Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Who am I? Her husband!!

Who am I? Her husband!!

"We will join you after a few minutes, baby. This is your first time meeting your cousins and 'best friend' after a long time. It is going to be an emotional reunion" Louis said, kissing Brina's cheek.      

Layla has also come out, leaving Nickolas, James, Remus, Camilla, Griffin inside.      

Brina nodded her head gratefully and kissed his cheek before walking towards the meeting room.       

She is wearing a black jumpsuit and her hair is undyed, letting her real hair, platinum silver blond hair bundle up at her shoulders.       

She is not wearing any contact lenses and she changed her hairstyle into her previous one.  She is looking very charming and mind-blowingly alluring.      

"She looks beautiful," Layla said as she looked at Brina who is elegantly looking at her.      

"She is always beautiful." Louis replied.       



Everyone is sitting quietly, waiting for that 'special person' to appear.      

Only Remus and Nick know that it is Brina. However, they didn't tell anyone about it.      

"Why should we wait so much to see that person?" James asked all in sudden. "Is that person some kind of VIP or what?" he scoffed.       

'Much more important than that' Nick thought inside. 'But sadly, she doesn't belong to either of us' he sighed.       

Before anyone could speak further, the doors opened and a beautiful woman walked inside.     

As soon as everyone saw her, they are shocked to their root. They couldn't believe if this is real or not...     

It is Sabrina!!!      

She is looking so gracious and matured. Her appearance totally blew them away in shock.      

Even Nickolas and Remus are affected by her as well.      

This is the first time they are seeing her totally transformed into her old style.  She is looking way more gracious and elegant than their previous Sabrina...     

Meanwhile, Nickolas felt his heart skip a beat.     

He.. He couldn't take his eyes off her. She is that eye catching for him...     

All the past memories he had locked up inside his heart started flooding back. And, all he wanted now is to hug her tightly and take her away from all this mess.      

But he came back to reality when his eyes landed on her stomach, where Edward's children are growing up.     

And, when he saw the ring on her finger, it just reminded him that she is already a wife to another person.      

This is too much of eyesore to him that he averted his eyes...     

What made him remember the harsh reality is the hickey on her neck.     

He never got to do that… it made him more sad and down hearted.      

His Sabrina never allowed him to do so..     

But, here she is, show casing her intimate love with her husband openly...     

What he doesn't know is that Louis intentionally did this to Nickolas...     


Meanwhile, the first person who came out of his reverie is Prince Griffin. He was not very surprised that Sabrina is alive.      

As the closet cousin to her, who is like a second brother to her after Seth, he knows her very well. He had his own suspicions that Brina would be alive. She was tough enough to survive the accidents, sorry, murders like these.       

However, he decided not to search for her. He was aware that it's useless. Once Brina decides to hide, no one could find her. She is that good at sneaking and hiding.      

He would only alert his monstrous father if he tried to search for her. So, all he did is to hope that she would be fine and seek her happiness.      

And, recently, when he saw her in the hospital with his sister Natalie, he knew it's Brina. At least he hoped.       

"Sis, it's been years!" Griffin excitedly cheered as he stood up and hugged her. "I couldn't be any happy than this!!! Sis, welcome back", he said, ruffling her hair and kissing her forehead.      

Brina smiled widely, her eyes glistening with emotions.      

Griffin is the closest cousin she ever had. Someone who has always supported her and stood by her side just like her brother Seth.       

She knew she could trust him with her secret existence but telling him would only endanger him. So, she didn't appear in front of anybody till now.       

"So, how are you, Sisso?" he asked.      

"I am good. How's Selina?" Brina asked.       

"She is safe. She isn't in Kingdom Wentris, don't worry. She is with her parents as her due date is near" he said.      

Meanwhile, Camilla was the second person to swim out of the daze. However, she is utterly shocked that her cousin is alive.      

Yeah, she is happy.       

But, well,  things got awkward between them now… with Nickolas. It is what made her a little uncomfortable.      

She couldn't help but stand there, awkwardly...     

Brina who noticed this is the first one to speak.      

"It's okay, Cam. Just forget the past. It's none of your fault for what happened here. You were a victim too" Brina said as she smiled at her cousin.       

Though Camilla was not that close, she was good by heart.      

Brina remembers how Camilla spoke during Tanya's wedding but, it was all the act to make others believe that they 'loathe' Sabrina.      

She knew Camilla.      

Camilla smiled gratefully and they shared a light hug.      

"Sis, after you return, you can take back what rightfully belongs to you. I kept everything safe" Camilla said.      

For some reason, Camilla couldn't dump the things belonging to Brina.       

Brina's own lake mansion, her own horse, Maximus...everything including her soft toys.       

"And.. Umm… if you and Nick wanted to get together back again, I… I can.." before she could continue James interjected.      

He would never ever allow Nickolas to get Sabrina back! A scum like him doesn't deserve her!!     

He got his second chance, so he will let it go.     

So, in order to stop Camilla from finishing her sentence, he ran to Brina,  "Sab!! I missed you so much!! I couldn't believe you are alive!!" he squealed as he stood up.      

He is about to pull her into a bear hug, when a stern voice sounded from the door.     


With that word, Louis just entered the room.      

He would never allow a bear hug, tight and squeezing. Especially not from someone who has feelings for his wife.      

It's not that he hates James. He is just possessive.       

Meanwhile, Brina could only roll her eyes. She could smell vinegar already!      

James looked at Louis in confusion.       

Why is this person getting agitated when he was about to hug Sab?      

'Don't tell me he is a competitor too' James cried inside.      

"Why did you stop me, Prince Edward? She is my best friend and I missed her. Can't I give a hug?" James asked.       

"And, who are you to stop me?" he straightforwardly asked.      

There is no way he is going to let Sabrina go. In her absence, he understood how much she meant to him.       

"Yes, you can hug her as her 'best friend.' But gentle, okay?" Louis said.  "And, who am I to tell? Her husband" Louis said just as a matter of fact but he is grinning inside.      

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