Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Give your relationship a go.

Give your relationship a go.

"Tired, love?" Louis asked as he wrapped his arms around her and made her lean on him.       

"Yeah. A little. Someone didn't let me sleep properly yesterday night so I am sleepy" Brina whispered to her husband as she mischievously smiled at him.      

"You watched a movie till late night and we had early morning love making. I am not the one to be blamed" Louis smiled as he flicked her forehead.      

"Really?" Brina asked as she pecked his lips.      

Louis held her nape and deepened the kiss.      

They totally forgot that others are still in the room.       

King Edgar, Katherine, Remus, Harry, Daniel, Charlotte and Layla are used to this public display of affection.      

Brina's father, Nickolas, James, Griffin and Camilla are still new to this. Mainly Nick couldn't take it.       

As of James, it was not as painful as he thought.      

As Brina is happy and smiling genuinely, he felt a wave of relief flooding him...     

But he felt bad for himself...     

Meanwhile, Nickolas simply averted his eyes.      


James walked out of the room.      

And, when Brina saw James going out she parted herself from her husband's embrace.      

"I need to talk to James privately. I will be back in a few minutes" she said.       

Louis nodded his head and kissed her forehead. "Everyone is going downstairs for lunch. Come there after you both talk" he said.       

Brina smiled and nodded her head before following James outside.      

Louis know when to act jealous and when he shouldn't....       


"James, wait," Brina shouted, making James stop.       


"Are you not happy that you met your best friend again?" Brina asked actually sad that he is bit over her yet....       

"Of course, I am very happy, Sab. It's just too shocking to take in, but, you have at last got what you deserve" he answered, smiling to her.      

"You are totally in love with Edward. I could see that" he added. "And, I am happy that you are happy," he added.      

Brina smiled and gave him a light hug.       

"You deserve to be happy too, James. After what you have gone through to become the King of your kingdom, you deserve a happy life" Brina said.       

"Why did you reject Katherine? She is good." Brina asked.       

Brina knows this is not her position to interfere, but she knows James and Katherine very well. They would never talk out until dome external force forces them to do so.      

She knows she has to be that external force.      

"When I had you in my heart, I couldn't accept others" James straightforwardly said, making Brina speechless.      

"But, you know that I never saw you in that way. You are always my best friend and I loved you as a friend but not in any other way" Brina said.      

James sighed. "I know. I never expressed my feelings for you and when I have mustered up courage to confess, you are already married and pregnant" he said.       

Brina nodded her head.      

"When you love someone or feel like they are interesting and compatible, you need to express it" Brina said, remembering her and Louis.       

That's what Louis did and see, here they are. Very happy and loving.      

If he would have gave up thinking she would never accept his real identity, they would have been in totally different ways and she couldn't even think of her life without her husband now...     

"I know. I should have expressed my feelings for you" James said.      

"I am not talking about me. Your confession wouldn't have changed much because I never felt that kind of feeling towards you James. I never did and I never will. Don't waste time on me. You eill always my best friend"     

"I am talking about Katherine"      

"You rejected Katherine though you felt you could give it a go. How can you reject that idea even before giving it a go?" Brina enquired.      

James sighed. "My bad. I have hurt her after giving her hope. She was like you, character wise, so I got attracted to her. But, I couldn't forget you" he said.       

"You have hurt her badly. She is someone who doesn't care what others think about her. But, once she starts caring for that person, she is rather sensitive by heart. But, she doesn't like to make herself sad if she gets hurt. So, instead, she turn it into hate and anger" Brina said.       

"But, that anger and hatred are so short spanned." she added.       

James nodded his head.       

"What I mean is, her hatred towards you is an indication that she cared for you before." Brina added.       

Before the meeting started, Katherine and Brina had talked about what happened between her and James.      

After that blind date, they met for a few more times, personally.       

Even Katherine's father was happy that she was progressing with the King of another Kingdom.       

And, when James rejected her, telling her that he had not developed any feelings for her, she got hurt. After that, her father didn't insist.       

At the same time, the Bride selection event started, so her father asked her to focus on this rather than James.      

"James, give it a go. You have to move on and believe me, Katherine is worth it." Brina requested him.       

She just don't wants him to dwell on her.      

Brina never thought he was this serious about her.       

She knew he had a crush on her but that was in her teenage years. These things are normal and not serious ones.       

And, after her death, he appeared as if he totally forgot her. That confirmed her that he just had a crush.       

But, who would have thought that he took great risks to help Nickolas in taking revenge for her death?      

He totally shocked her.      

"I will think of it, Sab. And, it's nice to have you back" James said as he looked into her purple eyes.      

And, immediately he averted his gaze.       

He was happy as well as sad.      

If Edward had not come into her life, she would have accepted him, right?      

But, he believes in destiny.       

Moreover, without Edward's involvement, no one would have known that Sabrina is alive.       

They are just meant for each other and that is why they never fell for other person's till now. And, when they met, they couldn't delay their feelings any more.       


"Done?" Louis asked as soon as Brina came down for lunch.       

"Uhm?" Brina confusingly looked at Louis.       

"Are you done matchmaking your best friends?" he asked.       

"Hehe…. you know" Brina giggled.       

"Of course, I know. And, I think, they make a good pair" Louis commented.      

Brina nodded her head. "Yeah, they surely will. And, I am gonna be the Godmother" she cheered.      

Louis didn't know whether to laugh or cry.      

They were not even in a relationship yet, and here his wife is already thinking of their babies!!     

But, it's okay.      

She is just excited and happy.       

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