Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Pampering her like a kid.

Pampering her like a kid.

"I was just teasing you," she winked.       

Louis grinned.  "In that case, should I go for morning rounds too?" he asked as he gently flipped her. However, he didn't exert any force on her.      

He was just teasing her as well. Even after seeing her in pain, he would never do anything that would aggravate her pain.       

"Don't you dare!" Brina huffed. Her body is already feeling as if it was tearing apart. They did it for almost all the night in a very aggressive passion. Then, she didn't feel any pain but pleasure. Now, she is in total pain!      

Louis chuckled. "I was just kidding. Anyway, we have fifteen days for us to enjoy" he said, while his lips lingered on her lips. He looked into her purple eyes totally mesmerized. His hand caressed her cheeks while the other hand cradled her head. He is hovering over her but he didn't exert any force on her.      

Brina started flushing under his hit gaze. Their naked bodies started rubbing as friction started making them hot.      

"Yeah, I totally forgot to ask you. Where are we going and when are we going?" Brina asked, in order to divert them from doing it again.       

"Where?, is the surprise for you, Wifey. But, when?,  it had to be today but got postponed to tomorrow" Louis said.      

"Some emergency cropped up, so I had to attend a meeting in the afternoon, today. I tried my best, but am, I couldn't prevent it. I know-" he is about to apologize but Brina shut him up with a kiss.       

"You don't have to explain. I understand" Brina interjected.      

Noticing his guilty face, she couldn't help but passionately kiss him, pressing her body into his. And, instantly Louis felt his little brother waking up again.       

He grunted and flipped her, now on top of her again. "Don't play with fire, wife! You need rest" he said, getting up from bed.       

Seeing her naked body, he got aroused again. But, controlling it, he wrapped a blanket till her chest, he said, "Sleep for sometime love, I will cook your favorite brunch"      

This is their first day as wife and husband. He wanted to give her the best experience. He even decided to help her bathe and to also massage her body to ease out her pain.       

Brina smiled and nodded her head adorably. As she was exhausted and didn't have much sleep last night, she instantly fell asleep  as soon as she closed her eyes.      

Louis turned down the lights and closed the door behind him before going into their private kitchen.       

After one hour, Louis came back with a tray in his hands. It is filled with nutritious food and all other vitamins needed to enhance her stamina.     

She would be wanting it very much from now on. Louis is very sure that he couldn't stop himself anymore. After experiencing that heavenly experience he would be wanting it more and more just like a drug.      

He is already addicted too much and it is going to increase but it will never cool down.       

Meanwhile, they ate brunch on the bed, chatting and flirting with each other. So far, the last night and today's morning are the best times she ever had.      

Though they have experienced a little extent of this, they were not united in whole. After yesterday, after they did the deed, their love went to the next level.       

Something between them changed. Something more magical started blossoming between them.      


And then, Brina decided to take a bath. However, as soon as her foot touched the floor and she stood up, her legs buckled.       

Gritting her teeth, she tried to take a step forward, however, her legs gave off.     

Even though she was holding on to the bed headboard, she failed to stand properly.      

Before Brina could fall down, butt hard, Louis gently held her and lifted her up.     

"You might not be able to walk freely for sometime. Lemme help you" he said, carrying her to the bathroom.       

After giving her a whole body massage, he helped her to bathe.  As it has pain receiving essential oils added in the tub, she felt in ease after a long relieving bath.      

Louis was so sweet that he treated her as if she is a child who needs all the care and pampering in the world.      


"Here, dear. This is the tonic I specially ordered for you. Two spoons of this will be enough for your body. It gives you energy, increases your stamina, and supplies all the essential vitamins and nutrients to your body." Queen Elora said to Brina.       

After Louis went for a meeting, Brina didn't have anything to do, so she was about to sleep but Queen Elora, her mother in law, visited her.       

Thank god that the whole mess they have done has been taken care of. Otherwise, it would have been embarrassing.      

"I know you guys wouldn't be concentrating much on food during your honeymoon. You wouldn't be even having time to prepare the healthy food and eat" she continued.      

Where Louis is taking Brina, it is little secluded. Moreover he didn't want anyone to disturb them, so he asked chefs, maids and others to go away for a fifteen days vacation.      

So, it will be Louis and Brina. Occasionally, the cleaning staff would come to do their chores.       

As Queen Elora knows that Brina and Louis would be more engrossed in playing on bed, she couldn't help but worry that Brina's body will get weak.       

Brina isn't as strong and tough as she looks.  Elora realized that much so she personally asked the herb doctors to prepare the tonic for Brina.      

"Thanks mom.  I will surely drink this from today" Brina said, smiling.       

For a step mother in law, this is really sweet. She made Brina remember her own mother who used to care the same for Lillian, her sister in law.      

"Yeah, drink at night. One spoon at night before having fun and one spoon after having your early morning fun" Elora said, teasing Brina.       

Brina chuckled. "I will remember" she smiled.      

"Had lunch?" Elora asked Brina.       

"Hmm, yeah, Louis prepared for me," Brina said.      

"Sometimes I feel like men prepare tasty meals more than us females. Your father is a good cook too" Elora said, referring to her husband King Edgar.      

"That's why I got Dad to prepare snacks for all of us. After the meeting finished, dad and my almighty brothers are going to cook for four of us" Eliina, who just came inside, said, sitting beside Brina.      

Brina couldn't help but feel emotional. This family is making her remember her own parents!      



Remus and his brother, Remund went to meet King James, the King of Myriana, the only kingdom that is in neutral position now.       

James was a friend of Brina, her brother Seth, Remus and his brother Remund.      

He always had a crush on Brina. But, before he could make a move, Nick has already got her using his underlying methods.       

And there is no single day he didn't regret being a coward that time. He always believed that Brina wouldn't have died if she was not with Nick.       

"I always suspected that you guys are up to something. So, you were forming your own rebellions to rebel against the rebellions, Huh?" James asked Remus.      

James might not be as handsome as Louis and Nick but on par with others, he is indeed good looking.       

Brown chocolate eyes and brownish red hair.       

"Yeah, we were. That Rebellion would harm every Kingdom one or other time. We didn't want other kingdoms to crumble just like mine" Remus said.       

Remus did most of the talking while his big brother stayed quiet.       

Remus wouldn't have come if it wasn't for his big brother who insisted on joining him.      

"I agree. And, I know that you are asking me to join your squad" James said as he sipped his wine.       

"But, rebellion is strong now. What if they attack my kingdom because I am going against them? So far, they didn't set foot in my kingdom because of the neutrality we, The Myrian's, are maintaining" he said.       

"James, I know you are scared of losing your people. We understand that you want to protect your kingdom by staying at neutral side, however on good books of the rebellions"      

"But, we are stronger than what you think, James. We will help you to protect your people too. All these years we have been gathering the allies, making connections to end this. With you added to these equations, we will be more stronger and invulnerable" Remus said.       

James laughed.  "Protect? Us?" he asked as he moved forward on his chair.      

"What the hell were you guys doing when Sabrina and her family got burned alive? You couldn't even protect the girl and the family which stood by your side at your crisis. And, here you are, promising something out of your hand" James scoffed.       

"For the hell's sake, it's Nick whom you have to blame. No one can predict who will be backstabbing us and for the fucks safe no one could have stopped that disaster from happening!" Remus scoffed back.      

"It's Nickolas, the person who loved Sab. Even you couldn't have saved her if you were in my shoes that time. So stop blaming us and think of the way which could prevent another family from facing the same horrendous end like Sab's"       

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