinet.      

"It's a surprise, wifey. And, I suggest you sleep now, cuz, I can't promise you that I will let you sleep enough after we go there" he huskily whispered in Brina's ear.      

"I figured it out this much" Brins boldly answered as she buried her face in his chest and inhaled his scent.      

Louis chuckled at her answer and lulled her to sleep.       


After a few hours…     

Louis alighted the jet with his sleeping wife in his arms.      

He exhaled through his mouth, only to see the fog. It's that cold and snowy....     

As he already made  Brina in a leather Jacket and wrapped a blanket around her, she didn't feel cold. Her face is comfortably buried in his chest.      

He actually wanted to take her to a private island as she is a nature lover. However, due to security problems, he couldn't. His island is prone to attack because one of its sides is closer to Rebellion's main base.      

So, at last, after wrecking his mind he came up with this idea.      


It is a mountain, a cliff villa.      

Luckily he found a villa which is built on a mountain which will have snowfall in the three month of the year. It is suited to Brina's taste.       

Cold and snowy…     

And, full of nature.       

So, he immediately bought it from the owner by paying double the price of it. After that, he renovated and redecorated it according to Brina's taste.      

In morning times it will be foggy and snowing will increase as the day goes. Moreover, it is good security wise as well.       

Just a half a kilometer from the villa, the guards have built up their base. Leaving that half kilometer for the couple's privacy, they will patrol the rest of the mountain twenty four seven.       

And, after the couple goes to sleep, the cleaning staff will clean away all the snow surrounding the villa. So, Brina and Louis can enjoy the outdoors too.       

Morning walk, picnic.      

On the other side of the mountain where snow isn't removed, they could even go skiing, snowboarding, ice skating and trekking.       


After they alighted from the jet, a helicopter was already waiting for them to take them to the mountain. And, for emergency purposes, Louis decided to let it rest on the terrace for all of fifteen days.      

He made sure his wife would enjoy the honeymoon and at the same time, he didn't compromise with security either.      

"You are sleeping like a log" Louis whispered to his wife as he walked into their bedroom and deposited her on the bed.      

The room heater was on and the view from the room was awe striking. It has three sides of glass, a one way glass. From all the three sides, one could see trees and snow.      

There is an outdoor swimming pool and also an indoor pool. A home theatre, spa room, steaming room, game room, gym, library, wine cellar and everything Brina likes.       


Brina woke up when it was almost evening. Sun was almost set and it was snowing.      

The first thing she saw was snow and trees. It is a beautiful view…     

Brina blinked her eyes and craned her head to look at time. It is almost evening..     

"I slept for ten continuous hours and the strange thing is Louis didn't wake me up" Brina spoke as she climbed down the bed.      

Her dress is already changed into a comfortable yet sexy night gown that ended up just above her knees. In contrast to outside, the room is warm and cozy.       

Brina walked out of the room and she looked around. The first thing that attracted her was an outdoor swimming pool and the lounge.      

Louis is standing at the railings, looking at the horizon. However when she approached him it was only when she realized that he was on a call.       

'No wonder he is busy' she thought. Otherwise, he would be sitting beside her on the bed.      

"Good evening" she whispered against the back of his shirt as she hugged him from behind.       

Louis stopped talking and smiled at her before wrapping her in his embrace. Brina just continued staying in his arms while Louis continued talking.       

He is giving orders to the guards patrolling the mountain. A few are Royal guards, some are from his own team from the US while the rest are Brina's people from Remus's team.      

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Brina asked Louis after he finished his call.      

"You looked tired, love. And, I have indeed tried to wake you up once but you looked at me with scary and angry eyes that I changed my decision and let you sleep" he answered, sneaking his hands inside her dress to caress her thighs.      

"My eyes could really be scary, you know Brina said, intentionally looking into his eyes. Her eyes wide open.       

"And, very sexy and seducing while we make love" he said as his other hand suddenly pulled her, making it collide into his body.      

He bit her lower lip and then pried them open, before sliding his tongue inside.  His lips started sucking her lips and didn't let them go till their lungs screamed for oxygen.      

Louis pressed her betweeny the railing and his hot body, before continuing to kiss her. He started biting, sucking and kissing her neck in a ferocious passion.       

Brina was no different as she reciprocated his passion as if there is no tomorrow.      

Meanwhile, while continuing to pepper his kisses everywhere, he lifted her up and pressed her against the wall, with her legs straddling on his waist.      

He pulled down the strip on her shoulders and started kissing her cleavage too.  "Now, we can do anything we want and everywhere we want. No one is here in the five hundred meters radius.  Just you and me" he whispered against her white skin.      

Brina was out of her breathe and was already flushed red.  "Wh...where are we?" she asked as she held him tightly,  afraid to fall.      

Her upper gown had already slipped down to her waist, however, she didn't feel cold.  In contrast her body is feeling so hot. Her voice is sultry even though she didn't make it happen intentionally.      

"Country S, Ren mountain. I bought this for us" Louis explained.      

"All of the mountain?" Brina asked.      

"Uh hmm. This is a private property. No trespassers allowed" he answered.      

"Did you just buy it for our honeymoon?" Brina asked. She knew Louis never liked cold places. Unlike her he loves springs and sun.      

"Yeah. Not only for that but I thought you will like this. We can go and explore some day" Louis said.      

"Some day?" Brina asked, raising her eyebrow.      

"Yep. Some day. We wouldn't be leaving this villa for at least four days, wife. You are yet to satiate this twenty eight years celibate and it would take at least four days of complete effort" he huskily whispered as he walked them to the lounge and deposited her on it, before pressing him on her.      

"Why don't we start here? he said, grinning.       

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