Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

A win win situation.

A win win situation.

"When you were a princess, it should have been like this right? Protocols, security.. " Louis asked.      

Brina shook her head horizontally.      

"I used to sneak out a lot." she answered.     

"While my brother was an obedient and filial son, I was a troublemaker." Brina chuckled.       

"However, your dad and brother's used to take your side. They spoiled you" Louis teased her.      

"Just like you" Brina giggled as she answered.      

"Yep. I will spoil my wife and pamper her, but I will be a little strict with my daughter. Especially after knowing that my wife was a troublemaker and sneaking master" Louis said.      

His eyes on her plain stomach.      

He felt unfathomable emotions gushing in. It felt very strange yet amazing.      

He is sad that he couldn't have his wife but he is equally thrilled that a little bundle of joy, who looks like his wife will be clinging to him soon.      

His emotions are mixed up.      

"Let's see. Every father tells that but after all they are their princess's father" Brina huffed playfully.     

"They will surely pamper their daughters and spoil them rotten" she added with a pout.      

"Why do I smell vinegar already?" Louis laughed as he kissed her head.      

"Ohh… shut up, already. No one is jealous" Brina pouted and she palmed her face making Louis laugh even more.      

"Isn't it, baby? Mommy is getting jealous already" Louis said rubbing her belly.      

Brina just looked at him through the reflection of the mirror, her face glowing with happiness.      

It isn't as bad as she thought.      

Louis is quickly getting closer to his child.      

In a few days, he might love the baby as much as he loves her.      

"I will see what you are gonna do if the baby is mother's prince" Brina teased.       

"Let's bet," Louis immediately added.       

"Sure," Brina answered.      

"The bet is, if it is a girl, I get to be on the top for the whole year- ouch.. Hey" Louis stopped when Brina started smacking his shoulder.      

"Won't you think of anything else?" she asked.       

"No." Louis answered, letting her have her fun as she started smacking his arm again.      


Just like Louis insisted, Brina and Louis went to hospital in a chopper, which took them just two minutes.      

The hospital was already closed for the people, so it was only Brina and Louis.      

After one hour of all the check ups for both the mother and child, it took another hour for the reports to come.      

In the meanwhile, Rhianna explained everything to them and gave them the do's and don'ts before explaining them too.      

Louis had many doubts which Rhianna had to clarify to him.       

And, after the reports came, Rhianna declared that Brina and the baby are fine but they need rest very desperately. She suggested Louis take Brina away for vacation, at least for two months.      

To be exact till she finishes her first trimester.      

Later, the nutritionist from Rhianna's team abroad created a perfect diet for Brina and emailed it to Rhianna.     

Of course, that person was unaware of who the patient is.     

And, that's perfectly normal because Rhianna's clients are like that. They keep their identities hidden.      

There is no way her pregnancy will come out till her belly show's up.      



Harry, Luke, Hailey, Daniel, Amelia, Charlotte and Katherine arrived at the palace. And, Rhianna came with Brina and Louis to the palace.      

It's a small celebration party for Brina and the baby.  As these people are trustworthy and would help the couple wholeheartedly, Louis and Brina decided to tell them.       

After all, they want help and support at this moment.      

Even Remus was invited but he declined to come because his movements are being closely monitored by his friend, King James. Remus wanted to keep his relationship with Kingdom Aletros as secret.       

Brina's godmother, Morgana couldn't come as well.     

Her constant trips to the Kingdom would make others suspect what her relationship with them is. So, all I could do is congratulate Brina through the phone.      

When Brina and Louis came back, they were pretty surprised. They didn't see this coming.       

A celebration party?     

His parents arranged all this in a short notice.      

It isn't grand. It is warm and cozy, simply a sumptuous dinner with close ones  However it was enough to warm Brina's heart.       

For her, grandeur doesn't matter at all. All she needs is love and warmth from a family.      

"So, this is the reason you asked me to whom I was willing to tell this new?" Louis asked his brother when he noticed all his trustworthy friends here.      

His best friend from states, Layla was also invited but she was busy in her own underworld businesses.      

"Yep. We wanted to welcome the next heir. I couldn't wait to see my nephew or niece" Ethan cheerfully answered his brother.       

He is the happiest person here.      

He is not going to share his wife with anyone but can pamper and spoil the little baby as the uncle.      

A win win situation.      

"Bro, why don't you give me a niece or nephew. I won't mind both either" Louis said, teasing.       

"Dream on, bro. Don't try to trick me into sharing my wife with the little devil just because you have to do it." Ethan mocked playfully.       

"I already pity you, bro," Ethan added.       

"Don't tease them," Natalie warned.      

"Why not, babe? It's been ages I got to tease this little brother of mine" Ethan chuckled.       

He is totally in good spirits.      

His wife's last check up, proved that his wife is no longer depressed or having mental breakdowns. And, at the same time, he is going to see his niece or nephew, probably both in a few months.      

"Bro Ethan, give me a nephew to play with. And, Bro Ed, I want both nephew and niece" Eliina demanded, making everyone laugh.      

Everyone's banter continued like that and soon two hours passed by. It was already late night, when everyone sat down in the garden, spending time making fun of each other.      

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