Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Sooooo possesive

Sooooo possesive

Brina laughed. "For a troublemaker like me, that military school was so strict" she pouted. "Still I had my own way," he winked.      

"You are still a troublemaker, you know," Louis teased her, remembering how she used herself as bait during the horse riding competition.      

"Am I a troublemaker? I am so obedient, innocent and adorable girl" Brina dramatically answered, making Louis laugh more.       

"Obedient? Sometimes, well, especially when you get into trouble and want to coax me."      

"Innocent? Surely not at night times tho"      

 "Adorable? That I agree. And, a girl? My wife, you are going to become a mother soon. You are an old lady" Louis teased.      

"Dare you say that again, Mr. Edward. I am gonna make your hair white" Brina glared as she smacked his arms continuously.      

"All right, my dear trouble maker, 'young lady'. I will never dare to call you oldie again. But now, back to the story." he reminded her as he hugged her tightly so that she longer smacked him on his chest.      

Brina felt convinced and she nodded her head, before hugging him.      

"Well, Nickolas's sister Nickole and Remus fell in love. But, I kinda had the love triangle" Brina said.       

"Love triangle? Wifey, are you saying that you had two suitors and you liked one of them?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrow.     

"No. No, of course not! I didn't like anyone in that way. James was just a best friend while Nickolas, I don't know about that weird guy though. He was always calm and used to listen to whatever I used to say."     

"As for James, he never showed his feelings but Nickolas was creepy, giving some hints then and there" Brina said.      

"I think Nickolas might have understood James' intention towards me and would have presumed that I would accept his proposal before letting James take me away. I mean, I was close to James who was like me, a troublemaker who loved adventure"      

"Nickolas had made his dad, the former military Chief and Prime Minister of Kingdom Wentris, who was also my dad's best friend to ask for a marriage alliance And, you know the rest of what has happened" Brina said.       

Nick's father asked for alliance and Brina's father couldn't say 'no' directly. So, he said, he was okay if his daughter agreed to the alliance.       

And, this happened in freshman year of both Brina and Nickolas at Alpha academy.      

Meanwhile, James couldn't join Alpha academy because of his father's bad health. As the only son he was forced to become crown Prince at a young age and he had returned to academy after two years of delay.       

In meanwhile, Brina met Louis and before they could have their moment, it was disturbed by Nickolas.      

After that she and Louis were separated...     

And, that year was Louis's last year in academy and he had left the academy after their fall out.      

Taking that opportunity, that very next year, Nickolas made Brina to agree for the engagement by continuously pestering her.      

And, meanwhile Brina didn't see any wrong in accepting it. She loved her mysterious Freund (Louis) but he bailed on her and she didn't see any chance of loving another man any time soon.      

So, she compromised and agreed to Nickolas.      

And, when James found out about it, he couldn't proceed anymore. Given his family burdens, he didn't have time to compete with Nickolas to woo Brina.      

He had something much more serious to do and he lacked time.      


"Wifey, if James would have proposed to you, then, would you have agreed to it?" Louis asked, his voice already coated with vinegar.      

"Well, he is a good person by heart and was more loving towards me. Maybe I would have agreed" Brina intentionally made him more jealous. "Especially, when he shared all my thoughts of 'how to sneak out, have fun…" she added.      

"Was he more loving than me?" Louis asked, already walking on a barrel of vinegar now.       

Only if he would have shared their teenage dats together, he wouldn't have let any other men near her...hmph!!      

He wished for nothing but a time machine now!!      

"Yes, he was loving" Brina pushed her luck more.      

Louis narrowed his eyes and abruptly yet,  gently, he flipped Brina and got on top of her. "It's high time I prove how loving I am" he whispered huskily in her ear and started to tease her relentlessly with his hands.      

"Louis! It's still noon! Everyone is outside and this room is no sound proof" Brina shouted in a hurry, realizing what could happen now.      

Walls are not soundproof. People would be roaming outside in the corridors frequently!      

"I don't mind," Louis grinned.      

He loves throwing dog food, by the way.      


Soon, the two days passed by and Brina was getting ready for the meeting.      

Camilla, her cousin Griffin, James.. They are gonna meet her for the first time after years and they are still unaware she is alive.       

"Are you wearing this?" Louis asked as he inspected her dress from behind, through the reflection of the mirror.      

"What's wrong with this?" Brina asked.       

"Cleavage is a little visible," Louis complained.      

"Then, what about this?" Brina asked, changing the dress.       

"Short," he complained.       

"This?" she asked again.      



"Deep neck"      


"Off shoulder"      

"How about PJ's?" Brina asked, exasperated.      

"You look sexy in them," Louis complained.       

Rolling her eyes, "How about I get an extra large, winter cardigan and trousers?" she asked.      

"That sounds good," Louis grinned.       

However at last, he selected a jumpsuit. Which is beautiful and modest.       

It turned out he was just teasing her.      

And, she is gonna get her revenge later anyways.      

Though he is jealous he knows it is irrational.      

His wife is already his by heart, soul, body and in all the ways possible. And, he would never allow others to snatch her away from him.      

In the first place, Brina wouldn't even entertain it.      


"So, who is that special person,  Nickolas?" James asked as soon as he entered the huge room in Layla's huge mansion.       

"You all need to wait." Layla said.      

"Is that special person someone from Kingdom Aletros?" James asked.       

"Yes. Sort of" Layla answered.      


"Here dear. Drink this warm water" Elora gave Brina the glass. "You guys must have had a rough night. There is so much of noise..hehe" she teased.       

Brina instantly flushed.       

"Babe, you were biting my shoulder so hard that it almost bled. Still…" Louis teased more.      

Brina smacked his arm tightly. "Shut up" she hissed, already red.      

Elora chuckled and left the couple around.       

As soon as they were left alone, Louis pulled Brina into his embrace and buried his face in the crook of her neck and gave a hickey.      

"Edward!! What the hell! I just applied concealer" Brina muttered and tried to push Louis away. "I need to apply again!"      

"No need, wife! I am marking my territory" Louis grinned as he soothed the bitten spot.       

"So possesive!" Brina huffed.     

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