Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

The 'she' devil.

The 'she' devil.

"Yes, you can hug her as her 'best friend.' But gentle, okay?" Louis said.  "And, who am I to tell? Her husband" Louis said just as a matter of fact but he is grinning inside.      

He walked to his wife and interlaced his fingers with Brina's, to show off their wedding rings.      

James on the other hand is beyond shocked.       

Sabrina is Married?      

He couldn't believe it.      

She take years to confirm a friend as her true friend. How could she marry a person in months of time???      

So, he really couldn't believe that she is married!!      

That too with Prince Edward who is known as the charming and devilishly handsome Prince.       

And, now he understood why Nick sat down there, indifferent and lifeless.      

There is no excitement or delight in him. He is just anxious...     

So, it is because the woman he loves so much is already married!      

What could be worse than this?      

Of course, it would affect him the most.      

At least, he (James) has given up hopes on his love a many years back and yet he could feel the disappointment. No wonder, Nickolas is affected thus devastedly.      


"Louis, aren't you acting very possessive?? It's just a friendly hug right? What could happen?" Brina asked her husband who seems very satisfied with the reactions.      

She could only shake her head.      

"I am not possesive. I am protective! I am protecting our little baby inside, from getting suffocated, okay! And, I said,gentle hug is fine" Louis pouted as he childishly complained, wrapping his arm around her waist.      

Give him an inch and he will have taken it a mile.     

He is clearly declaring that she is his and no one should even think of getting her back.       

They have already failed in protecting her. Now, it's his responsibility to do so.       

Meanwhile, Brina didn't know whether to laugh or cry.      


He is telling that a hug could suffocate the baby.      

Then, does this caution fly away from his mind every night? They do way more than hugging…     

A way more than that!      

"You better remember this at night as well" Brina whispered but that was audible in a pin drop silence room.      

"Babe, I would never hurt our baby" Louis mused. "And, you enjoy it very much as well," he teased .      

The couple just forgot that many eyes are looking at them incredibly.     

Meanwhile, James blinked while he looked at Sabrina and Edward.      

They look so good together, even when they are bantering. He could see that love in both their eyes, which he never saw in her face.       

And, they are married!      

And, she is pregnant!      

Which he never expected.      

Never...not even in his dreams.      

He remembers that Prince Edward got married around four months back. So, the bride is Sab?      

James still couldn't digest that fact.     

No wonder Nick was gloomy, weird and lifeless from a few days.       

But he felt happy for Sabrina. She deserve a person like Edward who would be able to protect her and give her all she deserves.      

More importantly, they love each other whole heatedly.      

Meanwhile, Griffin and Camilla looked at the couple and exchanged looks.       

Camilla couldn't help but laugh at herself. She told Sabrina that she would let Nickolas go if they wanted to get together.       

What a joke.      

Edward is way more powerful and charming.      

Nickolas couldn't be compared to Edward. Not even slightest.      

However, a part of her is happy.      

She loved Nickolas since she was a teenager. She always had a crush on him however, he never spared a look at her. He was all over Sabrina, totally into her.      

And, when he came up with an agreement, she almost jumped in joy. She knows it is just acting, but, at least she would get a chance to be with him and possibly make him love her back.      

Now, as Sabrina is already married and pregnant, Nickolas could never get to reconcile with her.      

"Cough.. Cough… Guys, I don't want dog  food again. I had enough from you people" Remus said, intentionally trying to agitate Nickolas.      

Louis pecked Brina's lips and parted.      

Later, he texted Layla and others to come inside.       


Harry, Remus, Charlotte, Katherine, Daniel, Calvin, Layla,  King Edgar, Brina's father,  King George came inside.       

Remus was already informed that Brina's parents are alive and he had talked with her father as well.       

As for Camilla, Griffin, King James, they already knew this and they were actually helping Nick to protect him.      

Katherine and others had a shock but eventually, they felt happy for Brina.       

Meanwhile, James and Katherine looked at each other with narrowed eyes. Clearly, they didn't expect to see each other here.       

"Kath, you know James?" Brina excitedly asked.       

Brina is actually planning to matchmake them. However, it seems like they already know each other.      

"That dumbass? Yes." Katherine whispered as she glared daggers at him.      

"I am not a dumbass, you termagant."  James hissed from beside.      

"Termagant??" Katherine hissed.       

"Yes, you 'she' devil" James scoffed back.      

"You both, stop a bit. No shouting when I am near, or else I am gonna puke" Brina complained as she closed her ears.      

She is so sensitive to sounds now.       

Louis was busy talking with Layla and Griffin that he didn't notice the silent bickering.      

"Ask that dumbass not to over react" Katherine complained.       

"That she devil is the one who over reacts" James complained.       

"And, Sab, how do you know her?" James asked.       

"Ahh… she is my best friend from academy." Brina answered.      

"How do you know this dumbass?" Katherine asked.      

"Ahh.. he is my best friend from high school" Brina answered.      

"And, how do you know each other?" Brina asked.       

"I was set up to have a blind date with that dumbass by one of our common business partners" Katherine said.       

"Yeah, a very nightmarish blind date" James grumbled.      

"Boring one" Katherine commented.       

'No wonder she is Sabrina's best friend. They have so much in common' James thought. Now he understood why he felt Katherine interesting and amusing.       

She has character and characteristics similar to Sabrina and that was why he felt affinity towards her character.      

Even Katherine felt that he is interesting and good. She was almost ready to proceed....     

However, he said he was not ready to get into a relationship and Katherine, who is prideful, couldn't take the rejection.      

Not that she deseperatedly wanted him but if their blind date was to fail, she wanted to be the one to say no, if she didn't like him.     

However, after many of the failed blind dates she felt him little compatible but he rejected her.      

Since then, they were like Tom and Jerry, bickering like this whenever they used to meet in board meetings of the company of their business partner.      

However, this is not hate or anger.      

They just love bickering.      

'And, sometimes this could lead to love.' Brina thought. A beautiful love just like her brother Seth and sister in law Lillian.        

Brina giggled inside as she listed down another point in her to do list.      

Create incidents to blossom love between her best friend's.      


Later, the meeting stretched for two to three hours.      

They prepared a plan and distributed the works among them. The main motive is to not let Brina take tension and stress.       

"Tired, love?" Louis asked as he wrapped his arms around her and made her lean on him.       

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