Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Will waking up!!

Will waking up!!

She is so, so elated that Louis didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Anyways, as a doting husband he shared her joy and enjoyed seeing her like this.      

And, with Will here, safe under the same roof as hers, she is in total peace and bliss.     

There is no need to make a video call to his doctors and ask about him. She herself can  check on him whenever she wants.     

And, twenty four seven, one of his personal doctor's takes the shifts to monitor him. Even if there are any problems, other doctors are just a few minutes away with all the equipment needed to him.      

Moreover, her time with Louis has become more interesting and mischievous as well. She is totally enjoying it.      

And, there is no day she would let him go without teasing him.       

However, as for Louis, he became very patient with her. But, he would tease her in his own ways as well.       

Overall, her life has everything she needs now.      

Only that there will be a heavy Storm brewing towards her.      


One night…      

It is eleven at night and the couple are in the bed, in the middle of a hot make out session.       

They couldn't go further, so they could only find contentment like this.       

Louis is fervently kissing her neck and shoulders while Brina is holding his head, not able to take the passion.  They were totally indulged in each other, absorbing all the passion.       

And, it was when they got disturbed by a phone call.      

Their flow got disturbed just with one call. So frustrating isn't it?      

Louis sighed and stopped what he was doing. He reluctantly rolled down on his stomach.     

And, by that time, Brina is flushed red and her neck, shoulders are filled with hickeys.      

She was panting heavily with half hooded eyes.     

It instantly turned on Louis again, but he controlled himself and limited it with a kiss on her lips lightly before reaching for his phone.     

"Call from upstairs," Louis said, as he sat down, alert. Brina followed his suite however, she couldn't help but feel anxious.       

Meanwhile, Louis immediately answered the call.      

"What is it? Did anything happen to William?" he asked anxiously.     

Even Louis didn't know when but he started caring for this little guy upstairs as if he is his own nephew.      

"No, sir. It's the other way around. We sensed young masters eyes move. He even made a slightest hand moment too" the doctor immediately informed.      

"The main doctor and others are already on their way. It would be good if you and Madam will be here when he wakes up" he added.       

"We will be there in five minutes," Louis said before ending the call.       

Meanwhile, Brina has heard the conversation as well.      

Louis immediately stood up and quickly  walked into the closet as he brought both of them some clothes to wear.      

And, then, they quickly got dressed up and Brina's hickeys were well covered too, preventing her from putting efforts to hide them.     

She wiped her red face with the wet tissue and combed her hair with her fingers before they hurried upstairs.      

Not too long after, Dr. Lee and his staff hurried as well.       

Layla and her daughter, Meg came as well. She was the one who helped with  the medical equipment and hospital here…     

And, as Seth's former business partner and friend, she felt responsible to take care of him. At least, helping others in taking care of him.      

Moreover, Meghan has been visiting Will. So, she insisted that she will be there when he wakes up.       

And, Layla couldn't say no to her dear daughter because her daughter used to not like any kids of her age.     

This boy William is the first one she willingly got bonded with.      

"Sshh… Sshh… it's okay. Don't be so nervous" Louis comforted his wife as he rubbed her cold hands. She is really anxious!      

"Do you think he will recognize me?" Brina asked.      

"You are not in your disguise too, yeah, he might," Louis said.      

He didn't want to give her false hopes because it's been years and he was just a four years kid when he went into a coma.       

Some kids wouldn't even remember who they are and they would be like babies, needing to be taught everything from starting again.       

"Why am I hoping he shouldn't remember who he is, and who I am to him?" Brina asked Louis.      

Till today she has been avoiding that topic in her mind, but now, she can't. Not any more.      

"You want him to escape the pain of losing his parents and his grandparents, honey. However, we can't decide his fate right? No matter what happens we will be there to help him and support him, okay? Please don't stress out, not at least he woke up" Louis said.      

He was about to continue but stopped in mid way when a small whimper made everyone freeze.      

That sound came from Will.     

Dr. Lee immediately walked to Will's side while Brina stood at the other side. Louis silently stepped backwards.      

It is better if they will not be in his sight. Too many people, especially new people will confuse him.      

Brina tightly held Louis's hand from going away but he just kissed her hand and stepped away. "I will be outside, okay" he whispered before going out.       

He, Layla, Meg, and others stood outside as they looked through the glass frame.      

Anxious of what might happen.      


Will slowly opened his eyes but suddenly closed them again. Though the lighting is dim, he hasn't seen light in years.      

"Slowly, Will." Dr. Lee said.       

The psychiatrist is waiting outside in case Will will have any problem with recognizing people or something like that.      

Everything is already prepared long back. He just has to wake up...     

However, Doctor Lee assured Brina that it won't be the case. He has long back told her that Will's brain was active, albeit not every time but at intervals of time.       

As Dr. Lee was with Will every day he would surely recognize his voice.      

And, as expected, Will followed his orders. He could understand what the people were talking about, so there was no problem with his head.      

It is just that, despite being a seven years old boy, his mindset will be like a five years boy. However, that isn't a problem because he is a bright kid and can catch up with everything in no time.       

His IQ level is very extraordinary.      

Meanwhile, Brina anxiously looked at Will.     

Her eyes followed him every moment like a hawk.      

Will just opened his eyes and the first person he saw is Brina.      

'Aunt Sab' he thought inside. He tried to speak but his throat is so dry and hoarse that he failed to do so.       

When Brina saw his purple eyes looking at her she knew he recognized her. His eyes are     

enough to tell her what he is thinking.       

"Oh, Will baby" Brina choked, her voice cracking.      

Will blinked his eyes and tried to speak but no words came out from his throat.      

"You have been in a coma for two years, Will. It will take some time for you to talk. You can let us know with your gestures" Dr. Lee said.       

Will nodded his head and looked at his aunt.       

'Two years? I was sleeping for two years?' he thought inside. He still remembers that day as if it happened today.      

He remembers how his parents kissed him on his forehead and asked not to trouble aunt Sabrina much.     

He remembers how his aunt Brina didn't even care about herself trying to protect him.  She was even ready to give her life…      

He remembers everything as if it happened yesterday. It was like a long slumber and he woke up from a bad dream.      

How much he wishes it is just a dream!!      

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